"Talking teeth": the meaning of phraseology and examples of use

Often you can observe such a scene as one person gently exhorts another. Their dialogue has been going on for some time with varying success, then the one who is being persuaded will cry out: “Why are you talking to me!” Famous story. It is the expression “talking teeth” (the meaning of phraseology) that we will discuss today.

Sorceresses, Sorcerers

to speak teeth the meaning of phraseology

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov is often criticized by professional historians. Like, he says anti- or unhistorical things, he composes fables. We will not touch on the topic that was seething in society some time ago. But some service of his performance will be provided to us. Zadornov likes to say that during the historical development of the language (the satirist uses, of course, other phrases), some words changed their pole. For example, “witch”, “witch” used to be good words, now “witch” is charged more or less neutral, but “witch” is definitely a bad word.

The situation is similar with the expression “Talking teeth”. The value of phraseology was once positive, now it has become negative.

Once upon a time (some people use this method of restoring the forces of the body and now), sorcerers and sorceresses were treated with the help of conspiracies. They spoke of pain, but this was not the only weapon against human suffering. Healers were also well versed in herbs, which allowed them to defeat a variety of human ailments and ailments.

Modern interpretation

Now the expression "to speak teeth" (the meaning of phraseology) is painted in dark colors. The meaning “to distract attention from the important”, “to deceive.” Is invested in it. We will move on to the synonyms of this phrase after examples of usage.

If we combine modernity and history, it must be said that the principle of distraction is preserved at the heart of the expression, but the goals of the witch and the modern deceiver radically diverge: the first healed with the help of distraction, and the second wants to derive some kind of benefit for herself. Once we know the meaning, it's time to move on to the examples.

Teachers during the exam

what does it mean to speak teeth

We try to illustrate the meaning with examples close to each.

Imagine being an exam. Students are mostly not very prepared, but that's how it is. One of the typical youth representatives sits in front of the professor and hesitates, he does not know the answer to the questions on the ticket, but wants to pass it. Fortunately, a negligent student taught something, but he was not lucky, and he is trying to taxi on his own topic.

The further development of events depends on the professor’s disposition: either he is curious and he will observe how the work will end, that is, whether the student can get out, or he will quietly or loudly say to him: “Okay, stop talking to me teeth (the meaning of phraseology was disassembled a little earlier) answer the question. "

Wife scrambling husband's car

talking teeth synonym

Also quite a regular situation. The husband comes home. And he is waiting for a delicious dinner and a suspiciously kind wife. They’ve been married for a long time. And here, vague doubts begin to torment her husband, he tries to ask the missus what happened, what is it, but she bothers and distracts his attention with compliments, and finally the unfortunate car owner who does not yet know how great his grief is, asks my wife’s despair: “I don’t need to speak my teeth, it’s better to say right away what’s wrong with the car!”

We think two examples are enough to answer the question, what does it mean to “speak teeth”. We pass to synonyms.

Synonyms of phraseology

Knowing the meaning of the expression, one can easily find a replacement for it.

For example, the speech revolution in question can be replaced by the following phraseological units: “drive by the nose”, “rub the glasses”, “fool your head”, “circle around the finger”, “dust in the eyes”, “hang noodles on the ears”, “stir up the water” . We will not disclose the meaning of each here, because any of them somehow means "to deceive."

Also suitable are the verbs: "bustle", "distract", "hide", "darken", "do not negotiate" and others.

Sometimes replacements of the phraseological phrase “talking teeth” (a synonym for us at the moment) can serve as whole sentences, but they somehow include those verbs that we quoted a little higher, or their analogues.

Ability to speak teeth and social reality

teeth speak up meaning

For some readers, this will probably be a shock, but public life is lying. And the ability to distract someone’s attention or not to tell the truth is sometimes very important in order to succeed. And here we are not talking about politics. Everything is clear with her, as Michael Carleone said to the US Senator "We all belong to the same world of hypocrisy."

Not only the bigwigs and politicians are deceiving, but in general everything. Husbands lie to wives, wives, respectively, to husbands. Children to parents and vice versa. In a word, as Dr. House said: “Everyone lies!” And not only about the diagnoses, but also totally about everything.

But this does not happen because of the harmfulness of the human race, but because most people do not want to hurt their neighbor’s feelings - the so-called “lie for salvation”. And in this place, in a striking way, two meanings of the expression “speak teeth” merge: the old meaning is to treat, the new meaning is to deceive, distract, but sometimes to deceive and heal, not to hurt - this is the same thing.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11082/

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