Sob River: natural conditions, fishing features, travel tips

A favorite destination for travelers in the Polar Urals is the Sob River Valley. The vast expanse of the imagination, semi-wild nature, cold but crystal clear water and a lot of fresh air - this is what awaits travelers who decided to go there for the first time.


Beautiful river

The Sob River is located in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. Its origins originate from the eastern ranges of the Polar Urals, pass the intermontane slopes through the urban-type village of Kharpi and then flow into the Ob, being its left tributary.

The Sob River, the Polar Urals, is divided into sides that are completely different from each other in terms of geological structure. The pond is located just in its central part. The width of the mountainous terrain from the north reaches 125 km. It is characterized by the separation of valleys with a height of passes in the region of 200 meters. The western side has quite sharp and steep slopes. Southern peaks such as Payer, Telpos-Iz reach a height of up to 1617 m.

A bit of history

River depth

The earliest mention of the reservoir refers to the end of the XI beginning of the XII centuries. The etymology of the name retained Old Russian roots. In the ancient Novgorod dialect, the word "sob" meant "belongings, knapsacks, property."

A supposed explanation for this name is the transport function of the river in those days. Past the mountains of the Urals or the "Stone" (former name) ran a waterway from Europe to Asia. Chinese, Europeans, Persians, Rusichs, Vikings passed here - they looked for traces of the idol “golden woman”. In winter and summer, people carried their belongings, property, and all kinds of other cargoes along the river. The Sob river is still called by the people, "knotty". Later, railways were built along its channel from Seyda Station to Harpa.

Main characteristics

Rocky rapids

The Polar Urals Sob river bends around from the east and up to the confluence with the Ob. The length of its channel reaches 185 km. The width of the reservoir is not the same throughout, and ranges from 30 to 60 meters, expanding to the lower reaches. To the bottom about 1.5-2 m. The total area of ​​the basin -5 892 square kilometers.

The food is mostly snowy. The flood period falls on the hot days of June and July, at which time snowy mountain peaks melt. After prolonged rains, spills are not uncommon. Most often, freezing occurs by the end of October.

The water is very cold, smooth and fairly clear. The upper and middle are a typical mountain river with a turbulent nature of the course, with many rifts. Its speed reaches 5 km / h. One of the steepest rapids is located near the urban village of Harp. The lower part has all the qualities of a flat river, having a gentle coastline, a wide channel, and a slower course.

Hydrography of the Sob river is represented by many different tributaries. Their number is more than 20, including Sormasegan, Yevlychyegan on the left, Harosim, Lupayegan - on the right. However, the main tributaries are Orekhegan (at 83 km), Khara-Matolou (at 74 km), adjacent to the right, as well as Hanmei (at 93 km) and Bolshaya Paypudyna (at 153 km), on the left.

Sob River: climate and nature

River landscape

It is no coincidence that this corner of nature is very popular among many tourists. Surrounded on all sides by mountain peaks, with occasionally melting snow-white cover, the Sob River is fascinatingly beautiful. Low shores and numerous island zones are mostly covered with dense forest. In these places spruce and larch prevail, birch groves and willow thickets are often found. Walking through the forest will not leave anyone indifferent, especially in the second half of the summer months, when the tundra is rich in abundance of cranberries, blueberries, cloudberries, fresh mushrooms. The steep slopes of the valley are mostly treeless.

There are deposits of unique natural resources in the basin, such as uranium, jade, marble, barite, jasper and others. Periodically, high-quality gravel and sand is mined in the floodplain of the river .

The Sob River combines the harsh climatic conditions of the Siberian anticyclone and European air vortices. Therefore, this region has cold, but very snowy winters. A constant strong wind determines the nature and speed of the river. Temperature indicators are also unstable, and can be different in the mountains and on the plain. In winter, the average temperature is minus 20 ° C, but often the scale on the thermometer drops to minus 40 ° C. Spring, autumn and summer are very short. Several pleasant summer days can be abruptly interrupted by torrential rains, hail and intolerable cold.

Despite the fact that the water is icy almost all year round, life is in full swing in the pond. A diverse river fauna, where the most valuable species of fish are found, is a permanent place for both summer and ice fishing. The nature of the Urals is able to bestow not only local residents, but also numerous travelers and tourists.

Types of tourism

Sob River

Possessing a truly picturesque coastline mostly represented by mountainous areas, the Sob River is very popular among adventurers.

Traveling is of particular interest to ecotourism lovers. Grandiose landscapes and polar landscapes allow vacationers to appreciate the truly wild and almost untouched beauty. Having made a hike along the Sob River, you can appreciate the unique views of the surrounding natural sites. Most often, ecological tours include expeditions to mountain peaks located along the coastal zone. From a height, in a particularly charming view overlooking the amazing expanses and icy expanse of water.

One of the most famous hills where tourists like to visit is the Rai Is Plateau. Here, among the mountain lakes and jade waterfalls, you can only forget about everything and enjoy the beauty. Another natural site, which also will not leave anyone indifferent, is a waterfall on a stream - Northern Nyrdvomenshor.

An integral interest for tourists is the water fauna of the area. It is represented by various types of fish, among which there are many valuable and specially bred species. With regard to water fishing, this area is particularly interesting.

However, the polar exotics of Yamal attracts tourists not only with fishing. It attracts tourists with the extraordinary purity of ponds and fresh air. One of the most popular and exciting types of pastimes is rafting along the Sob River. Usually it is performed on catamarans.

Everyone can choose for themselves a travel package. It is necessary to prepare documents and make an exciting journey under the strict guidance of an experienced guide. Along the Sob River, a single swim is also possible.

The most suitable time for this type of vacation is the flood season, which falls on the first days of June. At this time, there is still practically no midge, the water is receiving well, the weather is not so severe. And if you plan a trip for the last summer months, you can enjoy not only beautiful nature, but also stock up on berries and mushrooms for the winter.

Fishing features

Fishing on the Sob river is just the right fit if a visiting traveler is interested not only in the catch itself, but also in the amazing atmosphere around.

The Ural region is famous not only for the abundance of mushrooms, berries, but also for its rich aquatic fauna. Spending time with good outdoors and catching large fish for vacationers is not difficult. Here you can catch grayling, pike, taimen. Even despite the popularity among visitors of this particular type of tourism, fish in these places is not transferred. Everyone can take a decent catch without experiencing any competitive pressure.

At the beginning of the route, up to the tributary of Khara-Matolou, grayling is mostly found. However, fish can be quite picky, but patience and a special approach will bring considerable results.

Further at the mouth you can take a short rest, go up to the rapids of Gagarin and Titov. Fishing on this interval of the route is notable, grayling swims "right in the hands." Ponds below the tributary will be a real gift for pike lovers. This is where you can count on a large catch. The average individual weighs 6-8 kg, but it is often found quite heavy, weighing up to 12 kilograms.

It is possible that fish species such as a spade, chir, musk, nelma, and sturgeon can be hooked, since the Sobsky fish-breeding plant operates in Harp territory, which is engaged in increasing the population and restoring the most valuable fish species in the Lower Ob basin.

Water route

Shallow river

The Polyarny Ural railway station on the Sob River, or 101 km, is the starting point of the water route. The final destination is the urban village of Harp.

The length of the swim is 46 kilometers and a total of about two days. Along the left bank along the route, there are railway tracks. The upper reaches are rather small and often can be stranded, therefore, often manual transport of water is used at the very beginning of the journey. This point should definitely be taken into account and, going on the road, take along boots with a high boot, so as not to get wet and dangle in ice water.

Having reached the tributary of Bolshaya Paypudyna, you can enjoy the surrounding beauties already sitting in a catamaran.

The left tributary of Khamney is even more full-flowing, the width of its channel is up to 60 meters, and the rifts become deeper. Further on the right side there are other tributaries, one of the largest - Khara-Matolou, reaches a width of 200 meters.

Features of the river near the village of Harp

Not far from the village of Kharp on the Sob River, on the left coastline, there is the so-called Kharp three-step threshold, 500 meters long, with many scattered stones. These features provided the reservoir with the second category in terms of difficulty overcoming.

Throughout the surface of the water there are large lonely standing stones, shiver, small islands of pebble embankment. The depth of the river is heterogeneous, starting from 30 centimeters in the upper reaches and reaches two meters along the tributaries.

Making a single rafting on the Sob river, the classic route can be continued to the mouth, where the reservoir flows into the boundless waters of the Ob, to the fishing village of Katravozh. From there, having agreed with the locals about the boat, it is easy to get to the river ports of Salekhard and Labytnangi.

Path to the valley

River surroundings

To get to the treasured route is possible only by rail. Or in another way, if you are the owner of an all-terrain vehicle.

Rail transport in that direction goes either from Moscow or from Vorkuta. It is best to get to the starting point of a tourist expedition by train Moscow - Labytnangi. Another option is to start your journey with Vorkuta. You can also get to it by train, which goes along the route from many cities, including Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Adler and others. The long-distance train of Vorkuta-Labytnangi leaves every day and takes the tourist to the first stop - “Sob”. Starting from the headwaters past Harpa and ending with the mouth near the fishing village of Katravozh, the route is more than 150 kilometers. By boat, local residents can get along the Ob to Labytangi to the railway station.

It should be borne in mind that the proximity to the Arctic Ocean in close proximity makes the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug a border zone. And this, in turn, implies for vacationers compliance with certain conditions, namely the design of a special pass. However, this procedure is not quick, and therefore you should worry in advance. The paperwork is handled by the FSB border control. For citizens of the Russian Federation, permits are issued within a month, and foreigners will have to wait about 60 days.

Tips and tricks for novice travelers

In order for the vacation to become truly memorable, choose the summer months for the trip to the Polar Urals - June, July, August.

Ensuring productive pastime and safety during the trip is determined by a number of important conditions, including:

  • the presence of comfortable, warm clothes and shoes;
  • UV glasses and a protective cream for the body;
  • correctly selected equipment depending on the complexity and duration of the route;
  • mosquito nets and ointments;
  • a well-thought-out diet for the entire period of stay (in no case do not drink alcohol).

You should move around the territory only in clear weather and good visibility. When experiencing an uncomfortable state or feeling bad, you always need to stop and make a small halt.

Swimming or even washing in the river is dangerous. The water is icy, the bottom almost all along the perimeter is rocky and slippery, and the flow reaches 6 m / s. It is also not recommended for beginners to set off on their journey in complete solitude, as cases of injury or loss of orientation are not excluded.

During the campaign, you cannot deliberately create provocative and dangerous moments for yourself and others.

In the event of a difficult emergency and the inability to resolve the problem on your own, it is important not to lose your temper. Try to find as soon as possible a way to inform the rescuers about their situation and not change their location before their arrival.

You can experience indescribable feelings and get a storm of positive emotions, even as an absolute beginner, without experience or a knowledgeable guide nearby.

To get some knowledge about the area, you must use any available means of modern information technology. And only after studying the detailed reports of regular tourists, taking with you the necessary things and equipment, including navigation, you should go on the road. The main condition for the implementation of any idea or a cherished dream is a strong desire, which requires maximum efforts, and then everything will certainly work out.


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