Breast pump Avent: how to express milk quickly and comfortably

With the birth of a baby in the life of a newly minted mother, there is a lot of trouble. Caring for a baby and feeding it takes a lot of energy. Breast pump Avent is an indispensable assistant that can greatly simplify the process of breastfeeding.

Why do you need a breast pump?

breast pump avent

Today, pediatricians and obstetricians around the world are unanimous that breast milk is the best food for a small child. That is why all maternity hospitals actively support natural breastfeeding.

Almost always, a mother has the opportunity in the first hours of her baby’s life to attach it to her breast and, with the help of specialists, establish successful feeding.

In the usual situation, when the mother and baby are healthy, the need for pumping is completely absent. But there are times when you just need a breast pump.

  • The baby was born prematurely. Premature babies are too weak, and breast sucking requires considerable energy costs. In this case, the baby is often fed from a bottle or syringe. In the presence of a breast pump, a woman can provide her baby with her milk.
  • Lack of milk. Even a healthy woman may experience “milk crises”. These are the moments when the baby is short of milk. To enhance its production, it is often necessary to apply the baby to the chest and periodically express milk.
    avent breast pump
  • In the mammary glands formed stagnation of milk. This happens when there is an excess of milk or improper application of the baby's breast. To relieve inflammation and remove stagnation, you need to express milk. The Avent breast pump in this case also massages the breast, which will help to quickly cope with the problem.
  • A woman needs to leave for a long time. If the mother will not be next to the baby for more than three hours, then he needs to leave food. Dad, grandmother or nanny will be able to feed baby milk from the bottle.

Avent Breast Pump - Bestseller

Philips offers two types of Avent breast pump - mechanical and electric. Let's talk more about each of them.

Avent mechanical breast pump works with the help of a special piston, when pressed, milk is drawn. The kit includes a breast pump itself, a bottle for collecting milk and a silicone massager. It is the last element that makes Avent the most popular among young mothers. The massager is a silicone nozzle with five petals. With its help, it turns out to affect all milky sinuses, which improves milk production and makes the pumping process incredibly simple and convenient.

electric avent breast pump

Avent electric breast pump is a novelty in the market of products for mothers and children. It is somewhat more expensive than its mechanical predecessor, but the price is fully justified. Pros of an electric breast pump:

  • Mom does not have to make any effort when expressing.
  • An electric breast pump is capable of pumping in various modes, which contributes to an excellent outflow of milk.
  • It is also possible to memorize the pump program for later use.

How to use Avent Breast Pump

  • Wash your hands and the appliance thoroughly.
  • Gently massage your fingers across the entire surface of the chest to stimulate milk production. You can also pre-stand under a warm shower. Often help thoughts about the baby, if he is not nearby. For those who have the opportunity to chat with the baby at the moment, we recommend taking it in your hands. Such little things help a lot. Already during hugs with a crumb you can feel how the iron is filled with milk.
  • Lean forward a bit and press the breast pump cup firmly against your chest so that the nipple is pointing exactly in the hole in the middle.
    avent electric breast pump
  • If the breast pump is mechanical, then do 5-7 quick and short presses on the piston to ensure that the milk escapes. The electric appliance will do everything by itself.
  • When the milk begins to come out of the breast with powerful jets, start the pumping process with slow and long movements.
  • After expressing, rinse thoroughly all parts of the instrument.
  • Strained milk can be stored in a bottle or special container for 24 hours in the refrigerator or 3 months in the freezer.


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