Capsule hair extensions: reviews and consequences

Long hair goes to absolutely any woman, especially if it is thick and beautiful. Fortunately, the modern world provides an opportunity not to grow curls for several years, but to do it in a couple of hours thanks to advanced building techniques. Capsule hair extensions have become a real breakthrough in technology to lengthen them. The popularity of the procedure is growing every day, and there are more and more people who want to quickly and efficiently lengthen their curls. This is because, unlike other techniques, capsule building is distinguished by sufficient strength and durability. And also, most importantly, easy and safe execution of the procedure. The success of this build-up directly depends on the accuracy of the combination of natural and extended strands. But this factor depends only on the hands of the master.

Who can build up?

The primary rule is that capsule extension is carried out on the hair, the length of which is not less than 5 centimeters. Such technology does not have restrictions on the color of hair of a hair; it suits both blondes and brunettes. The essence of the procedure is to connect your hair with donor hair using small capsules that are made of natural polymer. The master personally forms small capsular strands at a distance of no more than 2 mm from the roots of natural hair. On average, about 200-250 strands fall on one hair, the duration of the procedure can reach 5 hours, depending on the scale of work. Many women are sure that capsule building is worthless just because the capsules will be noticeable, but they all turn out the same color as natural hair, so it’s extremely difficult to notice small capsules of 2 mm in size. Also, do not panic that the strands will fall off at the most inopportune moment, the fasteners between hair extensions and native hair are quite durable. Many people are interested in the question of how many capsules are needed for hair extensions, on average 150-200 pcs can be dispensed with.

Natural hair

What capsule extension techniques exist?

Like any extension techniques, the capsule method has its own varieties. Judging by the reviews, the most popular were Italian and English technologies. They should be understood in more detail. Each technique uses natural hair for capsule extensions.

Italian technology

The essence of Italian technology lies in the fact that the procedure uses preformed strands with small capsules. And the build-up procedure is as follows: the capsules are heated, under the influence of heat, the keratin from which they consist becomes softer, due to which the master forms droplets that hold together donor and natural strands. If the master uses special forceps, then the capsules will be flat, if he makes them manually, then round. After the keratin hardens again, small flat or round capsules are not visible at all and do not cause any discomfort. Due to the fact that the capsules are made of keratin, they do not harm natural hair. Hair extensions accented by Italian technology can last at least 4 months, however, the hairstyle requires minimal correction. After the capsule building up according to Italian technology, you can not be afraid of any temperature changes, or going to the pool, the beach or the bathhouse. This technique is used to build on any part of the head, whether it is the back of the head or whiskey. Using Italian technology, you can also lengthen a bored bang. If you are wondering how many capsules you need for hair extensions, then, for example, in the photo below, 160 capsules were needed to complete the procedure.

capsule building

English technology

This technique is the standard for hot building. And the method is quite complex, unlike the Italian one. And if in the previous technology locks were already formed, then in the English master does it manually. The following components are used for this: organic refractory resin, which includes a large dose of keratin, and a special gun with glue. In this technique, only natural hair is used, and the locks formed by the master can be of absolutely any density - this is the main advantage of English technology. Carefully choose the master for the English building, because the result of the work depends only on the hands of a professional. Poorly fixed capsules will fall out after combing, and may even fall off at the most inconvenient time. Capsules should not exceed the grain size of rice. If the master performed the work in accordance with the rules, then the capsules should be completely invisible even to the touch. In comparison with Italian technology, English has the following disadvantages: the strands can β€œslip”, are less resistant to sudden changes in temperature, so you will most likely have to refuse the bath, and due to the fact that the master collects the strands himself, the capsules can be of different sizes. Because of this, it is difficult to build up, for example, bangs.

extension for brunettes

Microcapsule technology

Capsules used in Italian technology are visually invisible in the hair, but they can be felt when touched. This can be a problem if your boyfriend, for example, is not aware that you have hair extensions. In order to avoid embarrassing situations and reduce the load on your own hair, you can resort to the microcapsule building procedure. Thin strands and microcapsules are used for this technique. This technology allows you to grow hair and make the junction of your own hair and hair extensions completely invisible. This method is especially fond of the owners of weak, thin and dry by nature curls. Feedback on microcapsule technology is very positive. Most of all, such a procedure will cost residents of Moscow, but, for example, in Yaroslavl capsules for hair extensions are much cheaper.

natural building

When to make a correction?

Despite the fact that the technology is completely harmless and is particularly durable, you still have to turn to correction procedures. This is because their own hair still grows, due to which the capsules slowly but surely fall down. Depending on the speed of hair growth (this may be after 2, or maybe after 4 months), there is a need for correction. For this, the capsules will have to be softened and removed again. Then the specialist must carefully comb out the hair to get rid of the remaining particles of keratin and resin. Then there is a re-building. It is important that before the procedure begins, rinse your hair again with a degreasing shampoo. The advantages of the correction are that the same donor curls can be used several times. A complete replacement is recommended after a year and a half. Inexpensive hair extensions with capsules can be done if you turn to a beginner who trains his skills.

extension for blondes

Benefits of capsule extension

Like all technologies, capsule extensions have their advantages and disadvantages. We will deal with the first:

  • First of all, it is an opportunity to grow hair in any zone and even fix an unsuccessfully cut bangs.
  • Suitable for any type of hair, without harm and unexpected results.
  • Such hair does not bring discomfort and does not feel at all, regardless of size.
  • Hair looks exactly like natural.
  • After building, there are no restrictions on the procedures that can be performed on the hair. Be it all sorts of styling, coloring and a variety of hairstyles. Capsules can withstand everything.
  • You do not need to adjust the strands on a monthly basis, and the hair does not actually comb out.
  • Durability and complete harmlessness.

At the moment, capsule building is considered the most popular technique. You can buy capsules for hair extensions in Moscow in any professional store.

capsule extension

Cons capsule building

In addition to the obvious advantages, the technique has its drawbacks:

  • Native hair is exposed to heat.
  • Hair must be combed thoroughly so that it does not tangles.
  • With the English technique of building should beware of too high temperatures.
  • Extension should not be carried out by those who have allergies, skin diseases, tumors, which are accompanied by hair loss.
  • The procedure is forbidden to those who suffer from headaches and arterial hypertension.
  • High price.
hair extension

On this, the list of minuses ends, and it clearly loses to the many advantages of the capsule building technique. If you want to grow hair that will look fresh and natural, and also do no harm to either native hair or scalp, this extension technique will be the perfect solution.

Consequences and reviews on capsule building

Like any hair related procedure, capsule extensions can have different consequences. However, these consequences depend solely on how you monitor the condition of the strands during the wear process. If you believe the reviews, capsule building does no harm if the hair is carefully looked after and taken care of their health.

Reviews about capsule building can be found very different. And, as practice shows, customer satisfaction with the work depends only on the hands of the master. If high-quality materials were used, and the rules of technology were observed from beginning to end - a thick head of hair without harmful consequences is guaranteed. Girls who have come to an unscrupulous master, note that the hair can fall out, and the extension may be too noticeable for others.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, a correction procedure should be carried out in a timely manner and hair should be properly taken care of.


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