Heuristic thinking: concept. Creative thinking

Have you ever thought about the methods that you use to solve a particular problem? Not? Then the time has come. There are several approaches to solving complex and everyday problems. One of them implies logical thinking, and the other - heuristic thinking. Read about the creative approach to solving problems below.


heuristic components of thinking

Heuristic thinking is a way of solving problems that uses a non-trivial approach. In order to solve a particular problem, a creative person will develop his own approach based on the knowledge already in his head. This method, although it does not save power and uses all the resources of the brain, but allows you to improve imagination, thinking and develop memory. The concept of heuristic thinking is based on the knowledge that a person already has. Thanks to their use, it is possible to create a synthetic approach that was not known to mankind or to a specific individual before. How does the process of heuristic thinking occur? It is easiest to observe this kind of development of an idea with the help of leading questions that the individual asks himself. Thanks to the application and finding of answers similar to their task, it will be easy to draw a conclusion in any related field. Moreover, this technique can be used not only in relation to creativity, but also in the exact sciences. It is enough to recall the lessons of geometry, where the conclusion of one theorem was based on another.


As you already explained above, thinking is different. Moreover, even one type is divided into various types and forms. Thinking is a complex process that has been studied for many centuries. But unfortunately, very little is known about the brain and the processes taking place in it. But the types of heuristic thinking are reliably known, based on observations of the reactions of numerous people of different cultures, nationalities and religions:

  • Visual action. A person can come up with something based on his visual observation. This kind of heuristic thinking is common to all children. They watch adults, but not only copy their actions, but try to synthesize what they see in order to achieve any goal. For example, a child can see how mom puts on her shoes. The girl will also try to put on her mother’s heels, but her leg will hang out. Therefore, the child can put on his shoes, and then already on her mother. Thus, the girl will succeed in solving a rather simple problem in a non-trivial way.
  • Clearly shaped. This type of thinking is used not only by adolescents, but also by visual people. Those individuals who find it difficult to construct something in their heads do it on paper or in plasticine. For example, an engineer, before deciding how to build a house, should consider its design. It will be impossible to make accurate calculations in the head, so he will begin to invent new methods of overlapping on paper that were not used before.
  • Abstract theoretical. People with advanced imaginations can think and formulate ideas in their heads. To do this, they do not need paper or plasticine. All calculations and calculations of the task will lie on paper already in the finished version.

Components of thinking

heuristic type of thinking

Few people think about what is involved in the nature of the generation of thought. What are the components of heuristic thinking?

  • Memory. First of all, human memories are involved in this process. The more of them, the better the imagination will be developed. Knowledge also plays an important role. It is easier for an intellectual to come up with a new approach to solving a problem than a student who has not received secondary education.
  • Imagination. If we take into account that heuristics is a science that develops creative approaches to solving problems, then we can understand that a person uses imagination in this process. It is she who helps to create something new and unprecedented.
  • Thinking. Imagination and memory help a person come up with something completely new. How is this process going? A person reflects on something, synthesizes knowledge, enriches it with imagination and applies the invented approach to solve a particular problem.

Thinking style

How can a person invent something new? Each individual is characterized by his own approach to creativity. After all, heuristics is a science that studies the methods and ways of how a person makes discoveries. What styles are thinking divided into?

  • Expressive. Spontaneous creativity is the basis of any kind of invention, discovery and creation of creative ideas. Man creates in order to create. An individual can find inspiration for his ideas and discoveries anywhere: at home, on the way to a store or in public transport. An idea comes spontaneously and requires immediate reflection and implementation.
  • Productive. This kind of thinking is controlled by man. The idea is well thought out and specified in advance. A person does not do anything spontaneous, although he does not refuse the possibility of creative manifestation of his nature. Creative vision of a problem is always expressed in productive thinking.
  • Inventive. Inventive thinking is not common to all people. It is mainly present among designers, architects or designers. People independently adjust their thinking to the desired wave, so that it is easier to enter the working state.
  • Innovative. A person may not reinvent the wheel, but upgrade it. Such a process is also called creative, but nevertheless this creativity is specific, although necessary for the development of our society.


heuristic style of thinking is

Heuristic thinking can work at different levels. How a person thinks depends on him and on his personal abilities and qualities:

  • Width. To make an innovation in any field, it is not necessary to study it thoroughly. You can use the knowledge that a person has in related fields. For example, when a person wants to build a dog house for a dog, he does not have to study what a house for a pet should look like. He can come up with a form and method of construction based on the knowledge available on the construction of residential buildings.
  • Depth. If a person wants to make an innovation in a specific field, for example, in the field of logo design, he should study well the history of the creation of brand names and their development. Digging wide is optional in this case. Depth will be important here.
  • Rapidity. It is always important how much time a person needs to solve a particular problem or to cope with a goal. If he can make his brain work fast and formulate good ideas, he will be able to become a creative person. But slow-thinking can not be called a creative person. So work not only on the quality of the idea, but also on the speed of its creation and execution.

Receptions of thinking

A heuristic type of thinking is quite common among creative people. In what ways are these people used to solve their problems?

  • Reception An action that is performed to achieve a goal. In the heuristic type of thinking, the technique implies the synthesis of previously seen actions and its rethinking into something new.
  • Method. A way to achieve this goal through a combination of several techniques specially developed for this purpose. Actions, techniques and theories are developed on the basis of something familiar, but the result is an innovative approach.
  • Methodology The combination of several methods to achieve the goal. For each specific task, its own methodology is developed. This is a kind of path that a person must go in order to develop his universal way to achieve the goal.
  • Methodology. The structure of methods that are combined to solve one task.

The processes

creative creative thinking

Heuristic style of thinking is a unique creative approach to solving a problem. To develop a specific structure of thinking, you need to follow a well-defined pattern. Despite all the creativity, the thinking processes of all people are the same:

  • The origin of a problem or idea. At the first stage, a person gets acquainted with a problem or creates an idea. Image, decision and structure are not yet defined.
  • Analysis. A man compares the different approaches that worked with his colleagues. He is looking for the most successful ways to solve his problem by processing and refining other people's ideas.
  • Synthesis. A mixture of various conclusions that were found at the last stage helps a person to form and determine the vector of development of a solution to a problem.
  • Concretization. The problem takes on a real shape, and a clear and logical way to eliminate it is determined.

Formation Conditions

Creative creative thinking is possible only under the influence of certain factors. What exactly contributes to the manifestation of a non-trivial way of thinking?

  • Positive motivation. A person must know exactly the reward that a solution to a problem or the formation of an idea will bring him. It can be both monetary reward and moral satisfaction.
  • Interest. The individual should be interested in solving the problem. A person will be able to find motivation to work only if solving the problem in any way will help his personal or professional growth. A person is able to work on something that brings him pleasure for a long time. Therefore, if you want to create something, be sure to think about what you get in return for the time spent.
  • Creativity. Creative approach is a prerequisite for the development of creative thinking. Thanks to non-standard methods and syntheses of standard methods for solving the problem, the individual finds new theories and immediately tests them in practice.


Do you believe in a testing system? Psychologists say that it can help to find out about your personal qualities and find out the strengths and weaknesses. Tests for thinking and creativity are different. But they all have to cope with two tasks:

  • Analysis of life experience. Each person developed, raised and grew up in different conditions, and it was they who left their mark on how a person thinks. Life values, experience and knowledge play an important role in the formation of a creative idea. A person will fight over those issues, the solution of which he considers to be truly important.
  • Analysis of personal thinking. Personal preferences play an important role in the perception of this world. Life experience, books read, emotions and impressions - all this leaves a definite imprint on how a person thinks and what he considers a priority.
heuristic thinking

One of the simple tests for thinking is given above. The picture shows two figures. You need to supplement them so that you get some kind of intelligible form. It can be a living creature or a small plot like an illustration. The following are examples of how creative people dealt with this task.

heuristic is

If you also drew some kind of plot, then you can assume that your creative thinking is very well developed. The more detailed the image, the better for you.


heuristic techniques of creative thinking

A person learns heuristic techniques of creative thinking over time. They are not laid in the head of a man since childhood. Therefore, if you are deprived of creative thinking, do not worry. It lends itself to development. What can be done in order to become a little more spontaneous and creative? The development of heuristic thinking implies some purpose. You must understand exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it. You can do something for fun, but tracking the outcome of such a process will be difficult. Therefore, try to formulate the goal of your aspirations. When you have a goal, motivation will come. In order to increase your creativity, you need to practice daily. For example, you can come up with some ideas to improve your life. Examples can be a lot. How was the multicooker invented? This assistant, indispensable for many housewives, appeared in their house due to the fact that a smart engineer was able to combine the pan, microwave, oven and double boiler into a single whole. Try and you invent something similar.

One way to develop creative thinking is to brainstorm. You should quickly throw any ideas for improving this or that subject. If you cannot do this right away, then at the first stage write down those properties that you would like to see in your invention. Now combine the beneficial properties into one component, and you will get a universal invention.

And how can creative thinking be developed in children? There is a very simple method. This is done through associations. The adult tells the child any word, such as "home." The child must make any line of nouns from 5-6 points. For example: home - garden - trees - apples - juice - health. You can improvise with the task and give the first and last word. And the intermediate part will need to be filled in by the child.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11129/

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