Where is it better to live in Kiev? Tips & Tricks

If you choose housing in the capital of Ukraine, you will probably be interested in the question of where it is better to live in Kiev. At first glance, the central regions - Pechersky or Shevchenkovsky - seem to be the most attractive. But not many people like the abundance of elite new buildings and noisy evening bustle. Other neighborhoods are famous for the high crime rate or unimaginable apartment prices. It's time to figure out in which area it is better to buy real estate, and where to live well in Kiev.

where is it better to live in Kiev

Crime level

In general, it can be noted that the crime rate in the capital has fallen. In 2014, the situation with murders and accidents worsened due to revolutionary unrest, but overall the level of robberies and apartment thefts decreased. Compare the number of crimes by district using the following figure:

where in Kiev to live well

According to police statistics, the most peaceful in terms of crime are the Pechersky and Darnitsky districts. It is not scary to walk in the evenings, in recent years there have been no serious cases of offenses. And where is it better not to live in Kiev? Many believe that it is better to bypass the Dnieper region. In this county there is a high risk of being robbed or stabbed to death in the gateway. Svyatoshinsky follows him. It is surprising that stereotypes and legends frighten people to settle in Troieschyna. But for many years this area has been considered relatively calm and occupies only fifth place in anti-rating. A huge number of minor crimes in the form of theft of wallets and mobile phones is recorded in the Shevchenkovsky district. This is due to the large concentration of people during working hours, which attracts thieves and bandits.

The division of the districts of Kiev in concentration and the number of crimes committed can be traced using the figure:

where in Kiev live well new buildings

Overall rating

Analyzing those areas of Kiev where it is better to live, you need to consider many nuances. In our opinion, the most important are the number of educational institutions for preschoolers and children aged 7 to 17 years, clinics, the availability of the subway, the total number of crimes and the price of an average apartment in a new house. Based on this, the following table was obtained:


Schools / 1000 people

Clinics / 1000 people

Metro stations


Wed cost of 2 rooms Apartments, $






104 800






135 850












112 750
























192 000













Based on the data collected, a rating of the districts of Kiev was built, where it is best to live in the city. It is presented in the form of the following diagram:

where is it better to live in Kiev or Moscow

Consider what other significant advantages and disadvantages each of the districts has. We will name the best areas of Kiev. Where better to live, everyone still has to decide for himself.

Svyatoshinsky district

According to the rating, the best district of Kiev is Svyatoshinsky. At first glance, this seems surprising, because from year to year the people of Kiev complain about the broken roads that completely surrounded Victory Avenue and Koltsevaya. And far from everyone is satisfied with the work of ZhEKs.

But it is in Svyatoshinsky district that there are most of all β€œgreen” zones where you can walk with your child and spend a pleasant time. On the territory of the district 1004 janitors go to work daily. And these are just additions to low crime rates, low housing prices and the availability of schools and clinics.


Understanding where it is better to live in Kiev, it is impossible not to mention the Solomensky district. A serious minus is the fact that the problem village of Zhulyany is located here, which is constantly flooded in the spring. The district is quite busy, there are major highways connecting all the most important points of the city. Constant traffic jams also upset.

But the benefits overlap many inconveniences. Residents note that they are satisfied with the work of public utilities, because there are as many as 150 ZhEKs here. And there are a huge number of markets in Solomenki. By the way, food prices here are significantly lower than in other districts.


Troyeshchina always scared. Perhaps, once the most important robbers of the capital really lived here, but now everything has changed dramatically. The crime rate is quite low, housing prices are still encouraging. So feel free to choose Troieschina if you are looking for where to live well in Kiev. New buildings in the area offer apartments on average for 90 thousand dollars. This is the lowest figure in the capital. And you can rent a house at a ridiculous price - 518 dollars a month.

the best areas of Kiev where it is better to live

Darnytskyi district

Darnitsky district is quite large in area. It is cozy and comfortable, good communication with the center, because in the district there are 7 metro stations open. In addition, in our ranking, the district has average and fairly good indicators. Real estate prices are low, as well as the cost of products in the markets. The biggest plus of this area is that there are almost never traffic jams.

Of the minuses - in such a large territory there are only 10 housing offices. This is quite small, given that you need to serve almost a small town.

Podolsky district

Do not think about where it is better to live, in Kiev or Moscow. Both capitals deserve the highest ratings. They are beautiful, have developed infrastructure, comfortable for living and promising in terms of career. Both in that and in another city there are minuses and pluses, as, for example, in the Podolsky district of Kiev.

It is called the "heart of Kiev", because it is on Podil that all the most interesting cultural and historical sights are located. This is the most important center of tourist life. But go shopping here is not worth it. There is only one shopping and entertainment center for the entire hem. But the social infrastructure is very well developed . 34 kindergartens, 41 schools and 12 clinics. There is nowhere to rest in the parks. Throughout the entire territory there are only three green zones. This mainly affected the low rating.

Obolonsky district

This is a great place for family life. Obolonsky district has the lowest crime rate and many kindergartens and playgrounds. Of the minuses, a fairly high level of prices for new housing and rental apartments can be distinguished. In the mornings, the streets of the district are busy, traffic jams are not uncommon. But you can always get to work by metro, as 5 stations are open in the area.

Despite the fact that there are 6 markets here, it is not enough for residents. The population often complained about the abundance of food stalls and the lack of parking spaces, which is why cars have to be parked directly on the lawns. These two reasons lead to constant dirt and noise in the streets.

Dniprovskyi district

Dneprovsky district is the green center of the capital. Here are the favorite places of residents and visitors of the city - Trukhanov Island and Hydropark. But choosing where it is better to live in Kiev, people try to bypass this area. In principle, it is quite comfortable here and the prices of food and apartments are low. Yes, and traffic congestion is low. But the crime rate is above average, and local residents constantly complain about the lack of kindergartens and clinics. So, if you have children, it recommends a closer look at another option.

the best district of Kiev

Shevchenkivskyi district

With it begins the whole of Kiev. You can’t come to the capital and not visit its very center. But this district is hardly suitable for a quiet family life. It is always noisy, there are many tourists. It is almost a business center. To come to work - yes, to go shopping - is generally excellent, there are shopping and entertainment centers at every step. You can get to the Shevchenkovsky district from any corner of the capital and always without problems, 13 metro stations are open on its territory.

Of the significant disadvantages, there is also a high crime rate and the presence of a large number of dilapidated houses. Do not forget that this is one of the oldest areas, new buildings are practically absent here, so as not to spoil the unique architecture of ancient Kiev.

Pechersk district

If you look closely at the Pechersk district, then you are a rich man. It is considered the elite center of the capital, which is displayed on the price of an apartment. And the products here are not cheap. But the remaining important indicators are average. There are enough schools and kindergartens, but there are few state clinics - all of them are mostly private. So, thinking about where to live well in Kiev, we can say that in the Pechersk district it’s pretty good, but only for those who have a very high income level.

Goloseevsky district

This is the largest area of ​​the capital of Ukraine. Of the advantages, only very low prices for essential goods stand out. Despite the fact that the territory is huge, there is a very small concentration of educational institutions, nurseries and clinics. There are four green zones, and they are large in area. In a residential area , property prices are unreasonably high, which scares away potential residents. Local also complain about the small number of ZhEKs and constant dirt on the streets.

Where is better to live in Kiev with a child

Young families are most interested in what area is best to settle in if there are children. In this matter, many factors must be taken into account: the number of kindergartens, schools, clinics, swimming pools, circles and sections for extracurricular activities. General statistics for the districts are shown in the following figure:

where it is better not to live in Kiev

Assessing the presence of kindergartens, one must also take into account the number of people living in the area. So, the concentration of preschool institutions is greatest in the Shevchenkovsky district, but the Dneprovsky is the leader in number - there are more than 80 here. But in the Desnianskyi population is almost the same as in the Dnieper, but the gardens are half as much. Residents of the capital note that this is really a big problem for the outskirts. It is simply impossible to enroll children in a decent garden, or managers ask for a reward for this.

And in some areas the situation is different. For example, in Obolonsky many institutions are even rented out because groups are not recruited.

As for other aspects, it is better for those who prefer children to play sports and swim in the pools to settle in Goloseevsky district. You need to learn musical literacy in Obolonsky.


From all of the above, one can draw such conclusions. If you live with children, then choose quiet sleeping areas with an abundance of kindergartens and creative circles. Suitable Dnieper and Obolonsky.

If you like luxury and you need luxury housing, Pechersky is for you.

Well, for business women making a career, you can look after real estate in the center - on Podil or in the Shevchenkovsky district.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11131/

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