Zabolotsky: "Juniper bush" - analysis of the poem

One of the most famous Russian and Soviet poets is Nikolai Zabolotsky. Juniper Bush is a later poem by the author, an excellent example of his love lyrics, which is included in the series of works “Last Love”. A simple poem, however, is distinguished by an exquisite syllable. Its deep philosophical meaning is connected with the author’s thoughts about life and love.


At the end of their lives, poets often turn to love topics. Zabolotsky was no exception. Juniper Bush is the eighth poem in a collection of sentimental lyrics. The circumstances of the writing are connected with the author’s personal drama: shortly before his death, he had a discord with his wife, who as a result left him. And although they soon reconciled, nevertheless, the previous relations in the family did not work out. This sensation of returning happiness and at the same time the realization of the impossibility of returning to former love penetrates the poem in question. In general, all the works of the cycle are permeated with tragic notes: love in the poetry of the author is presented not as joy, but as suffering, it is associated with torment, longing, sadness. And even the feeling of joy of the lyrical hero is never complete, since a sharp sense of bitterness is necessarily mixed with a feeling of happiness.

zabolotsky juniper bush


Zabolotsky, whose Juniper Bush became one of the most iconic poems, not only in his later lyrics, but also in his work in general, often resorted to conditional images, which allowed him to convey the feelings of the lyrical hero with the greatest fullness. In this poem, the main symbol is the juniper bush, which at the same time represents both the joy and sorrow of the author. With him, the author associates the look of her beloved woman. So, he sees through the branches a semblance of her smile, and this fills his soul with joy. But at the same time, this symbol is filled with sadness and longing: the poet cannot forget betrayal, and therefore the rustle of leaves is associated in his mind with a whisper of deceiving lips.

zabolotsky juniper bush poem analysis

In his works, Nikolai Zabolotsky often used abstract images. “Juniper bush” in this regard is an excellent example of the poet’s skill in applying metaphors, comparisons, and literary repetitions. One of the most significant symbolic images is amethyst berries. Red color is a symbol of love, which in combination with a golden tint of resin very well conveys the hero’s joyful mood, which seems to be full of life, strength and energy. However, at the end there appears an image of a deserted flying garden, which means the author's spiritual devastation after the shock experienced.

Literary techniques

The real master of the fine word is Zabolotsky. Juniper Bush: Poem Analysis is one of the topics of school literature lessons. In such lessons, children learn to analyze the poet's work. They learn that in this work the author used the most famous literary techniques: epithets (comparisons of berries with amethyst, sky with gold), metaphors (description of bush trunks), repetitions (in the poem the author addresses the juniper several times, as if focusing the reader’s attention on this main image of the work). In addition, he conveys trowels sounds, colors, colors of the sky, nature. With his special language, the poet conveys not only the appearance of the bush, but also paints a picture of the morning landscape that he observes from the window of his house. Acquaintance with the poetics of Zabolotsky helps to develop a sense of beauty in young readers.

Zabolotsky juniper bush main idea

Nikolai Zabolotsky, connoisseurs of poetry, helps to tune in to the perception of high, to appreciate the subtlety and tenderness of feelings with his ceasing cycle of love lyrics. “Juniper bush”, the main idea of ​​which is to express light sorrow for lost love, is one of the best examples of the late work of the author.


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