Who are the renegades?

Like many animals, man is a herd creature. However, unlike our smaller brothers, he is not only able to realize this, but sometimes can overcome such instincts and exist outside of society. Let's find out what nouns such people are called, and in what other meanings it is used.

Who are the renegades?

In Russian, a person who broke away from the collective (or was rejected by him for some reason) is called a renegade.

A group of people who, for one reason or another, are outside of society, are called renegades.

renegades this

This word refers more often to the book style and is rarely used in our speech, since there are several more modern and popular synonyms for this concept.

It is also important to note that this noun has a pronounced negative connotation in semantics.


As mentioned above, "renegades" is an obsolete word that is rarely used today in live speech. The thing is that there are many more modern analogues of it.

What are they like? The most famous synonyms for the noun “renegades” are “traitors”, “outcasts”, and “renegades”.

confession of a renegade

In addition to all of the above, so can be called personalities who are characterized by antisocial behavior. In fact, the phrase “highly active sociopath” (as the protagonist of the mega-popular British series “Sherlock” calls himself) is also a synonym for the term in question.

In addition to the analogues listed above, there are older expressions that can replace the term being studied.

These words also refer to book vocabulary. These are “apostates”, “heretics” and purely Russian “schismatics”. It is worth noting that the last word is not an absolute analogue for "renegades". Therefore, before using it, it is worth paying attention to the context so as not to get into an awkward situation.


The studied term was formed from the verb “to chop off” or “to chop off”, with the meaning “to break a chip from a shaft, board, log, etc.”.

It is believed that the word arose in Russian no earlier than the XIV-XV centuries. Moreover, the initial sphere of its application was precisely the written-business language.

Perhaps, for this reason, the common people rarely used it in live speech, and therefore (except for official documentation and literary works) the noun in question has not taken root anywhere in such a long time.

Roman Alexander Zinoviev

The word under study is also present in the title of the autobiographical novel “Russian Fate, Confession of a Recluse”. The author of this work is the famous non-conformist and anti-Stalinist Alexander Zinoviev. The fate of this outstanding person is a classic example of detachment.

zinoviev renegades

For his beliefs, he was expelled from the USSR and for many years was forced to live away from his native country.

However, abroad, the writer was not able to fully assimilate. He too carefully considered the social problems and policies of each state where he was lucky to live.

The man was not afraid to write about what he noticed, because of which he had rather strained relations with almost everyone. It is not surprising that with such a fate Zinoviev referred himself to renegades.

Roman Ann McCaffrey

Also, the noun in question is included in the name of one of the parts of Anne McCaffrey's science fiction cycle - The Riders of Pern.

In this series of books, the writer considers the fate of the fictional planet Pern, which was subsequently colonized by earthlings.

One of the novels of the cycle is called "Pern renegades". It was published in 1989 and refers to the quadrology "Riders of Pern: Continued."

renegades of pern

This book tells about the inhabitants of the "bottom" of the planet. These antisocial personalities were united by the Tellress of the Homeless, Tella, who is also the sister of Lord Larad.

Outlawed, Tella and her wards decide to achieve a better life for themselves. Therefore, they begin to weave intrigues that can affect the future of the entire planet.

This work follows chronologically the “Pern Drums”. The book following them is All Pern Weirs.

Who are the "renegades" in the game Borderlands-2

In addition to these options, the considered noun is used in the popular computer game Borderlands-2 ("Borderland-2").

This is a continuation of Borderlands, which, like the first part, is a first-person shooter in the genre.

renegades borderlands

According to the plot of Borderlands, in the rather distant future, humanity discovers the habitable planet Pandora. Many earthlings move there, hoping to colonize the planet, find deposits of precious minerals and get rich.

Unfortunately, their hopes are crumbling, as Pandora is deprived of any minerals. Because of this, most settlers leave her. Only the most desperate and poor remain.

Winter comes on Pandora, and strange and terrible creatures awaken from hibernation. It would seem that the colonialists are doomed to death: either from hunger and cold, or from the attack of these monsters.

However, one day an advanced detachment of scouts discovers a hidden Repository. It turns out that it was once built by aliens and it stores samples of their technology. In addition, the Repository is able to protect earthlings from winter and monsters. The only trouble is that the people who found him were killed by a protective force field and did not have time to report on the coordinates of the place.

Despite all the difficulties, some of their brethren manage to find the Vault and master its secrets.

Borderlands-2 starts with 5 years. All the merits of the heroes of the first game are assigned to the scoundrel nicknamed Handsome Jack. He decides to become the sole ruler of Pandora. However, to achieve this, the antagonist must deal with the colonizers from the first part.

To survive, the heroes need to defeat Handsome Jack and seize power on the planet.

As for the “Rebels” in Borderlands-2, this is the name of the side quest in this part. You can get it by finding the location "Vault".

The player is advised to fulfill this request by the non-player character Patricia Tannis.

The essence of the task is that the player has to find and kill 4 dangerous mutants who escaped from the Hyperion Reserve.

In the English version, this task is called the Splinter Group.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11144/

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