Strong man - what should he be?

Once a huge aggressive healer told the subtile bespectacled man: "Yes, I can swallow you with giblets!" To which a strong-willed man calmly replied: "In this case, there will be more brains in your stomach than in your head." In this joke, the qualities of a strong personality are fully revealed . This does not have to be a physically pumped fighter. Of course, “strong IQ muscles do not spoil”, but even without them you can emerge victorious from many troubles in life. The first indicator of strength is self-confidence. Not pride, turning into stupid bragging and rattling weapons, namely faith in oneself as a person.

This weak one needs to prove to everyone how strong and brave he is. Due to the humiliation of others, this type tries to rise in his own eyes and the opinions of others, and often tries to prove his innocence with a torn throat. A strong person is a person "for himself." This does not mean that he is an egoist or an egocentric. He just does not live "window dressing." He already knows what he is. His strength and vitality radiate self-confidence, and these waves of energy capture others, even if he is silent. He knows exactly what he wants, and goes to his goal, despite obstacles. And this shows its next quality.

A strong man is not afraid of failure. Naturally, he tries to avoid them - where he can. Sometimes he tends to make mistakes. It happens that he suffers a crushing fiasco. But he always knows how to rise after a fall and has the courage to follow on. Many people are deeply worried about their failures: they are trailing behind them along the whole life path. We are afraid to meet a girl, because the former rudely refused us. This case is a splinter in the heart, returning us to the past, poisoning the present and depriving the future. A person who has an inner strength is above failure, it follows the goal and is in the future, not focusing on the past.

A strong man is a rationalist. He does not wear rainbow glasses, but clearly knows his positive and negative qualities. He ascribes all his successes to happily established circumstances, and reproaches himself for failures. However, such a person admits his guilt speculatively, and not emotionally, that is, he does not begin to engage in self-flagellation, but analyzes the situation, reveals where he made a mistake and draws a lesson for the future. Excessive self-abasement, like tearful self-pity, is a waste of time and energy for such people. They simply go to their goal. Also, they do not start boasting loudly of their successes - it is better to praise others than praises to ourselves.

A strong person does not compare himself with others. He knows his inner world too well. He doesn’t even think that it can be worse than others - in general, of course, and not for some qualities. He judges the rest not only by what they want to tell him about themselves, go show. He respects every person and her inner world, is ready to listen to advice, but the final opinion remains with him. He himself is the smith of his fate. Such a person goes to the goal calmly and confidently, and from unfavorable circumstances and failures he will not give up.

A strong man does not allow himself to be manipulated. He keeps his emotions in check. Such a person all the time as if asks himself: am I doing the right thing? What is the basis of my sympathy or antipathy for this or that person? Is anger leading me? Such people are open to others - they are ready to forgive, easily forget resentment. Being strong, they seek to support the weak. And this stability, a sense of dignity set in a positive mood of others. They are drawn to the strong, unconditionally considering him to be the leader. And a born leader, unlike an authoritarian upstart, does not need revealing worship, flattery and humiliation of others - he already knows what it costs.


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