Homeopathy "Drozer": description and instructions for use

Homeopathy "Drozer" is a herbal monotherapy, which is used to treat severe cough, whooping cough and tuberculosis. It is used in combination with other drugs. It is well tolerated by patients and rarely causes side effects. A herbal remedy should be used after consultation with an experienced homeopath, since if used improperly, Drozer can harm the body.

The composition of the drug and the form of release

Homeopathy "Drozer" contains only one active component, this is the extract of sundew. In the manufacture of the additive, the entire plant is used: flowers, leaves, roots.

The drug is produced in the form of granules and in the form of drops. Homeopathic granules in addition to sundew contain sugar grains in the composition. In the bubble can be from 30 to 100 granules. Drops, depending on the manufacturer, have a different composition and often contain alcohol.

Dewdrop is added to cough syrups. The most common is the drug "Stodal". In its composition, the drozer occupies the first position, along with other plant extracts used to treat cough.

In its pure form, sundew extract is found in homeopathic granules and drops.

A little about the properties of sundew

Homeopathy "Drozer 6 & raquo; effectively cures even the most protracted cough. This result gives the sundew, which is part of this drug. Plant insectivore. Its leaves produce a special sticky substance containing koniin alkaloid. It is it that paralyzes insects and helps the drozero (Latin name for sundew) to digest them. After the sundew has caught an insect, the leaf closes.

It takes several days to digest it, after which the leaf of the plant re-opens. So sundew reacts only to protein foods. If a drop of water falls on a leaf, then it will not cause any reaction. In nature, the plant grows in swamps and sands.

Drozer plant

Dewdrop roundworm, which is part of the homeopathic preparation, is characterized by expectorant, diuretic, bactericidal and diaphoretic properties. She has the ability to relieve spasm of the respiratory organs. With a debilitating cough, it has a calming effect. It has anti-inflammatory properties.

Due to the unique qualities of sundew, Drozer’s homeopathy was used in medicine. From ancient times, the plant was collected during the flowering period and used to prepare tinctures for cough, whooping cough and bronchial asthma. Used it for catarrh of the bronchi and arteriosclerosis. Traditional medicine advises the juice of sundew to reduce warts and corns.

It is recommended to use the plant for fever and pathologies of the visual apparatus. It helps with diseases of the stomach and intestines, including stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers. Homeopathy for diarrhea, infectious enterocolitis and dysentery is used. Dewdrop helps remove hoarseness in the voice. If hoarser tincture is hoarse, it is recommended to rinse your mouth several times a day.

Dewdrop contains malic, ascorbic and citric acids, a proteolytic enzyme, drozeron, quinones and oksinaftahiny. It contains plumbagin, a powerful natural bactericidal component. It shows its properties even when diluted 1:50 000. It inhibits the activity of fungi and pathogenic organisms.

In the West, based on the sundew, preparations “Drozerin” and “Drozan” were created. They contain pure plant extract obtained by cold pressing. In Germany, based on the juice of sundew, a medication called "Makatussin" was created. It can be taken not only by adults, but also by children. In Russian pharmacies you can find alcohol tincture of sundew.

For the first time, the properties of Drosera were discovered by the French doctor Hahnemann. He noted that in pathogenesis, the sundew is capable of producing a convulsive cough and recommended this remedy for the treatment of whooping cough. According to him, homeopathy "Drozer 30 & raquo; able to cure pertussis in just one week. He considered this plant one of the main for the fight against this pathology. Many scientists disagree with him and note that whooping cough will help cure Drozer in the hundredth and thousandth dilution, but not in the 30th. And not in seven days, but in 3-4 weeks.

Characteristic of Drosera Cough

There are three main reasons for taking Drosera: cough, fever, and a significant increase in lymph nodes.

A cough of the Drosera type is manifested in tracheobronchial adenopathy, whooping cough and laryngitis. It has special features that are the basis for the use of this herbal remedy. This is a convulsive, dry cough, similar to barking. It is accompanied by seizures that haunt the patient often and shake the abdominal cavity. With this cough, the patient holds on to his stomach with both hands.

Drozer homeopathy indications for use

Drosera cough bothers people at night, after midnight. At this time, he is as strong as possible. Heat in the room can worsen the condition of the patient. It manifests itself with greater force if the patient drinks and immediately lies down.

When coughing Drosera, nausea appears, vomiting of mucous and watery masses, in which streaks of blood may be present. In this condition, nosebleeds are possible. Compressing and stitching pains in the chest appear. They are not concentrated at one point. From coughing and deep breathing, they become more pronounced and stronger, distributed over the entire surface of the chest. Movement does not affect chest pain.

The Drosera Clinic characterizes the state of the lymph nodes. Their increase is observed in the neck, in the peribronchial tissues and in the abdominal cavity.

Cervical adenitis can occur with or without suppuration. This state of lymphadenitis is affected by the deterioration of the general condition of the human body, which occurs imperceptibly for humans and is associated with tuberculin causes. For the same reason, abdominal lymphadenitis increases. Often there is bacillary peritonitis. Tracheobronchial adenopathy is manifested in connection with tuberculin causes. It is accompanied by a cough like Drosera, which appears in patients with severe and frequent attacks. Coughing fits get stronger around midnight and get worse with heat.

The presence of fever is fully consistent with the type of Drosera. Fever disturbs the patient in the morning (around 9.00) and is accompanied by chills. With the appearance of chills, a person can not warm up in any way. Even when the patient warms up, the feeling of cold does not leave him.

Drozer homeopathy indications

The patient Drosera with chills turns pale face, and limbs become cold. Excessive salivation is observed. After chills, the patient begins a period of heat. A person becomes very hot by midnight, but he does not have thirst and does not want to get drunk water. During the heat, the patient's face and peritoneal area sweat. Heat develops at night, while chills bother patients during the day. Despite the prolonged chills that bother patients like Drosera, the patient’s tongue always remains clear.

Mind Drosera

In homeopathy, it is customary to establish the psychological type of the patient, depending on the medicine that will be used to treat him. The “Drozer” type includes aggressive and angry-minded people. These individuals are often discouraged by their suspiciousness. They see in their environment only enemies. They are constantly waiting for a “stab in the back." They have conflicting feelings and often blame themselves for their failures. They are restless. In the evening, they feel anxiety, unreasonable anger.

The Drozer type is recognized by a number of symptoms, including a monotonous voice with hoarseness, prolonged coughing attacks, nosebleeds. This type is characterized by spasms of the hands and sternum, tingling in the armpits. Such patients are concerned about sweating in the face and abdomen. They often experience dizziness, chills. There is a pale bluish tint on the face.

There is a rather sharp sensation of heat, joint pain, weakness throughout the body. Concerned about lameness. Deformation of the lymph nodes occurs. These people are disgusted with everything acidic. These are indications for homeopathy "Drozer 6?" She helps such people stabilize their emotional background. It gives such patients peace and tranquility.

Indications for use

Drozer homeopathy application

The main indications for taking Drosera homeopathy are whooping cough and tuberculosis. These diseases are not alike. Whooping cough is a bacterial disease transmitted by airborne droplets. The main symptom of this disease is an antispasmodic paroxysmal barking cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease. Its appearance is influenced by Koch sticks. It usually affects the pulmonary system, but can also develop in other organs. With this pathology, there is a prolonged cough with sputum, in which blood may be present. The patient is concerned about fever, low-grade fever, sweating, manifested at night, weakness.

They recommend taking the drug for pulmonary emphysema. This is a dry and prolonged cough with short breaks. During coughing fits, a person may suffocate. During cough, sputum is difficult to discharge. Nausea and vomiting may occur. The condition is aggravated while lying down.

Homeopathy "Drozer" is indicated in all the above conditions. It should be used for tuberculosis of bones, joints and lymph nodes. A herbal remedy for fever is used.


Homeopathy "Drozer" when coughing should not be used if there is intolerance to the components present in the composition of the drug.

Only after consultation with a doctor should children, pregnant and lactating women, elderly people use this product. Caution when using "Drozery" should be observed by persons with diabetes mellitus and chronic diseases of internal organs.

The way to use homeopathy "Drozer"

Indications for use by children and adults were discussed above. Doctors recommend drinking the drug for at least six months. In this case, the annotations should be clearly followed. Homeopathy "Drozer" should be taken in accordance with the age and condition of the person. For weakened people and the elderly, microforms are provided.

Drozer homeopathy indications for use by children

This homeopathic medicine can be found in pharmacies. He is released without a doctor’s prescription. In order not to harm the body, you should first consult with a homeopath.

Homeopathy "Drozer" is produced in granules D3-D6 of 5 g, as well as C 1000, 200, 50, 30, 12, 6, 3 to 5 g. The numbers immediately after the letters indicate the degree of dilution. The highest concentration of the active substance are preparations with a lower degree of dilution. Chronic diseases are treated with drugs that have a high degree of dilution. They are not taken every day, but once every few days.

Homeopathy Drozer 30 & raquo; the instruction recommends diluting in boiled water at room temperature. Granules are drunk in eight pieces 30 minutes before a meal or one hour after a meal. They can be resolved by laying on the tongue. Up to seven years, children should drink only granules, based on age. For one year, one dragee is taken.

The liquid preparation "Dozer" is intended for people from 18 years old. He is prescribed 10 drops three times a day. If the disease is in the acute stage of development, then the drug is taken in 10 drops every 15 minutes for two hours, then the drug is taken according to the standard treatment regimen. The drug can be used both in pure form and mixed with a small amount of water.

Each case of the disease is individual, therefore a homeopath should prescribe a more accurate dosage and duration of treatment.

Side effects, overdose

Homeopathy "Drozer" in some cases can cause side effects, which can occur in the form of rashes and redness on the skin.

Drozer homeopathy instruction

In case of an overdose with this agent, nausea, vomiting reflex may occur. If you do not stop taking the drug during this period, then the negative symptoms may intensify.

Homeopathy Drozer should be used with caution in patients with epilepsy and in patients with tuberculosis.

Special instructions for use

When applying homeopathy "Drozer" there is a risk of exacerbation of negative symptoms. In this case, take a break for a week. Then resume treatment.

Drozer homeopathy for coughing

If after stopping the use of homeopathy "Drozer" (the indications describe in detail in which cases this drug can be used), the negative effects persist, then you should seek the help of a doctor.

"Drozeru" can be used in the combined treatment of cough. Together with the use of other medicines.

The cost of a homeopathic remedy

According to the indications for use of homeopathy "Drozer 6 & raquo; It is recommended for coughing and respiratory diseases.

The drug is produced by many companies. In Russia, such a product is manufactured by OLLO. The cost of one bottle is 150 rubles per 100 granules.

The following drugs are referred to analogues similar in effect to Drozeru:

  • Laurocerasus Officials;
  • "Hamamelis";
  • "Mistletoe";
  • "Aralia";
  • "Rhodiola";
  • "Verbena".

Homeopathy "Drozer" can be taken at the same time with such means as "Graphite", "Kalkareya", "Veratrum album", "Pklsatilla", "Aconite" and "Ipecacuan".

The antipot of Drozery is Camphor.

Performance Reviews

Homeopathy "Drozer" instruction recommends drinking only as directed by a doctor. The drug was to many tastes. He quickly stopped a debilitating cough. Reduced the number of attacks. These people say that this homeopathic product is used in cases where the disease has a mild to moderate severity. In the early days, the symptoms of the disease worsen. Cough worse. Some people have a fever. But in the future, negative symptoms disappear, and recovery comes.

This drug has helped many children cure pertussis and a strong piercing cough. Parents note that after several days of use, the mucus and sputum began to pass away in the children. The cough became softer, and the child stopped choking.

Many people take this drug for coughing from smoking. They say that it helps well in this situation and does not cause side effects.

People do not advise calculating the dosage without a homeopath, since an excess of this drug can provoke the occurrence of negative symptoms. Then, instead of the expected benefits, Drozer’s homeopathy will harm the body.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11153/

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