How many volumes are there in War and Peace? Answer to the question and a short history of writing

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy - Russian writer and academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

about the author
how many volumes in the novel war and peace

According to the family tree, the Tolstoy family belonged to the aristocratic surnames of ancient Russia. The author of numerous works in the Tula region was born, spent his youth in Kazan, and then lived in Yasnaya Polyana. The writer served in the Caucasus and, at his own request, participated in the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War.

It was at that time that he began to seriously get involved in the literary genre. The author has written many different works, some of which are still studied at school. This, for example, the trilogy "Childhood", "Youth", "Boyhood"; the story "Anna Karenina." L. N. Tolstoy is the author of the novel “War and Peace”, the famous four-volume book about the life of the Russian people during the Patriotic War of 1812 , about the battles with Napoleon.

“War and Peace” - the story of the novel

The writer devoted five years of hard work to the work “War and Peace,” which began in 1863. The manuscripts of the author include about 5200 sheets written by his hand, in which the history of the creation of each volume is fully displayed.

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It should be understood that writing this volume required meticulous work on each chapter and a clear understanding of the development of upcoming events. During the first year-long stage of work, Lev Nikolaevich repeatedly changed his decisions — he quit writing, then continued to work on the book again, determining how many volumes in the novel “War and Peace” it would be better to leave it in them.

The work was based on the author’s personal interest in the history of that time, political events and the life of the country. Tolstoy decided to start work after repeated conversations with relatives about his intention. The author was inspired by desire, gathered his strength and wrote the 4-volume “War and Peace”. The story of the novel conveyed the essence of life in the country during the years 1810-1820.

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During the creation of the first volume, the writer maximally narrowed the scope of the chosen era and focused on the main events. For a qualitative presentation of what is happening, he studied in detail a wide range of historical materials, references, documents, books, memoirs and monographs. Also in work on a future creation, he used memoirs of the military, participants in battles and military operations.

How many volumes are there in War and Peace?

Many people ask how many volumes in War and Peace are 3 or 4? The answer to this question is simple. The final version of the work includes 4 volumes, each of which carries its own story and narration of a specific time period.

how many volumes in the novel war and peace

All parts were united by a common theme - the study of the moral foundations of man and his inner world. In his work, L.N. Tolstoy sought to convey to the reader his thoughts on the meaning of life, ideals and hidden patterns of life.

Brief Summary of Content

For several years, the author did not lose strength and desire to create. The huge creative potential embodied by him in the pages of the work is felt today. As the author of the novel said, “War and Peace” is not a historical chronicle or a poem, “War and Peace” is an epic novel. Later this direction of presentation will surpass many others and will receive a worthy vocation in Russian literature, will become a new genre in prose.

author of the novel War and Peace

The hard work of the author bore fruit, the goal was achieved, the novel is relevant for the Russian person today. Then Tolstoy said: “If I knew that my creation would be read and in twenty years, I would then devote the whole life to the work!” How many volumes in the novel “War and Peace” the author would not have written, all of them are rightfully considered recognized, and for a long time they will bear the history of brave battles and the fate of the patriots of their land.


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