Creativity and biography of Asadov Eduard

Among poets of love lyrics, Eduard Asadov stands out especially. He wrote the poems cited by different generations: from impressionable teenagers to mature women and men who know what this great creator wanted to say. Many lines that he never wrote are also associated with Asadov’s name. The biography of Asadov Eduard will certainly help to understand his masterpieces .

Basic information
biography of asadov edward

The Soviet poet and prose writer Asadov Eduard Arkadievich was born on September 7, 1923 in the family of a teacher. The creator’s homeland is the city of Mary (at that time it was called Merv), which is in Turkmenistan.

During the Civil War, Arkady Asadov, the father of the future poet, fought in the Caucasus. When the boy was only six years old, death took his father from him, and therefore the family moved to his grandfather Eduard - Ivan Kurdov - in the Urals, in the city of Sverdlovsk (now - Yekaterinburg).

early years

Ivan Kalustovich Kurdov - the father of Asadov's mother (Lydia) - had a huge impact on the boy. The future poet called him "historical grandfather." He had a little Edik learned to develop in himself his best features and to see good in people, even if they themselves did not find it.

Great influence was exerted on Asadov and the native grandfather's land - the Urals. The love of the strict and harsh nature of the place where Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov (biography especially focuses on this) spent his childhood and adolescence, reflected in many works and forever remained in his memory a source of inspiration. In addition to Sverdlovsk, the Asadov family often went to Serov’s uncle Eduard, thanks to which the young poet was able to fully grasp the greatness of his native land.

The first test of Asadov's pen happened in 1931: eight-year-old Eduard wrote a poem.

In childhood, the poet did not differ in behavior from peers: he had a typical Soviet school life, including the Komsomol and entry into pioneers.

In addition to poetry, the boy was fond of theater: he loved him wholeheartedly, participated in the drama circle.


In 1939, Eduard Asadov moved to Moscow: his mother was transferred to the capital, as she was an outstanding teacher. In the new school, the young man continued to engage in the artistic word, and wrote his poems.

In February 23rd of 1940, the poet first spoke to the general public before the soldiers of the Red Army.

In 1941, on June 14, he graduated from school, but his joy after the prom did not last long, because only a week after this event the Great Patriotic War began.

Edward Asad biography children
He never showed cowardice, so the seventeen-year-old Asadov went to the front as a volunteer, to defend his native country and his loved ones. Three years later, in May forty-fourth, in the battles for Sevastopol, the fighter committed a heroic act, for which he received the title of "Honorary Resident of the City", but he was seriously wounded. Until the end, Edward did not recover from the injury: the poet lost his sight and since then in public has always hidden his eyes with a black blindfold.

After the war

In 1946, there was a "thaw." The war ended, and Eduard Asadov, following his vocation, passed the exams perfectly and became a student of the Literary Institute . A. M. Gorky. He graduated from this educational institution in 1951, and with honors. In general, the biography of Asadov Eduard proves that he was not only a talented person, but also a zealous, responsible and obligatory, diligent student and faithful companion.

Right after graduating from the institute, E. Asadov published his first collection of poems, entitled “The Bright Road”. Publication became the poet's ticket to the Writers' Union.


Fame overtook a talented lyricist in the early sixties of the 20th century. This popularity remained unchanged in the next forty years: the runs of Asadov’s poetry collections reached one hundred thousand and were sold out very quickly, while literary evenings were always successful in the best concert halls of the country.

Edward Arkadievich Asadov biography

What does a poet owe his fame? The biography of Eduard Arkadievich Asadov reflects this well: he not only wrote about the best human features, but he himself repeatedly showed them. The bright sincerity that shines through in his verses cannot leave anyone indifferent.

The trouble that deprived Eduard Asadov of his sight gave the world lines in which, as the creator himself said, he never lied. Not seeing the faces of people, he matured their hearts, felt and wrote about them. A very sincere person was Eduard Asadov.

Biography: Personal life

Both his wife and his children - people close to the poet - were what E. Asadov appreciated, perhaps more than anything else. Who, if not him, should know about the true significance of the family. In his poems, the poet often addressed the topic of love, and never once lied.

biography of edward arkadievich asadov
Before Asadov met his future wife - Galina Valentinovna Razumovskaya, he had to endure betrayals and bitter disappointments. But the cold of these sorrows receded before the power of true love.

The meeting took place in Barnaul in 1961, on the twenty-ninth day of August, and the poet’s world turned upside down.

The writer devoted a full cycle of love poems to his wife.

Not as famous as Eduard Asadov himself, a biography. The children and grandchildren of the poet are completely unknown information. The only son is Arkady Eduardovich Asadov. Kristina Asadova (the granddaughter of the writer) is more inclined to go out, unlike her father. She gave a couple of newspaper interviews about her famous grandfather.


The biography of Eduard Arkadievich Asadov is replete with events that would make many people lose heart. But this man - strong and bright, with a capital letter, not only demolished all the troubles, overcame obstacles, but also managed to become happy and give a particle of joy to people with the help of his poems.

Surprisingly, the work of this poet is not studied in schools. However, many people know who Eduard Asadov is. The biography of the writer interests them not because of the educational task, but because I want to know what this amazing personality was.

Edward Asadov biography personal life and his wife

Asadov was inspired by conversations, impressions, meetings. His work, of course, is recognizable because of some very correct justice, and also because of the appeal to the most soulful topics. In general, the poetry of Eduard Arkadevich is associated with the word “correct,” as if the writer arranged everything on the shelves, or rather, on the lines.

Eduard Asadov himself gravitated to ballads, was not afraid to tackle the sharp corners of the plot, as in life, the poet did not avoid conflict situations, but decided, clearly and bluntly.

List of works

How much has Eduard Asadov written in his entire life! After all, biography, poems and poems are an integral part of the writer's life. It has a total of 66 published works.

Among them there is a civilian theme:

  • "Relics of the country."

  • “A coward.”

  • “Russia did not start with a sword!”

  • "My star".

Lyric lines:

  • “Love and cowardice.”

  • “I can really wait for you.”

  • "My love".

  • “They were students.”

Natural motives:

  • “Night song”.

  • “Little Bear”.

  • “Poems about the red mongrel.”

The biography of Asadov Eduard is not so simple, but still the poems of this poet continue to be very life-affirming and vibrant.

edward asadov biography poems and poems

Asadov considered such outstanding people such outstanding people as Pushkin, Lermontov and Nekrasov, Blok and Yesenin as his creative teachers. I reread their works repeatedly. He extremely loved the work of Korney Chukovsky. Impressed by his lines, Eduard Arkadevich wrote several verses. In addition, he sent his poems to Korney Ivanovich personally, along with the letter, very worried about the answer. Chukovsky assured Asadov that he was a true poet, and in no case should he stop writing.

"I will drown in your eyes, can I?"

There is a poem in the genre of love lyrics, known and even popular, quoted by many, but, unfortunately, no one knows who its author is. The work “I will drown in your eyes, can I?” most often ascribes to Robert Rozhdestvensky or Eduard Asadov. Regarding Eduard Arkadievich, although it is known for certain that he did not write these lines, special debates are underway. Some argue that it was written specifically in his style, and in addition, the phrase “I will drown in your eyes” is very soulful for the blind poet. Robert Rozhdestvensky, according to others, translated the poem of a little-known Moldavian writer. But this unconfirmed information remains a hunch, and discussions are still not going to stop. One thing is for sure: the biography of Asadov Eduard was never a secret in part of his works. And this, undoubtedly, a wonderful creation among them is not.

Biography of Eduard Asadov: aphorisms and quotes

The lines of the talented poet, as already noted, are very accurate. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost every poem of his can be taken into quotes, in which sometimes there is more wisdom than in long monologues.

edward asadov writer biography

Asadov hit the target straight when he claimed that:

“You still have to become a man ...” and “From stupidity, alas, there is no cure.”

Needless to say, works of incredible beauty are beloved by eternal lovers, romantics and aesthetes. Perhaps, Eduard Arkadevich himself can be ranked among such people. A connoisseur of the best human qualities, a lover of classical music, an amazing lyricist - his soul definitely strove for romantic features.

Last years

On April 21, 2004, the outstanding poet, talented writer, and remarkable man Eduard Arkadievich Asadov passed away. The cause of death was a heart attack. He was buried at the Moscow Kuntsevo cemetery. At the same time, he bequeathed his heart to be buried in the place where he lost his sight - in Sevastopol. It is amazing how the biography of Asadov Eduard comes down to this city, how the events that took place there influenced the fate of the poet, how, perhaps, they predetermined his future life. No wonder they say that when the door closes, the window remains open.


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