The lobby is a corridor. Literally and figuratively

On television - mostly in a political context - we often hear about the lobby. This word is used mainly in a negative sense, although in fact it has many meanings. And not just political ones. Let's try to figure out what is hidden behind this mysterious term. After all, we have to deal with him, and for some people he even turned into a curse.

The lobby is


The oldest versions of the word can be found in Latin. Initially, the so-called different extensions. Lobium means gallery or open corridor. In one of the variants of the old German language there is the word louba with a similar meaning. In addition, it can be translated as a “porch”. But in modern Russian, this term came from English. It is in the UK that the “lobby” is a name that has acquired both direct and figurative meaning. If initially it was translated as “premises”, “corridor”, then then more and more often they began to use it as an analogue of representation of interests.

The political lobby is

The direct meaning of the word "lobby"

In English, the term is still primarily used to refer to such parts of the building as the lobby or lobby. In Russian, this happens less frequently. Lobby is a word that is usually used to describe the territory of a hotel directly adjacent to the reception. Visitors are welcomed and welcomed there, and in order not to be bored, they offer comfortable armchairs, fresh newspapers, soft drinks and snacks. Therefore, in such places there are often so-called lobby bars. They have a cozy atmosphere. In addition, in modern high-rise buildings there are so-called “lobby”. These are various halls and meeting rooms where meetings are held and preliminary decisions are made.

Meaning of the word lobby

Political lobby

This is an attempt to influence the laws and practice of the state. Probably, the expression "corridors of power" inspired the second meaning of the described term. Since different groups of people have their own interests, they try to defend them by influencing some individuals who are able to protect these interests . Therefore, they try to penetrate into these very “corridors of power” and talk about what they need, why this organization, official or civil servant should pay attention to their problem. Thus, in this context, the lobby is a representation of interests. Often this is done by counselors or consultants of certain individuals who explain to legislators why they should take any actions or documents in favor of certain groups. More often, lobbying is done by special companies and civic activists who meet with parliamentarians or officials.

Lobby in the usa

Influence methods

Since the modern state balances between the interests of various groups, including corporate ones, the application of the lobby is an activity that can be formal, social in nature, or, conversely, be prohibited. There is even such a profession, which entails how to interact with authorities. Interestingly, lobbying groups exist in Russia, but there is no official specialty of this kind. In Germany, such activities are regulated by special law. But the lobby in the USA is a very old occupation. Initially, it meant mechanisms of influence on lawmakers, but recently, Congress has been the focus of attention of such interest-pushing groups. Mostly in the United States lobbying is done on a professional level, a lot of money is being spent on it. Special companies defend the interests of various organizations, trade unions and corporations through political actions and even elections, often financing a candidate with the right positions.

Secrets of successful lobbying for social activists

Various kinds of organizations, as a rule, use the advancement of their interests through “corridors of power”. There is nothing illegal or unacceptable in this, if such actions, of course, are not accompanied by bribery. The public lobby is an attempt to make the protection and promotion of the program goals and interests of this group an important component in government policy. To do this, choose people who know how to do this, put in their mouth a message that works, and send them to those officials or parliamentarians on whom it depends. As with any activity, the initial step should be a strategic analysis of the situation. As experience shows, the most effective approaches to government work when long-term relationships are established with certain institutions or individuals, even if there are big differences in ideology. Government officials can help community members for various reasons. This may be personal views, a serious attitude to international obligations or an interest in a positive image.


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