Personnel agency "Unified personnel center": reviews about the employer, list of services

Reviews of the "Single Personnel Center" will interest everyone who is going to cooperate with this company. The described company claims to provide quality staffing services. This is an accredited agency that operates in several regions of the country. In this article we will tell you what the customers of the center can count on, give feedback and opinions about the employer.

About company

Staff recruitment

Reviews about the "Unified personnel center" come in very different. To begin with, we note that this is a large private employment agency that specializes in providing personnel in the field of network retail, production and warehouse logistics.

The company itself emphasizes that among their partners are leading foreign and domestic enterprises that are considered recognized leaders in their industry.

Engaged in outsourcing personnel, the company's specialists developed their own business process development scheme. It is focused specifically on each client, so that the quality of work is improved at minimal cost.

The management of the "Single Personnel Center" declares that its main goal is to provide services to business in those areas in which it understands itself as professionally and impeccably as possible. Employees of a private employment agency approach their tasks responsibly, always completing work competently and on time. Qualifications and experience allow us to provide only the highest quality services.

At the same time, the company is constantly expanding, opening representative offices in new regions of the country. Clients can be sure that when ordering outsourcing of personnel here, they receive employees whose qualifications and responsibilities are guaranteed to them. The company appreciates each client, carefully treats its reputation, so many are satisfied with such cooperation.

Service Details

Personnel Outsourcing

Recruitment is currently considered one of the most effective and efficient techniques in hiring new employees. This method compares favorably with most other options, since the service is provided only after the conclusion of an agreement between the two organizations. This document contains documentary evidence of all the responsibilities that the center assumes.

Outsourcing of staff is a form of business process. In this case, the client receives not service or one-time services, but a full range of resources, and for long-term use. This allows you to significantly save company funds and increase the efficiency of work processes.

Such services can optimize resource processes, leading the company to success and financial well-being. In the search for the necessary personnel, this type of service involves the rental of qualified employees capable of performing serious tasks in situations where existing employees are not able to cope with their goals.

The cost of outsourcing is affordable, especially when comparing the money spent with the benefits received. All this makes it possible to effectively manage human, organizational and financial resources, which allows the company to successfully develop to promote business initiatives in all sorts of new and interesting directions.


Cashier job

There is a list of advantages that should be encouraged to order outsourcing in the recruitment agency "Unified Personnel Center".

  1. The company has been operating in this market for more than ten years, which allows us to talk about great experience.
  2. The employees of the Center carry out an integrated approach. The company has its own fleet, a network of hostels in the country. All this allows you to flexibly and efficiently build the process of providing services, not to depend on contractors and third parties.
  3. Another plus is flexibility. This allows you to promptly and quickly respond to ongoing changes in the environment, a particular industry, as well as to the wishes of the client.
  4. Maximum transparency is of great importance. We have established stable feedback with our customers, and all the necessary reporting is up-to-date and timely. All this allows the client in real time to control the process of providing services at each stage.
  5. Undoubtedly, the EKC ("Unified Personnel Center") attracts a high level of professionalism. The staff has a lot of experienced personnel who are ready to help customers solve non-core tasks, allowing them to focus exclusively on the assets of their own business.
  6. Finally, the fusion of many years of experience and professionalism provides a reliable foundation for the development of each client’s business.

Choosing Outsourcing

Conveyor workers

Despite the fact that the job search service at the Unified Personnel Center is becoming more and more popular every year, not all entrepreneurs understand what is the point of outsourcing. Moreover, such a service has many undeniable advantages over standard methods for resolving personnel issues.

At the Unified Personnel Center in Moscow, they are ready to offer employees for the following areas:

  • to warehouses (pickers and movers - from 120 rubles per hour, packers - from 150 rubles per hour, loader drivers - from 180 rubles per hour);
  • for production (general workers, conveyor workers, cleaners, packers - from 120 rubles per hour);
  • for retail (cashiers, employees of the trading floor, sales consultants - from 120 rubles per hour, merchandisers - from 150 rubles per hour).

In the case of outsourcing services, it is possible to significantly reduce the risks associated with personnel support of personnel, reducing them to almost zero.

Cooperation with the described company is a real opportunity to attract employees to "non-core" jobs for relatively little money. In addition, this allows you to focus on more important internal business processes, transferring management management functions to professionals, and in return to receive competent specialists in your staff who have all the necessary skills, have passed specialized training.

What does the customer have in total?

At the client’s exit, there is a significant decrease in the overall burden on social benefits, a guaranteed high level of labor discipline and quality of work.

Such advantages make outsourcing a profitable offer for many organizations that value real professionalism, know how to build business processes as profitably as possible.


The head office of the company is located in Moscow. Address of the "Unified personnel center": Rogozhsky Val street, 2/50. You can get here by public and private transport.

You should drive your car along Enthusiast Boulevard or along Sergius Radonezhsky Street, and then turn onto Rogozhsky Val Street. If you decide to use the metro, then you will need to get to the station "Rimskaya" or "Ilyich Square". Good landmarks will be nearby Rogozhsky shopping arcade, a museum of capital transport.

Another office is located in the suburbs. The office is located in Zelenograd on the street of the Designer Guskov, house 14, building 2.

The working hours of the "Single Personnel Center" from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Regional offices

Recruitment agency

The company is also represented in the regions. In addition to Moscow and St. Petersburg, the Center has its own offices in Tver, Ryazan, Ulyanovsk, Cheboksary and Chelyabinsk.

A full list of addresses of regional representative offices of the company will allow you to quickly find its location in your city:

  • St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospect, 140;
  • Tver, Tchaikovsky Avenue, 29;
  • Ryazan, Pravo-Lybedskaya street, 35, building 2;
  • Ulyanovsk, General Tyulenev Avenue, 2b;
  • Cheboksary, street Composers Vorobiev, 5a;
  • Chelyabinsk, Karl Marx Street, 54.


The list of vacancies in the "Unified Personnel Center" is quite diverse. There is an opportunity to find a job for specialists of various profiles.

In this article, we have already described in sufficient detail about outsourcing, that is, the selection and provision of a qualified employee to a customer in a predetermined time frame. But there is another service in the company that is in no less demand.

Staff outstaffing

Work as a loader

Outstaffing is another modern way to recruit employees. Recently, such a method is actively gaining popularity in our country, thanks to a number of obvious advantages.

It is important that the cost of the service itself pays off almost immediately, since the customer can significantly reduce many costs. There is no need to independently search for qualified personnel. After all, this is a very time-consuming process.

The "Unified Personnel Center" provides employees, controls the quality of their fulfillment of their duties. This technique has some features. As part of outstaffing, employees are removed from the staff of the parent company and credited to the staff of a third-party organization that ordered a similar service. At the same time, they perform their usual duties. As a result, the staff does not directly enter into legal relations with the customer. At the same time, it provides services on his behalf and on its territory.

Such a service differs from outsourcing in that the company in a specific situation does not receive authority, but employees. At the same time, they perform their usual functions that they have long been familiar with.

Thanks to this method of personnel management, there is a real opportunity to minimize financial and administrative costs. By optimizing resources, you can more confidently move towards the ultimate goal.

Why do customers choose outstaffing?

The choice in favor of this service in recent years is becoming more obvious. There is a logical explanation for this. With the help of outstaffing, the customer company reduces personnel costs. This unit in the staff list can be completely abandoned. An outstaffing order will cost you significantly less than a salary for an entire department. The agency will fully maintain all the necessary documentation.

Total savings

Single HR Center

The customer also significantly saves on social benefits, increasing the investment level of the company. The "Unified Personnel Center" provides employees who do not have to pay vacation or sick leave. Moreover, they will be ready to start work at any time. The Center itself assumes obligations on tax transfers, deals with insurance premiums. The customer saves on payments to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, and Mandatory Health Insurance Fund.

In addition, there is actually a delegation of responsibility to a third-party organization. In this case, you provide the authority to control the quality of the work performed by an external organization with which you can ask in full.

As a result, the number of employees increases, while the number of staff remains unchanged. Moreover, in this format it is much more convenient to interact with staff. The "Unified Personnel Center" is independently engaged in the placement of workers in its own hostels, which are becoming more and more every year. It is important that employees constantly improve their skills through appropriate courses.

Employer Reviews

In the reviews of the "Unified Personnel Center", many note that they were satisfied with the high level of services rendered. Both employers and employees are satisfied. The company practices recruitment on a rotational basis for a well-known specialty, moreover, such work is adequately paid. This is a definite plus.


It should be recognized that there are a lot of negative reviews about the employer "Unified Personnel Center". Those who are invited to work for the company on a rotational basis complain that almost everyone is promised a comfortable position at the airport.

On the spot it turns out that the vacancies remained only at the vegetable warehouse. As a result, you have to live in hostels in depressing conditions. They don’t give out uniforms and shoes; they pay scant money. It happens that one thousand rubles a week. In addition, the company does not fulfill its promises.

For example, the salary that was originally promised will be significantly lower, since it is deducted from it for almost everything: corporate transport, accommodation in a hostel. Time spent on internships is not paid at all. All this leads to a large number of negative reviews about the "Unified personnel center."


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