How to change the password on the computer? Everything is very easy and simple.

Quite often in the process of working on a personal computer, the question arises of how to change the password on the computer. This moment is very important, especially in software products of the Windows family. With its help, not only access to work on the PC is provided, but also the transfer of information from it over the network. It is recommended to perform this procedure with an average frequency of once a month. This will provide an acceptable level of security for your data.

How to change the password on the computer?
There are two ways to change the password on the computer:

  • using the control panel;
  • through the menu from the keys β€œCtrl + Alt + Del” (immediately you must simultaneously press the first two keys, then, without releasing them, press the third).

Delete admin password!
In the first case, everything is very simple. A standard login to the operating system is performed using the existing access code. Then we press the "Start" button and select "Control Panel" from the menu that opens. In the window that opens, we find the shortcut "Users". On it we press the left button of the β€œmouse” manipulator twice. In the window that opens, there will be all the accounts of users registered on the computer. Here you can change or delete the administrator password. To do this, you need to know him. We open the administrator profile window and in it we find the item "Change access code". To change, you need to fill in all three lines of the window that opens, and to delete only the first, the rest should be left blank.

If you need to perform this operation for your profile, then open the window of its parameters. Then we proceed directly to the solution of the question of how to change the password on the computer. To do this, go to the menu item - "Change Password". You need to hover over it and double-click on it with the same button. In the window that opens, you must enter the old password in the first line, and the new password in the bottom two. After the performed manipulations, they should be saved, and for this it is necessary to press the corresponding button. This method is suitable for all operating systems of this software developer.

How to change the password on a windows 7 computer?
Now let's move on to the second answer to the question of how to change the password on a Windows 7 or Vista computer. It is much simpler. But it only works on these two systems. For starters, a regular login is performed using the old PC access code. Then, as indicated earlier, press "Ctrl + Alt + Del" (first you must simultaneously press the first two keys, then, without releasing them, press the third). The corresponding menu opens, in which you need to select the "Change Password" item. It’s worth mentioning right away: you can make changes only for the active profile, that is, under which the login is made. All others can only be changed in the previously specified way. After double-clicking on this menu item, a similar password change window will be opened, which was described earlier, consisting of three lines. In the first we enter the old password, and in the next two - the new one. Save and exit the menu.

This article describes the two most common ways of how to change the password on a computer running all Windows operating systems, with the exception of 8. Which way to choose is a personal matter for each user.


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