Effective Yolk Hair Masks

Every woman always wants to have luxurious hair. But, unfortunately, many factors negatively affect their appearance. Curls can be negatively affected by adverse weather conditions, the internal state of the body, illness, medication, the use of hair dryers, irons, curlers. Also, women destroy their curls with various means to change their color, styling and fixation. And in order for the hair to have a luxurious look, they need careful care. This includes their cleansing, protection and nutrition. A large role in this is played by various hair care products. Their use is necessary for every woman. For example, a mask from a yolk for hair is effective. Reviews about her are very positive. In the article we will focus on this topic.

yolk hair masks

Useful properties of yolk for hair

It is worth recalling the owners of what luxurious hair women were a century ago. How did they succeed? After all, they did not have expensive masks, balms. They used what nature gave them, what was available. They knew about the benefits of egg yolk, nettle, chamomile, and lovage. And today, no one has canceled this. Let us consider in more detail how an egg can be used for this purpose and how to prepare hair masks from yolk at home.

Egg yolk is a source of various fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. It also contains lecithin, which is an indispensable substance in the process of cell renewal. He is involved in the process of delivery of nutrients to cells and their metabolism. Yolk is also a powerful antioxidant. Yolk hair masks are very healthy and nutritious.

egg yolk hair mask

Benefits of Egg Yolk Hair Masks

Nourishing hair masks based on egg yolk are used for such purposes:

  • Strengthening the hair structure from the bulbs to the tips;
  • nutrition and hydration;
  • hair regeneration and growth;
  • providing elasticity, resilience and gloss;
  • elimination of dandruff.

Features of using hair masks based on egg yolk

Here are some tips for using egg yolk hair care masks:

  • Fresh homemade chicken eggs are best for preparing a hair mask from the yolk. Most vitamins and nutrients are found in those that were taken down by young hens. You can use quail eggs. They are no less useful.
  • The prepared mask should be applied to the strands along the entire length, after moisturizing them a little. After applying the mixture, it is advisable to wrap the head with a plastic bag and a towel.
  • It is advisable to rinse off the mask with not hot water, because the yolk may curl from high temperatures, which will complicate the process of washing curls.
  • Apply hair masks from the yolk is recommended several times a week.
  • It is always necessary to take into account the fact that lemon juice can be added to mixtures only for oily hair, but various oils - in case of dry hair.
  • For greater effect, you can wash your hair with eggs instead of regular shampoo, as you did before. They tend to foam when interacting with water, perfectly cleanse hair, nourish them, and prevent dandruff.
  • If you use egg shampoo regularly every week, then after four applications, after about a month, you can see the result - elastic, healthy, shining with beauty curls.

mask for hair from yolk and oil

Egg yolk in the fight against dandruff

Eggs are very effective for the prevention and treatment of dandruff. If you make masks weekly, then dandruff can be eliminated forever. Here are some recipes for making masks:

  • Two yolks mixed with a few drops of burdock oil and lemon juice. Rub the mask lightly into the skin of the head. Leave for 35-40 minutes, putting on a plastic bag and wrapping a towel. This mixture should be washed off preferably with hotter water, since oil from the hair with cool water will not be easily washed off.
  • Beat one egg with natural yogurt or kefir in strong foam - 100 grams. Rub the mask thoroughly into the hair follicles and spread over the entire length of the curls. Wrap and leave for 35-40 minutes. Rinse with warm water afterwards.

mask for hair growth from yolk

Egg yolk for nutrition, growth and healthy shine

The following masks, which nourish and restore strands, saturate color and give an amazingly healthy glow, will help to make curls shiny, shining with beauty and health, accelerate their growth,

  • Hair mask made of yolk and oil. Mix a few eggs (depending on the volume of curls) with 10 ml of natural honey and 15 ml of olive oil. Apply the mixture to washed and dried hair. Apply the entire mass to the strands and wrap it with a plastic bag and a towel to maintain heat. It is necessary to maintain this mixture on the head longer - about an hour and a half. Then wash with warm water until it becomes clear. Use shampoo as desired.
  • Mask for hair growth from the yolk. Mix two egg yolks with 10 milliliters of mayonnaise and 5 milliliters of natural honey. Then add 20 milliliters of arnica and olive oil. Distribute the mixture over all strands, wrap and do not rinse for half an hour. Then wash off the mask with warm water with enough shampoo.

hair mask made of yolk and honey

Masks based on egg yolks for oily hair

An egg yolk hair mask not only deeply cleans curls prone to grease, but also normalizes metabolism, nourishes them, gives them lightness and shine.

Here are some recipes for masks for fat curls:

  • Hair mask made of yolk and honey. It is recommended to be applied in the evening before going to bed. To prepare it, mix two egg yolks and 10 ml of natural honey. Rub the mask into the skin of the head with massage movements and distribute it to all the curls, wrap yourself in a plastic bag (a shower cap is well suited) and a bath towel. So go to bed. In the morning, wash your hair thoroughly using shampoo. Repeat this procedure every week. The course continues for two months. You can add lemon juice to this mixture. But in this case, keep the mask on your hair for no more than half an hour, and then wash it off, because lemon juice is useful only when they are not abused.
  • Mix the yolk with alcohol and water (one teaspoon each). Apply mask to washed strands. Wrap in a plastic bag and towel to maintain the desired temperature. After 35-40 minutes, rinse with warm water.

mask of cognac and yolk for hair

Dry hair masks

To restore dry, lifeless hair, masks are also used, which are prepared on the basis of egg yolk:

  • Mix one yolk with a tablespoon of glycerin. Add as much burdock oil, mix and add 10 ml of apple cider vinegar. Rub this mask into the scalp, distribute the remaining mixture over all the curls, to the very tips. Wrap your head in a bag and towel. After half an hour, wash with warm water (until clear). With the regular conduct of this procedure, at least once in 5-7 days, after two months, the curls will become silk, thick, will delight with their luxury and health.
  • Mask for hair from yolk and burdock oil. Mix two yolks and 15 ml of burdock oil , add 20 ml of arnica to the mass. Distribute along the length of the curls, leave the mask to absorb for forty minutes. Then rinse your hair with warm enough water, since it is impossible to wash off cool oil.

Egg yolks to fight hair loss

To restore the structure of curls, make them less brittle and prevent them from falling out, these masks will help:

  • A mask of cognac and a yolk for hair brings the desired result very quickly. It is preparing simply. It is necessary to mix 5 ml of cognac with two yolks. Add 20 ml of natural honey, burdock and castor oils, a pinch of dry yeast. Mix the resulting mixture well and hold in a water bath for three minutes. Apply the finished mask to the curls along the entire length, wrap and leave for a sufficiently long time, at least 100-120 minutes. Wash your hair well with a sufficient amount of shampoo.
  • Add 10 ml of brandy, natural honey and cabbage juice to one yolk. Apply this mixture to curls along the entire length for 100-120 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo. It is recommended to use the mask several times a week. So continue for two months.

mask for hair from yolk and burdock oil

Egg yolk in the fight against split ends

An egg yolk hair mask is very effective in combating split ends. Here are some cooking recipes:

  • Hair mask made from yolk and olive oil. Beat the yolk and add 20 ml of olive oil and 10 ml of vinegar to it. Heat the resulting mixture a little in the microwave or hold for 2 minutes in a water bath. Then apply on the ends of the hair. Hold the mask for forty minutes. Then wash your hair with warm water and plenty of shampoo.
  • Beat the yolk and add to it 30 ml of fatty kefir and 10 ml of natural honey and mix. Apply the mixture on the curls along the entire length, pay special attention to the tips. After application, wrap with a bag and a pre-heated terry towel. Keep the mixture on your hair for 60-80 minutes, then wash your hair with warm water using a sufficient amount of shampoo.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C112/

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