Russian UAV Orlan

UAV "Orlan" is a complex for unmanned surveillance and reconnaissance from the air. The device was developed and created by the domestic company Special Technology Center. The use of the devices in question makes it possible to effectively control earth objects in hard-to-reach places. It is also suitable for search and rescue operations. The equipment is resistant to difficult weather conditions, the design uses modular solutions that allow you to quickly change on-board equipment, as well as facilitate the transportation of the device.

UAV Orlan

general information

The difficult 90s and early 2000s led to the decline of Russian aviation. Now there is a gradual updating of the material and technical base in all areas. One of the results of the introduction of innovative technologies is the creation of the Orlan UAV. The device has been manufactured for more than five years, its full name is an unmanned aerial complex of multi-purpose use.

All equipment consists of three main parts: the “drone” itself, the control point, and the launch pad. The unit is reliable and unpretentious in maintenance, runs on an internal combustion engine fueled with AI-95 type fuel. An uncomplicated catapult of a collapsible configuration acts as a launcher. After completing the task, the device returns to the ground at the indicated point using a parachute. It is also worth mentioning the one who produces the Orlan UAV. In St. Petersburg, this is the company “Special Technology Center”, which was originally engaged in the development of the model.


The flight performance of the unit under consideration is optimally comparable with the volume of tasks that it can do. The model is lightweight (only 15 kg). At the same time, it can carry a payload of the order of 5 kilograms, developing a speed of up to 150 km / h. Another important parameter for an air reconnaissance is the duration of the flight. This figure for the Orlan UAV is about 120 kilometers at an altitude of up to 5 thousand meters in 16 hours of operation. In offline mode, this parameter increases by 5 times.

Russian UAV Orlan


  • Take-off weight - 14 kg.
  • Payload - up to 5 kg.
  • The power unit is a gasoline engine.
  • Type of launch - catapult.
  • Landing - by parachute.
  • Speed ​​mode - 90-150 km / h.
  • Flight range (stationary / autonomous mode) - 120/600 km.
  • Working height - 5 km.
  • Flight Duration - 16 hours
  • Operating air temperature (near the surface) - in the range –30 ... + 40 .

Ground part

Special attention should be paid to the Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) ground complex. The maximum possible load of the device is four units in one link. For an extensive and powerful group, it is possible to deploy a local command network of 30 operators.

The drone runs on a given route under the autopilot adjustment. The operator at the same time monitors the performance of the flight mission and the accuracy of movement. It also controls the payload and shooting of objects from the air. To accomplish this task, a special communication channel helps, which serves to transmit control commands on board the Orlan UAV in an interactive mode.

modifications of the UAV Orlan 10


The complex under consideration can be equipped simultaneously with several types of target equipment. According to the designers, one unit is capable of transporting a camera, video camera, signal repeater, thermal imager and transmitter on board. Broadcasting systems are needed to receive pulses from other drones that are outside the range of signal access from a ground command post. This makes it possible to monitor several devices at once, without the need to return to the base and change equipment.

Features of the Russian UAV Orlan:

  • Operation is carried out from limited sites regardless of the complexity of weather conditions.
  • Quickly carried out the replacement of equipment and units included in the payload.
  • Real-time photo and video capture is provided. In this case, records and registration of indicators of height, coordinates, shooting angle and other technical parameters are performed.
  • Control and measuring equipment is located in the inner part of the wing consoles.
  • The drone is equipped with an onboard generator that allows you to use the payload throughout the flight.
  • One unit can serve as a repeater for other models.

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Interesting Facts

Modifications of the Orlan-10 UAV became the beginning of active development in the corresponding part of aviation. In this direction, domestic developers have achieved very good results. Just for some time this branch was in the shadow of a more “serious” relative - manned aircraft.

It is believed that the first drone was created by Nikola Tesla at the beginning of the 20th century. The model was a miniature ship on the radio. The idea of ​​his compatriot was continued by the American military engineer Charles Kettering. He proposed a project for an unmanned aerial vehicle, which at a given time with the help of a clock device was to drop wings, turning into an aircraft bomb. This idea never came true.

In this direction, Germany and Great Britain had their own projects. At the end of World War II, the production of guided bombs and the serial production of the KR “FAU” intensified. The Soviet designer V. Nikitin made his contribution to unmanned aircraft. His project was a combination of a torpedo bomber and an unmanned flying rocket.

UAV Orlan 10 unmanned aerial vehicles

Combat models during the USSR

Now the Orlan UAV for the Russian army plays a significant role in reconnaissance and surveillance. However, in the late 50s, the Tupolev Design Bureau developed a supersonic cruise missile. However, this weapon remained unclaimed due to the release of more advanced modifications. Nevertheless, a flying target was created on the basis of this complex, and then a whole line of drones.

The US Army also developed in this regard. UAVs were especially actively used during the Vietnamese campaign for photography, imitation of air targets, radio broadcasts and electronic warfare. At that time, the type 147E unit worked well.

Another country that is actively developing unmanned aircraft in the 70s of the last century is Israel. During the Arab-Israeli conflict, with the help of UAVs IAI Scout and Mastiff, the Israelis effectively detected and destroyed the enemy air defense system.

UAV Orlan for the Russian army


In the modern sense, UAVs are not only military intelligence. They are actively used for peaceful purposes. Using drones, environmental monitoring is carried out, network communications are maintained, shipping is controlled, and rescue operations are carried out. Thanks to modern technology, devices have become lighter, more compact and more functional.


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