Children's hairstyles with elastic bands: ideas for hairstyles with photos, styling and weaving options

Not everyone can fulfill the invented hairstyle, since they do not have special knowledge. Therefore, further in the article we propose to consider the most detailed instructions for creating children's hairstyles with elastic bands that will reveal the technology of various ideas and help to think through and carry out your own options.


The hairstyle in the top photo looks very original. But in order to fulfill her home conditions, it will take several small erasers, a comb comb and a little patience. We carry out the idea as follows:

  1. Comb your hair well.
  2. Separate them with a straight parting from the forehead to the base of the nape.
  3. Separate the hair in the bangs. We parted behind the ears through the frontotoparietal lobe.
  4. Tie locks in ponytails. Slightly pushing them.
  5. We draw a parting through the crown.
  6. Tie the tails by adding the previous two to them.
  7. Thus we collect hair all over the head.
  8. Add hair clips on the hanging ponytails.
  9. If desired, we decorate the original children's hairstyle with elastic hairpins or satin ribbons.

Unusual tail

hairstyle with elastic for girls

To perform another stylish hairstyle for girls, you need:

  1. Comb your hair well.
  2. Make a straight parting from the center of the face.
  3. "Distinguish" it with additional lines drawn from the crown to the neck.
  4. Fasten the rest of the hair with an elastic band so that it does not interfere.
  5. Make a parting near the face parallel to the extra.
  6. Divide it into three zones.
  7. And collect each in a small ponytail. So we marked the basis of children's hairstyles with elastic bands.
  8. Make another vertical parting.
  9. Divide it into two zones.
  10. Divide the tail located in the center of the first row into two parts.
  11. Add one lock to the bottom of the hair and one to the top.
  12. Secure with rubber bands.
  13. Divide the remaining hair into three parts.
  14. And add to them the locks, divided into two new ones, from the tails of the previous row.
  15. Dissolve the main part of the hair and comb it in the tail, not forgetting to add three small ponytails.
  16. To decorate a children's hairstyle with elastic bands at own discretion.

Uneasy pigtails

hairstyle with elastic bands for children

To perform the following hairstyle at home, you should make several workshop tricks:

  1. We comb the hair and divide with even parting.
  2. Divide horizontal by drawing a line behind the ears through the crown.
  3. We fasten the two lower halves with elastic bands so as not to interfere.
  4. On the upper part, we separate the locks on the face with a parting parallel to the hairline.
  5. We tie two ponytails.
  6. Separate the next part of the hair and again tie a pair of bundles.
  7. Now we divide the strands of previous tails in two.
  8. And add to the third row of bundles, connect and tie new ones.
  9. We perform similar manipulations with all the hair in the frontoparietal zone.
  10. We also draw up the rest of the hair. Just starting from the bottom.
  11. We complete the children's hairstyle for girls with elastic bands, combine the four remaining ponytails in two.

How to style your loose hair

children's hairstyles with elastic bands

Each girl considers long hair to be her dignity, therefore she seeks to demonstrate them at any opportunity. But for a gala event or at a time when you want to stand out, it is better to decorate a small head as follows. To complete it, you will need:

gum hairstyle
  1. Comb hair and separate with side parting.
  2. For the most part, separate the strand around the face.
  3. Tie in a ponytail.
  4. Divide into half and add one part to the next separated lock.
  5. Similarly make a few ponytails.
  6. If desired, as in the children's hairstyle in the photo, elastic bands can be used in different colors.

Original "Malvinka"

how to make a hairstyle with elastic bands

Another great idea for decorating loose hair is presented above. Repeating it at home is very simple. It is only necessary:

  1. Comb your hair and separate the frontotoparietal zone with three partings.
  2. Divide first into two parts, and then each into three.
  3. Tie two ponytails near the face.
  4. Cross them and add to the next strands.
  5. Tie the second row of ponytails.
  6. They also cross.
  7. And add to the remaining locks.
  8. Tie ponytails.
  9. You can decorate a children's hairstyle with small elastic bands at will. However, professional stylists recommend to wind the hair to give the image of solemnity.

Interesting spikelets

interesting hairstyle with elastic bands

Mom-inventors can do the following hairstyle for their daughters:

  1. Prepare a lot of rubber bands and a long satin ribbon.
  2. Comb your hair and part with a straight parting.
  3. Fix one part with an elastic band so as not to interfere.
  4. The second is braided into a spikelet. Select a lock near the face and divide into three. Weave like an ordinary braid, but periodically adding new strands to the main ones. It is also worth noting that you need to wear an elastic band on each strand. It will not be very convenient, but the result will certainly please.
  5. Similarly, arrange the second part of the hair. Only place gum on the other hand.
  6. Then take a satin ribbon and run it through the elastic bands. For example, as sneakers usually lace up.
  7. At the bottom, wrap the ribbon around the ends of the braids and tie it into a bow.
  8. In conclusion, straighten out the shortcomings of children's hairstyles with rubber bands for hair.

Hearts of hair

hair style technology

One more wonderful idea of ​​hairstyle for girls is very simply fulfilled:

  1. The hair is well combed.
  2. It is divided evenly from the forehead to the base of the skull.
  3. Both parts of the hair are tied in high tails.
  4. And are divided into two parts.
  5. Each of which is folded into a harness. It is important to note that the locks must be twisted in different directions. Clockwise right, counterclockwise left.
  6. Then the curls are fastened with an elastic band.
  7. And it is fixed with the help of invisibility on the head so that the result is a heart.
  8. If the idea is executed on short hair, a children's hairstyle with elastic bands can be decorated with ribbons or beautiful hairpins. Long tails can be braided or decorated with the option described above.

Crown of hair

festive hairstyle with elastic bands

The next hairstyle looks more impressive. However, it will have to be worked on, but the result will certainly be worthwhile. So that the reader does not get confused in the actions, we offer step-by-step instructions:

  1. Comb your hair and collect in a high ponytail.
  2. Secure with a beautiful rubber band.
  3. Divide it into an even number of strands.
  4. And tie each one in a ponytail, slightly stepping back from the base of a large tail.
  5. Divide the locks into two parts.
  6. And gather in new tails, connecting nearby strands together.
  7. Now the most difficult thing remains - to collect all the tails in one circular pigtail. For the first time it is better to weave the most ordinary.
  8. Hide the remaining tip in the hair, securing it with invisibility.
  9. If the hair is naughty, in the end you can sprinkle a children's hairstyle with silicone rubber varnish. Or leave it like that.

Gum Heart

unusual hairstyle with elastic bands

Another interesting idea is presented in the photo. To repeat it at home, you must:

  1. Comb hair from forehead.
  2. Using a comb-comb, highlight a wide strand in the center of the face.
  3. Secure with rubber band.
  4. On the sides of it, highlight another one new.
  5. Also tie in ponytails, but place the gum just above the previous one.
  6. Then add two more tails, outlining the highest point of the heart.
  7. At the temples there are two more strands.
  8. And place them on two rubber bands at a short distance from each other.
  9. Next, fasten these tails with the highest, and then with the middle.
  10. And at the bottom, connect the strands with a small rubber band or invisibility. The main thing is to make it so that the auxiliary tool is not visible.

Sophisticated hairstyle

complex hairstyle with elastic

The children's hairstyle for girls with elastic bands presented in the photo is not simple, but it looks really unusual and original. However, do not be scared! Thanks to the detailed instructions that we will share with the reader, even mothers who are just beginning to master the braid technique will be able to repeat it at home. So, let's begin:

  1. First of all, comb your hair well.
  2. Then we select the frontotoparietal zone, drawing a “line” from the temporal cavities to the crown, where they should be smoothly rounded, connecting into one.
  3. As a result, we got three wide strands.
  4. We separate the two side ones with even parting and fix with elastic bands, we do not need them yet.
  5. The one located on the top is also divided into two parts.
  6. We fix one with an elastic band.
  7. We braid the second in a pigtail "spikelet", not forgetting to put on an elastic band on each new lock. As we already did in one of the previous paragraphs.
  8. When all the hair of the separated zone is collected, we fix the pigtail. And in the same way we make out the second half of the head. But we do not add new gum, as in the master class described earlier, but use the one already woven into the first “spikelet”. Moreover, it is important to first cross it upside down.
  9. Tie the ponytail.
  10. And we perform similar manipulations on the opposite side.
  11. Ponytails are decorated at our discretion. In the presented photo they are divided into two strands, which are then twisted into bundles and fixed with elastic bands along the entire length.

Festive hairstyle

simple hairstyle

Another simple, but very effective idea makes it much easier than it might seem:

  1. First, the hair is combed well.
  2. Then, from one temple to another, a parting is “drawn”.
  3. And the separated part of the hair of the frontoparietal zone is collected in a free ponytail.
  4. Raises slightly.
  5. Under it, you need to carefully push two fingers and, grabbing their tail, pull down. But do not completely twist. In this hairstyle, it is important that you get a loop that resembles a tie knot.
  6. Now we separate the next horizontal zone of hair.
  7. And we are doing with it already familiar manipulations. Only the previous tail is added only when we make a loop. And fix the new rubber band.
  8. After we collect the remaining hair in the tail. We make out, as described above.

Childhood is a wonderful time. When each girl can decorate herself with the most amazing and unusual hairstyle. Of course, the baby herself can not fulfill it. But if mother also shares the girl’s love, together they can easily make a real masterpiece from her hair.


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