What to do if a man does not love and does not let go? Psychology of relations between men and women

The relationship between a man and a woman is a multifaceted and difficult topic, since both partners play an important role in the union, and each of them has its own character and outlook on life. When a couple develops well, there are no special difficulties. But in life there are situations rather ambiguous.

The subject of our conversation today is the psychology of the relationship between a man and a woman, when on the one hand he shows his indifference, on the other - he does not let go of the chosen one. Everyone in such an alliance has a hard time. A man most often feels guilty for a lack of love for his chosen one, a woman does not understand why he does not take responsibility for making a decision to leave. Both do not find their place, life takes on gloomy colors.

What does a woman feel?

What should one do if a man does not love and does not let go? First, try to understand the gamut of feelings. If there is love or a lot of affection, then relations can, of course, be maintained. But will both partners need them, or will they still exist on women's initiative?

if a man does not love and does not let go

Intuition, and with it common sense, should suggest the correct answer. There are thousands of examples where a man who remained after a similar stage of a relationship with a woman changed for the better, and the couple did not part until the end of their lives. But there are the same statistics on cases when such tactics did not lead to anything good, and the partners soon diverged. Instead of tormenting yourself and banging your head against the wall in search of an answer to the question of what to do if the man said “I do not like”, try first of all to collect your thoughts and understand how you feel for him. What speaks loudest in you: wounded pride, wounded pride, or love? Based on this, a decision must be made.

Habit and nothing more

Most often, a man does not let go of a woman, because he is used to her, and it is so convenient for him. In general, such an act characterizes him as an egoist and a person unsure of himself. For his own comfort, a man is ready to neglect the feelings of his partner. If you understand that you are definitely a backup option for him, do not let yourself be humiliated like that. Every woman is worthy of experiencing love and mutually enjoying this feeling with her man. If he cannot give this, the relationship does not make sense.

psychology of the relationship of man to woman

In general, the husband’s task in the woman’s life is to make her happy, protect, and help in difficult situations. Life is too short to spend on unnecessary people who do not value you. Your person will certainly meet and give unforgettable joy from mutual love.

Fear of being alone

If a man does not love and does not let go, you may have forgiven him too much, and he felt the charm of impunity. Moreover, most often he behaves a little arrogantly, in every possible way showing that he will not find a partner for himself. That you have to think about how to live. On top of that, words of humiliation towards a woman are often heard like: “who needs you at all”, “who will look at you”, etc. It doesn’t matter at all what the woman’s appearance and personal qualities really are . She can be a written beauty, an excellent hostess and successful in life. Why does a man not let such a woman go? Because he is afraid to be alone. And he allows humiliating phrases because he himself hates what he says to others in himself. Deep complexes are in the face, the main of them is their own inferiority and self-doubt. Is such a man needed nearby if he is also helpless as a child?

man says he doesn’t like

Owner by nature

Many unions and families are created according to the principle: she was a good, economic girl, and she got married. And when a more attractive woman meets in life, they immediately start to think that there was no love in the marriage, but here it is. And a love triangle is born : the wife loves her husband, he loves her mistress, and she - in the hope that she met her fate, as a rule, does not even suspect his family status.

If by nature his man is an owner who is not endowed with a conscience from nature and from upbringing, then he will keep both ladies near him in every possible way. At the same time, each of them will hear virtuoso speeches about how hard it is, how it has to be torn. In such situations, men manage to bind two chosen ones to themselves at once with promises, insane explanations of what is happening and vows of love for each of them. Such is the psychology of the relationship of men to women.

if the man said I do not like

Lady takes control of the situation

When a family drama unfolds in a similar scenario, the wife must decide what to do next. It should not frighten and stop the presence of children, joint living space and other property, "acquired by overwork." The main thing in a situation, if a man does not love and does not let go, make him understand that the wife is not his property, like the children, and everything else should be divided according to the law. It is not worth it to endure the husband’s antics in the hope that he will come to his senses and understand what an invaluable gift in the form of acceptance the wife gave him back. It can last forever, and you will waste your life waiting for a miracle. Moreover, men are so arranged that few of them voluntarily leave a good woman.

They look at living together, especially with age, very practical. If the mistress and clever woman are in the house, then the beautiful artisan can be found on the side. This is usually called an outlet.

man does not let go of woman

We put an end to it!

If you are not lucky, your husband was the instigator of such a situation, you need to show him that you have the right to a full life. You will not be satisfied with the option of partially meeting your needs. Often men, seeing such a mood, begin to activate. True, their vector is not always aimed at preserving the family. If a man says he does not love, then he will no longer be your husband. He can remain a father to his children, help financially, but access to your body, and even more so to your heart, is forever closed.

Do not do such acts

Many women make a very common mistake - they continue an intimate relationship with her husband, knowing about his infidelity and the presence of a third person. Firstly, if he still perceives you as an object for sex, then this can serve as a powerful lever of influence on further relationships. If you stop the intimacy, he will either simply leave, since there is no sense in remaining, or he will make efforts to restore contact. Whatever the outcome, it is better than being in limbo.

why a man does not let go

He is confused ...

If a man does not love and does not let go, it happens that he is really confused. Life is unpredictable, it happens that people fall in love. Maybe the situation has influenced, the circumstances have come together or the insistent lady met.

You cannot command the heart - yes, but a person is able to control his actions. If you do not look for meetings with the object of sympathy, but try not to think about it, then most likely there will be no problems, and the flame of turbulent relations from a spark of passion will not flare up. But men are very susceptible to temptations. It is easier for them to succumb to temptation, or rather, it is more difficult to resist. Here are such weak-willed creatures. The presence of a family or children does not bother many.

male owner

Give advice

But if your man is confused in his feelings, then help him figure them out. Of course, if he asks about it and humanly goes into a frank conversation. If there are no reproaches on his part, that it is all your fault, it is already good. A man can admit to adultery, but to clarify that this helped him to understand how much he loves his wife. Yes, you shouldn’t just let go of the situation. In a peculiar way, you should teach him a lesson. For example, to start devoting more time to oneself, to spend on one’s own needs an amount that had never been allowed before, to look, change one’s image, and pay attention to personal interests. Such behavior will show that you are ready to be close only to the man who will value you and reckon with your views. The interests of the family in this period should be relegated to the background. Seeing how you have become well-groomed, enthusiastic and spiritualized, your spouse will most likely begin to conquer you again.


Whatever the situation in your life, you should not think that just because you are a weak and fragile woman, you do not have the right to make key decisions. Only a man himself can choose which way he should go and which step. A husband or lover, of course, has a great influence on a woman’s life, but they are her component. You can not tolerate any tricks of a partner, just not to be alone. This will only lead to an unhappy life that loses its meaning. To avoid this, respect and love yourself, then any man who meets on the way will have nothing left to do except treat you the same way. Be happy!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11206/

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