How to remove a stain from tea? Best Laundry Products

From the table itโ€™s not always possible to get out neat. Not only food but tea can stain clothes. The drink consists of phenolic compounds that stain the fabric. Which washing powder better removes such stains? Means with additives are more suitable for this.

how to remove a stain from tea

It is more convenient to take the item to dry cleaning, where the craftsmen, using proven methods, will remove stains on clothing. But these services are expensive, and therefore there is a desire to do the work yourself. Means for washing are different, you just need to use them correctly.


A solution of ammonia will help eliminate problems with clothes of this type. Need to take 1 tsp. liquid and dilute it in 1 liter of water. Clothing should be dampened in a prepared product. You can use a sponge or cotton swab.

Under a damaged place, place a tissue napkin. Often after alcohol stains remain. To eliminate them, you will need a solution of citric acid (10%), which must be treated with stains. After 15 minutes, the item should be rinsed, washed with powder.

The use of bleach

This method is used for white natural material: linen and cotton. But silk, wool and synthetics can deteriorate. How to get the tea stain out this way? First you need to read the instructions, and then chlorine can be diluted with water.

laundry detergents

Clothing is soaked in a solution, then it must be washed and rinsed. You need to use the rule: first a concentrated agent is applied, and if the result is not visible, then the amount of bleach increases. If you are allergic to this substance, you must wear rubber gloves. To remove the smell of bleach in the washing machine, you need to add a special conditioner.


If colored things are dirty, then the stain remover must be used carefully. Such tools can remove dirt, as well as change the color of the fabric. How to remove a stain from tea with brown and glycerin? A solution of these components must be diluted in water in an amount of 1: 1. Then you need to dip a sponge in the product and rub the stain.

First, the solution should be applied near the contamination, and then move to the center. If traces of this method remain, then a weak solution of salt and citric acid will help to eliminate them. Then you need to thoroughly rinse with water.

Glycerin use

It is used in different forms. It is necessary to prepare a composition with ammonia and glycerin (4 tsp each). Soak the stained tissue in the solution. The tool will work for half an hour, and then the thing must be washed. This can be done manually or in a typewriter, only you should choose the appropriate mode.

which washing powder is better

How to remove the tea stain in another way? This will require glycerin and salt. The components need to be mixed until a mushy mixture is obtained, and then applied to a dirty place. After 15 minutes, you must wash the item. Use only warm water for the procedures. If the item is silk or wool, then the spots are removed with the help of heated glycerin.


How to remove the tea stain in another way? The contaminated place must be rubbed with soap and then washed. Glycerin soap is suitable for silk and wool products , and laundry soap for cotton and linen. The recipe is only for removing fresh spots.


Acids are excellent for stain removal. First you need to use table vinegar, due to which it will be possible to qualitatively remove impurities. The product (1 tbsp. L) is mixed with water (1 cup). The thing must be soaked, and then washed. If the first procedure did not produce results, then it is performed a second time.

stains on clothes

Citric acid also helps. From it it is necessary to prepare a solution (10%), and stains can be cleaned. Fast results are guaranteed by pretreatment with ammonia. Oxalic acid has the same effect. Her in the amount of 1 tsp. must be mixed with citric acid (2 tsp). The prepared product must be used for rubbing into the product, and then it should be washed.

Hydrogen peroxide

If the item is sewn from a delicate fabric, then the stains from tea are eliminated with hydrogen peroxide. The product must be treated with a substance, and then washed. But before the procedure, a substrate should be laid under the place of contamination.

Such detergents for tea stained products are effective. It is only necessary to carefully carry out the procedure. If there are patterns on the fabric, you need to make sure that the product used does not harm the product. To do this, apply a small amount of cleaner to the bend. If there is no negative reaction, then you can safely perform the procedure. If in doubt, it is better to entrust the work to specialists.

Powder selection

The substances that make up the powders are divided into surface active and additional. The former are used instead of soap, and they successfully cope with splitting. Activators are enzymes, perborates, polyphosphates, flavorings, emollients.

practical advice

Universal powders are such products that are used for washing clothes from different fabrics. They easily cope with the elimination of dust, sweat, dirt. Their name may be the word "wagon."

What washing powder is better for washing tea? Means with additives are suitable for this. They also eliminate stains from coffee, sauces, fruits, fat. The name of the powders has the prefix "bio."

Powders with bleach can eliminate pollution, as well as universal means. They are great for things from different materials. On the packaging will be written "automatic". Powders for washing in cool water are used to cleanse synthetic and thin fabrics.

Product Cleaning Recommendations

To wash clothes in a quality manner, you need to use the following practical tips:

  • it is necessary to eliminate the stain immediately after its appearance;
  • if tea was spilled on the carpet, then before applying the cleaning agent it is necessary to put a fabric folded in several layers under the contaminated area;
  • if there is an image, then you must first check whether it will deteriorate;
  • The product is applied not to a dirty place, but to the area near the spot.

Using these simple rules, it will be possible to eliminate the spots that have appeared. And the thing will last for many years.


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