What is a TSUM? Decoding abbreviations

What the Central Department Store (decoding of the abbreviation) means in Soviet times, everyone knew, regardless of what part of the USSR he lived in. After all, this word, like GUM, was a synonym for a shopping paradise, where it was possible to buy absolutely everything. How was the history of the Central Department Store and what happened to it today?

What is a TSUM

There are two versions of what these three letters mean.

transcript of the word gum and tsum

The official transcript of the word "TSUM" is the central department store. This is the name of one of the largest shopping centers in the history of the USSR and the modern Russian Federation, located at the intersection of ul. Petrovka and Theater Square in Moscow.

The total sales area of ​​this institution (including floors) is 69 square kilometers, which today makes the TSUM one of the largest shopping centers in Europe, and throughout the world.

There is also another decoding of the word "TSUM" - the central department store of Moscow. More often this is what visitors call this store, which at all times of its existence constituted the bulk of buyers. However, such a decryption is not entirely true, since since the advent of the GUM, it was he who has always been considered the main trading attraction of Moscow.

History of the Central Department Store until 1917

Having figured out what the Central Department Store is, it is worth learning more about its history, because at different times it was always in the spotlight.

what is tsum

Until the 19th century in the Russian Empire there were no shopping centers in their current sense. Poor and middle-class goods were sold in shops, bazaars, or in small specialized shops, while for the wealthy elite, goods were made to order or brought from abroad.

In 1857, 2 Scottish entrepreneurs arrived in Russia - Andrew Muir and Archibald Merilize. Having settled in a new country, a few years later, businessmen opened a small haberdashery store.

tsum decryption abbreviation

The business of their brand "Mur and Meriliz" quickly went uphill, entrepreneurs began to gradually expand the range of their enterprise, opening more and more departments there. Until they came to the conclusion that they needed to open their own universal shopping center, which they did.

Already by 1888-1889. “Myur and Meriliz” department store was in full swing and managed to earn an excellent reputation. Here it was possible to purchase relatively inexpensive (for the middle class) high-quality goods, not only from overseas, but also from Russian manufacturers. In addition, the store had a system for returning or exchanging goods, as well as a delivery service that could send purchases even to neighboring cities. In addition, in the future TSUM a seasonal catalog of goods that could be ordered by mail was issued.

However, the success of "Mur and Meriliz" could not but arouse the envy of less successful entrepreneurs. Therefore, according to the old Russian tradition, competitors tried twice to burn the general store of the Scots (1892 and 1900). There were rumors that this was somehow connected with the “Joint Stock Company of the Upper Trading Rows on Red Square in Moscow” (the future GUM), which at that time was organizing its own shopping center.

Despite all the intrigues of the competitors, Mur and Meriliz in a short time not only were able to rebuild their store, but a few years later turned it into a huge seven-story complex, which became the best in pre-revolutionary Moscow. Its beauty, convenience and gloss attracted the attention of absolutely all walks of life. Wealthy citizens came to Mur and Meriliz to buy something, and those who could not afford it visited the store, like an exhibition of luxury.

TsUM in the Soviet pre-war time

After the revolution and the advent of Soviet power, the shopping center “Mur and Meriliz” was voluntarily forcibly transferred to state ownership, and by 1922 it was officially renamed Mostorg and opened in a festive atmosphere.

transcript of the word tsum

However, Mostorg (which was soon renamed to the Central Department Store) could not reach the former greatness of "Mur and Meriliz". The quality of goods and services was significantly inferior to the pre-revolutionary period. Moreover, the GUM, which opened next year, began to position itself as the country's main department store. By the way, the decoding of the words "GUM" and "TSUM" is very similar: the State Department Store and the Central Department Store. Although the state stimulated the development of TSUM and GUM, the latter was given preference: it organized its own sewing atelier and distributed more scarce goods here. But the Central Department Store (the abbreviation for the abbreviation above) was now forever forced to become the second.

Despite this, the store still flourished. By the way, it was one of the first to issue goods to workers on credit.

Since 1933, the Central Department Store, for the first time in the USSR, began to sell luxury goods at higher prices.

Central Department Store during and after the war

However, the store did not have a lot of fun - the Great Patriotic War began. During this period, the position of the Central Department Store has changed. Now its upper floors were converted into barracks. And at the bottom they continued to sell goods, but only to workers and only on cards. This system lasted until the end of the war.

After the victory, the full-fledged work of the department store was restored as soon as possible. Moreover, to meet the needs of customers, a part of Soviet factories and plants were assigned to the Central Department Store, which were supposed to provide the store with a sufficient amount of goods.

what does tsum decryption mean

Unfortunately, the quality of the goods began to deteriorate, as the main priority was their quantity. To meet the growing demand, factories and factories often produced products of disgusting quality, and buyers for lack of a better one were forced to take what is. To do this, had to stand long hours of queue.

In rare cases, foreign goods could also be purchased at the Central Department Store. True, it was a rarity and incredible luck. Sometimes, in order to fulfill the sales plan, scarce and imported goods were specially sold at the end of the month or before important holidays.

In the 70-80 years. The store began a period of experimentation. To optimize the work, a self-service system was introduced, as well as a simplified payment system.

On the wreckage of the USSR

After the collapse of the USSR, the TSUM continued to exist, but needed to adapt to the conditions of a market economy. To this end, in 1992 he was turned into an open joint stock company. A few years later, an international tender was held to find investors and refit the department store buildings.

The winner was the German company ReDesign Einrichtung GmbH, through the efforts of which the shopping area of ​​TSUM increased. The store has changed. Additional stairs, parking lots, elevators were installed. The service and payment system has also been optimized. And in 1997, the Central Department Store appeared before customers in a new, more modern way.

TSUM today

Having figured out what the Central Department Store is, and also having studied its history, let's find out how things are with this store today.

what is tsum

In the early 2000s, Mercury took over the management of the mall. Thanks to her initiative today, what is the Central Department Store is known far beyond the borders of the country. Now on its territory there are not only shops, but also 3 cafes, dry cleaning and beauty salons.

In addition, the modern TSUM is actively involved in the social life of society. It hosts art, photo and video exhibitions, as well as charity events.

But this department store has its drawbacks. These include not always thought-out advertising inside the Central Department Store. Several scandals are connected with it. Fortunately, the leadership of the shopping center was able to hear customers and meet their requests.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C1121/

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