Money Limes platform: reviews. Purchase and sale of Internet traffic

Money Limes is another very dubious earnings on the Internet. The creators of the platform offer to make money on the sale of Internet traffic, but is it real? The article will detail the Money Limes website, reviews about it, the possibility of earning on Internet traffic and fraud schemes.

Internet scammers

Clone sites

Like any fraudulent website, Money Limes has many clones whose names are constantly changing, but the form and content are the same. MONEY TREE, MONEY FLAME, MONEY RIDES, MONEY APPLE, MONEY LIKE, MONEY PRID, Money Brills are all the same Money Limes.

The design of all sites is the same, only the name changes. Now Money Limes cannot be found on the Internet, since fraud sites usually have a short life span, but nothing prevents such a site with a new name from appearing. In addition to Money Limes, there are several dozen sites that offer to earn on the sale of traffic. Their advertising is constantly in the social groups "Vkontakte", "Facebook", "Instagram". Earnings offers also come to many by email.

Internet popularity

Therefore, the name does not have much significance, the main thing is understanding how the creators by deception earn money.

Platform legend

The legend used by scammers is very believable. And it sounds like this. Thousands of sites that need customers are constantly being created on the Internet. Owners use SEO promotion to promote their sites. For good promotion of your product / service, it is necessary that the site is on the top lines of search engines. And in order for the site to be on the first page of the search, you need good Internet traffic.

Understanding Internet traffic should be as the number of visits to a site for a certain period of time. Everyone who visits a site creates traffic for him.

Purchase and sale of Internet traffic

Money Limes platform brings together owners of Internet resources, webmasters who pay for Internet traffic, that is, for attracting visitors to their sites. There are more than 500 thousand such buyers. Any Internet user can be a seller, the main and only factor is the availability of the Internet.

What does the site offer?

The creators of the platform offer to earn more than 30,000 rubles a day on the Internet through the purchase and sale of Internet traffic. You can earn without doing anything, literally in two clicks of the mouse.

First you need to evaluate your Internet traffic and Internet speed by clicking the appropriate button. And then just sell your internet traffic. When selling on the screen, the amount of money earned will increase, which you can immediately withdraw to your e-wallet or card.

Everything is very beautiful on the site, but with the withdrawal of funds, the most interesting part begins. To withdraw funds you need to pay 0.2 percent of the commission to the platform. Of course, this cannot be done from the money earned on the site. After 0.2 percent is paid, the site will require you to deposit more money, and more, and so on ad infinitum. Money Limes reviews say about 15 payments. You can make money, but you can’t get something out of this site.

Money laundering

Most likely, the calculation of the scammers was made on the fact that the amount of 0.2% does not seem so big. And many, without hesitation, will pay for the services of the platform. But if you think about it, 0.2 percent of 30,000 is 60 rubles, if at least 50,000 people pay for this “service”, you get a large sum of 3 million rubles. And there are those who paid further, not only 0.2 percent.

Can I make money on the sale of traffic?

Indeed, there is such a form of earnings on the Web as buying and selling Internet traffic. Therefore, people are being led to this type of fraud, because it includes a real way to earn money. But the real system of such earnings is much more complicated and requires special knowledge and skills.

Traders and buyers of Internet traffic

First you need to understand: who is the seller of traffic and the buyer.

A seller is a person who is able to increase the number of unique visitors on a certain Internet resource. People who sell traffic, in fact, attract visitors to a specific Internet resource using methods such as contextual advertising, teaser advertising, advertising on social networks, various mailing lists and other methods. Thus, sellers provide services and carry out comprehensive work to attract unique visitors.

Traffic buyers are owners of Internet resources who need to increase the number of website visitors, thereby promoting their website or product.

Earnings on the Internet

There are special exchanges on the Web that allow the buyer and seller of traffic to meet.

When you see an ad for the sale of traffic, you need to understand what this means. Translating into an understandable language, the seller for a fee will increase the number of site visitors by a certain amount, which is required by the buyer.

To make it even clearer, we give an example. A man opens an online store. In order to make a profit, he needs to attract as many visitors and potential buyers to his site as possible. But how to do it if there is no experience in website promotion. Of course, you need to contact those who will provide such services and attract buyers to the site, i.e., traffic sellers. For a certain amount, they will redirect new customers directly to the desired Internet resource.

You can become successful in this type of earnings, but you must be able to predict the behavior of visitors, be able to use each method both separately and in combination. This is a whole science.

What should alert you?

Having visited the Money Limes website, as well as other similar sites, and having carefully studied it, you can identify a number of signs that speak of developers' dishonesty:

  1. When you visit the site, scammers immediately show how much money has been earned for today, and this figure is constantly growing. But if you reload the page, then the countdown will begin again. This suggests that the counting is not in real time. The same applies to the number of buyers in the database.
  2. After reading the user agreement on some of these sites, too much becomes clear. It states that everything that is written on the site is just an assumption about earnings. No one guarantees a profit, and the user himself assumes all risks.
  3. The site has only positive reviews dated today. Today will be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and reviews will not change.
  4. A very simple registration, which requires only a login. The location is often incorrect.
  5. And, of course, the purchase and sale of Internet traffic Money Limes itself. According to reviews, the entire process on the site lasts only about a minute. And during this minute, more than 500,000 clicks to customer sites are made. But if you recall what is Internet traffic, and this is a unique visit to sites, then how is it possible to leave its mark on half a million different sites in such a short period of time? It is simply not possible.

How not to fall into the clutches of scammers?

The Internet is replete with many sites that expose scammers, many bloggers who write on these topics. But why do so many people fall for the scam? The answer is probably this: there will always be people who will believe them, and fraudsters will always come up with new ways to lure money.

money limes divorce

There are several rules that will reduce the possibility of getting into scammers:

  1. If you liked any type of earnings on the Internet, you need to carefully study the sphere of activity on which they offer to earn. Learn all the terminology, all the rules. Only by understanding the topic of earnings, you can easily identify scammers. After all, fraudsters use those areas of activity that are far from clear to everyone.
  2. Do not undertake activities that are incomprehensible to the end, completely non-close, and there is no time to understand them. Better not to earn anything than to lose money.
  3. Carefully study the site on which they offer to earn. Often, fraudulent sites are similar: single-page, no hyperlinks, simple navigation, several positive reviews, unrealistic statistics, communication only via email, no phones, or they do not work.
  4. If you are offered to deposit any amount on such a site in order to receive the money you earned, you need to think a million times. Especially when it is impossible to deposit money from the amounts earned on a particular Internet resource. In almost all cases, this indicates fraud on the Web.
  5. Learn reviews about this or that type of earnings. It’s often easy to find fraud articles on the Internet. There are also custom ones, but most of the reviews are real.
  6. Tell your friends and relatives about different types of fraud on the Internet.
  7. And most importantly - you don’t need to make big money without making any efforts. Any work, any work requires effort, mental or physical.

Money Limes Reviews

What it is? This is eloquently described by a huge number of reviews about the Money Limes platform. Feedback on the platform is only negative. This suggests that Money Limes is a scam of pure water, that it is impossible to withdraw money from this site.

Online cheating

There are a lot of people injured at the hands of fraudsters, but advertising for such sites continues to exist. Therefore, it is important that as many people as possible learn about this type of money laundering.


The popularity of such a divorce is simply explained. Fraudsters combined the real form of earnings with fiction. Yes, you can make money on the sale of traffic, but it is impossible to get huge amounts of money with one click of a mouse and visiting one site. Be careful in your quest to get rich quick and be careful about dubious types of earnings.


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