Child cruelty: causes, consequences, prevention

Many have heard of child cruelty. But in some babies, the character changes over time for the better, while in others, bad habits and bad qualities worsen with age. What does it depend on? From the right upbringing and from what example adult adults will set.


Many parents who have just acquired a child are overly protective of their child. It is not surprising that the child has no problems in life, and he does not understand the harsh realities of the world. So how can child cruelty develop in such guys who have not seen anything wrong with this life? The fact is that, growing up, a child who has not been able to make decisions on his own will throw himself to extremes. Such a person may be too modest or, conversely, too violent. A man who grew up in the full care of his mother involuntarily becomes an egoist. He never needed anything, and therefore he can do whatever his heart desires. Such recklessness begins to appear in school years. The child is fighting with classmates, as he understands that his mother will not scold him. After all, a child will lie that he did not start a fight, but he was beaten.

The main reason for child cruelty is ignorance of the world. A child who is always patronized and pitied can do a lot of stupid things. Therefore, rational mothers accustom the child to independence from a very young age. Then the child will not have problems with self-knowledge and he will not rush from one extreme to another.

Lack of love

angry child

What could be worse than hyper-custody? Lack of love. A child who is not loved by parents is constantly in trouble. Why? Thus, the child wants to attract the attention of adults to his candidacy. The child fights, falls from the trees, drags animals by the tails and ears, and is also rude to adults. Such asocial behavior is quite normal for babies whose parents are engaged in building a career, rather than raising a child. Many people think that their task is to provide the child with all the necessary material benefits, and educators and teachers should be engaged in the upbringing and formation of personality. Parents need to understand that for children, attention is much more important than fashionable toys. The child whom they love will never be bullied by a classmate and try to prove to everyone their coolness and authority. Only children who do something missing in the family do this. Therefore, they try to assert themselves at an alien expense. Parents should pay attention to the inclinations of their child in time, otherwise the character will form, and negative character traits will be difficult to fix.

Replicated Aggression

violence films

You have a happy family, but for some reason the child is behaving inappropriately. Where to look for the cause of antisocial behavior? Films about violence greatly affect the behavior of the child. Even if the baby’s mom and dad treat each other very well, but the child often watches action films and criminal stories with his parents, then soon you can wait for the baby to copy the behaviors seen on the blue screen. Why? Children tend to imitate their favorite characters. And if a child has a favorite character, albeit a good one, but who solves all issues by assault, then the child will solve his problems in this way. And I can teach bad habits not only adult films, but also children's cartoons. Take, for example, Tom and Jerry. This popular comedy is based on the fact that the mouse purposefully scoffs at the cat and Tom has to behave aggressively. And nowhere is it said that such behavior is wrong. The essence of the cartoon is as follows: if you are pissed off, you can use any punitive measures in relation to your offender. This approach is fundamentally wrong. Therefore, you cannot include films about child abuse. To a fragile mind, such pictures will be harmful. They will harm the psyche and affirm the child in the opinion that aggression and force should help in any controversial situation.

Gangster child

why do children get cruel

Is everything in your district called your β€œtomboy” your kid? Why did a sweet and affectionate child become a rude and inadequate teenager? If the parents at some point started upbringing offspring of a child, then it should not be surprising that the child independently began his education. But instead of learning something useful, the kid could get in touch with a bad company.

If the parents are unfamiliar with the friends of their child, and they are also completely not interested in what their heir does on the street, then a child left to himself can do a lot of stupid things. Aggression will be his means of defense against all whom he considers an outsider. And everyone will be outsiders, except for their gang. A good baby will soon become an evil child. The transformation will happen quickly, parents will not even have time to come to their senses.

Further, the child can often end up in police stations and become a juvenile delinquent. And why? Because the parents did not follow the upbringing of the child. You must always take part in the life of your child. Often ask about who the child is walking with, meet friends and ask every day what the child was doing on the street. Parents are required to devote time to their child. It should be not only conversations, but also joint games and walks. Then the baby will fully develop, and will not acquire bad inclinations.

Addiction to violence

root cause of child cruelty

An angry child is a child whose parents are not raising them. Adults must understand that any effect has its own cause. If the child is behaving aggressively, it means that you should pay close attention to him. Cruelty is a quality that does not develop on its own. This is a mistake in education. The child is either belittled at home, or they are given too close attention and through asocial behavior, the person wants to show his independence. The consequences of improper upbringing can be disastrous. The child will try to find himself, and the path that he chooses will not be too good. For example, a teenager who is not accustomed to work, and who is not allocated pocket money, can earn money for entertainment by robbery and robbery. This behavior needs to be fixed. This should be done by professional psychologists, since from a certain age a teenager will deny the authority of parents.

Addiction to violence forms at a young age. The child will try various ways of self-affirmation and not always they will be humane. Constant fights show that a person is trying to assert himself at the expense of strength. This way of solving problems is dangerous for society. Having developed a model of behavior that works, the child can use it at a conscious age. Pickpockets, rapists and robbers are people who do not have moral standards, or they are, but individuals are not afraid to transgress them.

Spineless creature

child cruelty to animals

Why do children torment animals? The reason is that the child feels the authority of adults and believes that strong creatures always dominate the weak. If parents put too much pressure on their child, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the baby will be aggressive towards animals. The child will be afraid to show his character to his parents, but he will not be afraid to show his animals.

Oppressing the weak, the child will feel superior. Such behaviors must be strictly punished. But first of all, psychologists advise parents to reduce pressure on the child. The kid should feel in adults not only strength and authority, but also love. You need to instill in your child the idea that the more a person has power, the more he has responsibility to others. Such a thought will have a beneficial effect on the child. He will understand that it is impossible to scoff at animals, since they are weak and defenseless. It is necessary to inspire the child with the idea that weak creatures need love and affection. A similar statement must be formed from infancy. When the baby pulls the cat’s tail, he needs to be told that the animal is hurt, and it can bite or scratch. And this will be a normal reaction to bullying.

It should also be explained that it is impossible to pick leaves from trees and break seedlings. The child must understand that living things, even if they can’t fight back, feel pain.

Teach your child to solve his problems on his own

child abuse prevention

The psychology of children and parents is different. Children understand that adults are strong and intelligent individuals who can solve all problems. Each parent wants to protect and protect their child. But from a certain age, you should accustom the child to independence. The kid should be able to fend for himself and at the same time solve issues not with his fists, but with the help of logical arguments. Offended or beaten in response is not worth it. It is necessary to explain to the offender that he is wrong, and at the same time do it yourself, and not run for help to the teacher or teacher. Non-dependent children often ask adults to solve their problems. Indulge such a desire is not worth it. Why? The teacher can get into a scandal and punish the guilty. But the person harbors a grudge against the sneak, and takes revenge at the earliest opportunity. If you do not want your child to grow up weak, you should teach him to properly solve his problems.

Teenage cruelty is not the norm. Cruelty and aggressiveness are a consequence of destructive behavior. Teenagers are trying to find themselves and learn to confront this world. Without parental support, they can rush from one extreme to another. It should be made clear to the child that the problem can always be solved in a civilized way.

Bring to your child the idea that fists should not be used even in extreme cases. But what about self-defense? A teenager should not bring a conflict to a fight. He needs to solve the problem before it takes a more serious turn.

Education through fairy tales

the child is fighting

Child cruelty to animals is quite common in any society. Many children do not see the difference between toys and living things. If the baby aggressively plays with soft bears, then he will play with the domestic cat in the same style. In this case, you should make it clear to the child that aggression is not only allowed for pets, but also for plush toys. Parents should tell the child that toys also hurt and offend when they are beaten. Someone may say that lying to children is not good. Do not take such situations as a hoax. You teach your child to show respect for everything that surrounds him. Parents should adjust the behavior of their child if it goes beyond the acceptable. It is foolish to think that the baby sees the difference between the animal and its teddy bear. For a child, any creature that is small in size is a toy.

How to raise a child loving and understanding? You need to correct the behavior of the baby with the help of fairy tales. Read more with your child. But it’s not enough to read fables before going to bed. Parents should talk with the baby about what he heard. In any fairy tale there is morality, and it needs to be conveyed to the consciousness of the baby. After you read a story to your child, you need to discuss it. If the child is small, the conclusion should be made by adults. If the child is already big, then he must explain to his parents what he understood from the text he read. Only conscious work on the meaning of the work will help the baby better understand what is good and what is evil.

Empathy development

How should prevention of child cruelty go? Adults should work on the empathy of the baby. The child should be encouraged to think that empathy is the normal quality of any person. If someone is hurt or ill, you need to feel sorry for him.

When a child understands what pain and resentment is, he will not deliberately try to cause harm to others. How to carry out educational work? Walk more and talk with your child. For example, when you see a child fall from a scooter on the street, you need to run up to the baby with your child and help the unfamiliar boy get up. After this, you should calm the baby together, feel sorry for him and, if necessary, treat the wound. After this illustrative case, tell your child that such help is normal human behavior. Make the child imagine that a similar situation could happen to him. Let him imagine how he himself falls off the scooter, how painful and offensive he will be. Empathy will help the child understand that someone else's pain can be as strong as their own. And understanding and accepting this fact, the baby will not push children or beat them.

Why do children get cruel? Parents do not teach their kids empathy. Modern mothers are very concerned about the happiness of their own child, and often do not pay any attention to the surrounding children. And this must be done. Otherwise, you can’t explain to your child in any way what alien pain, alien happiness, what empathy and joy for others are all normal.

Authority for the child

Child cruelty occurs in those families in which there is no authority. The child is used to copying behavior from his idols. And for each child, parents should be idols. But if the kids understand that their mom and dad are not drawn to the role of heroes, then they have to find a replacement in cartoons or in films.

Parents should become role models and objects of adoration. Children should love and idolize their parents. In this case, they will copy normal behavior, and will not suffer from fits of rage, unless, of course, adults suffer from them. So think about whether you are a role model. Can a child be proud of your success and consider you a hero. Not? Change the situation. Otherwise, your baby will soon understand what he needs to look for or invent another idol for himself.

No physical punishment

If parents beat children, then they should not be surprised that the kids grow up into aggressive people. The assault cannot be welcomed under any circumstances. Even if the child is very annoying, you need to pacify him with words, not beatings. Parents who welcome corporal punishment raise aggressive individuals.

Child cruelty is directly dependent on adult behavior. After all, imitation is a natural stage in the development of any child. If dad hits the boy for misconduct, then growing up, the teenager begins to beat his classmates for his behavior. Is this adequate? Not. Such behavior should not be acceptable in normal families. Parents should show the baby by example that all problems can be resolved peacefully. No need to resort to the help of the belt whenever the arguments end. You need to look for suitable words and use them.


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