How to decorate a cake with cream: methods and recommendations. How to make cream cream

Cream is a delicate, tasty, dairy product from our childhood. Immediately I recall my grandmother's house in the village. In modern cooking, they are designed to decorate various products: cakes, muffins, pastries, cheesecakes. Cream is also considered a universal product that can be used not only for decorating pastries, but also added to coffee, cocktails, ice cream, cottage cheese. In the article we will talk about how to decorate a cake with whipped cream and how to make them at home.

How to choose high-quality cream?

Real cream is considered a very fatty product. Only cream should be indicated in their composition. However, on the shelves of our stores you can observe a product with a different percentage of fat content, as manufacturers dilute it with milk. In addition, various components may be included. Nutrologists give several recommendations that will help you choose quality products.

  • When buying cream, be sure to read the label. On it should be written all the stabilizers and additives that are included there.
  • It is necessary to choose cream of various fat content based on what they will be intended for. For example, as an additive to coffee, a product with a fat content of 10% is suitable, and for decorating cakes from 35% and above.
  • Quality creams will have a rich milky taste. If bitterness is felt, then such a product is better not to eat.
  • As for appearance, they should have a creamy tint. And by consistency, be homogeneous and thick.
How to make cream

How to cook whipped cream at home?

If you suddenly doubt the naturalness of the product, then you can make a good cream yourself. For them, they just need: whole milk with a fat content of 3% and butter. Especially for you, we have prepared a short and easy recipe for making cream.

  • First you need to pour the milk into the pan.
  • Then you should cut the butter into small cubes and send it into a container with milk.
  • Next, put the pan on the stove on a small fire and stir all the time. The oil should melt. However, remember that you must not bring the milk to a boil.
  • After pouring the contents into a blender and beat for several minutes until the mass becomes homogeneous. If you don’t have a blender, you can use a regular whisk.
  • Then you need to cover the cream with gauze and leave for 20 minutes.
  • When the product has cooled, send it to the refrigerator.

You should have a thick and thick consistency.

Delicious cream

Creamy Apple Cream

How to make cream from cream? Very simple. Today in the article we will share with you interesting recipes for making creams. You will also learn how to decorate a cake with cream in an original way. Creamy apple cream is something unusual and new. It will go well with fruit pies and chocolate cakes. For him you should stock up:

  • fat cream from 25%;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • sweet, juicy apples 2 pcs.;
  • sugar 0.5 cups;
  • water 100 ml.

The cooking algorithm is simple.

  • First you need to wash the apples, then peel and peel them.
  • Grind the fruits into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar and pour water.
  • We put the mass on the stove on a small fire and cook. The result should be mashed potatoes.
  • Next, you need to whip the cream, adding vanilla there.
  • Then you need to mix the creamy mass with mashed potatoes.

How to decorate a cake with cream and such a cream? There are many ways. For example, you can brush a cake with butter and apple cream. Then lay the fruits on top and use a whipped cream to make a beautiful edging.

Butter cream

Chocolate cream

For coffee or cream cake, you can prepare a gentle chocolate cream cream. For him you will need:

  • cream from 20%;
  • a bag of gelatin (40 g);
  • powdered sugar;
  • cocoa powder 35 g;
  • dark chocolate 40 g

We act like this.

  • Prepared gelatin must be added to one third of the cream, mix thoroughly. Then leave the mass for two hours.
  • Next, place the consistency in a pan and put on the stove, stirring constantly until the gelatin dissolves.
  • Then you need to melt the chocolate in a water bath, adding cocoa to it.
  • The cream is mixed with the chocolate mass and left to cool.

Cream Cake Decoration

Have you made a cake but don’t know how to decorate it? The most delicate cream is considered the best product for decorating baking. Firstly, they are very tasty and satisfying. Secondly, they are easy to decorate cakes, as they are able to take any shape. We offer you some photo examples of how to decorate a cake with cream. To do this, you just need a special pastry bag.

How to decorate a cream cake

How to decorate a cake with cream? From them you can make beautiful flowers, for example, roses or write something. You can also decorate the cake with unusual and interesting patterns.

We decorate the cake with cream

Here is another original version of decorating the cake. Such a product looks very festive, appetizing and unusual. It obviously will not leave indifferent a birthday man.

Beautiful cake

Recommendations and methods

Well-known confectioners believe that not only the internal filling of the cake is important, but also its appearance. Baking decor is a whole art that requires good skills, patience and a lot of time from the craftsmen. Have you ever watched cooking shows? Have you seen how long and painstaking chefs have been working on their masterpieces? And what incredible products they end up with! In the world there are many competitions that are dedicated to this craft. Today, pastry chefs will open the secret curtain in their world and share their recommendations with us.

  • To decorate the cake with cream, use a special, pastry sleeve. With it, you can create various patterns for your product.
  • Flowers on cakes, such as roses, lilies, tulips, daisies, violets, always look beautiful and harmonious.
  • From the top in the center you can arrange fruit, and in a circle make an exquisite pattern, so to speak, a side.
  • For inscriptions it is necessary to stock up with a special syringe with a nozzle. Then the letters will come out clear and neat.
  • On the sides, usually masters love to draw all kinds of flowers, patterns.

You know, the most important advice that confectioners give is that you need to relate to your product with a soul. After all, the most delicious and sophisticated cakes are obtained only when they are made with love.


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