How to wash green from linoleum: simple and affordable means

Linoleum is by far the most common type of flooring. He can serve for many years, while not spoiling and without losing his original qualities. Quite often, during the operation, unforeseen situations occur that make linoleum no longer so attractive. What to do to rehabilitate this flooring? To do this, you just need to carefully and timely care for him.

There are some solutions, stains from which are not so easy to remove from any coating. Great sadness can bring green on linoleum. But there is always a way.

Green stains on linoleum. How to be

how to wash the green from linoleum

Alcoholic solution of brilliant green is well known to everyone since childhood. Even the smallest cut or scratch is disinfected with this miracle cure. The shade of brilliant green is very bright, and it is quite difficult to wash it off not only from the surface of the hands, but also from everything else. It is even more difficult to remove the product from clothing, linen or linoleum. How to wash the green from linoleum, if the spots are fresh? Ordinary running water is not ready to cope with this task, since the solution eats up into the surface instantly. In order to remove the brilliant green, for example from the skin, it will be necessary to soap and wash it many times under the pressure of water. What can we say about a denser coating.

However, there are such substances that will still help clear linoleum of bright spots. The final result will largely depend on the degree of penetration of the coloring elements deep into the surface.

Effective removal of green from linoleum

how can you wash the green with linoleum

If the penetration of the dye has not reached its maximum depth, it can be washed off quite simply with even the simplest method. It consists in washing the surface with a large amount of hot water with washing powder. This method will be quite effective if used immediately. If the stains are obsolete, then you need to think about more radical cleaning methods.

It is possible to remove such contaminants by other methods. The composition of brilliant green includes medical alcohol. Surprisingly, those solutions, in which there is no alcohol, can perfectly cope with this task. Great helpers in removing green spots are cotton sponges.

Best remedies

How can you wash the green with linoleum? What are the most effective products and what kind of cleaning effects can a flooring owner expect?

1. Nail polish remover or acetone. It is necessary to adhere to accuracy and caution in working with this tool. The disadvantage of this tool is that it is flammable. It should also be borne in mind that acetone acts aggressively on some types of linoleum. Under its influence, linoleum can melt. To prevent this, extreme care must be taken. It is also necessary to be careful with color coatings, which under the action of acetone and green can radically change color.

2. Bleach with chlorine content or a cream cleaner for cleaning ceramic surfaces with corrosive acids. Extreme care must be taken when cleaning with these products.

3. Laundry detergent, dissolved in water, is able to rehabilitate floor coverings and save them from green spots.

4. Hydrochloric acid in a 3% concentration.

5. Highly concentrated acetic acid or essence.

6. Baking soda powder, which is used in cooking.

These funds are quite affordable and are available in every home. Therefore, the question of how to wash the green from linoleum, while not spending a lot of money, is fully disclosed. It is advisable to use rubber gloves to remove such stains with aggressive materials. It is advisable to remove contaminants using a convenient brush with a hard pile.

The use of solutions

wash stains of green from linoleum

To wash the spots of brilliant green with linoleum, you can also use various solutions. Cooking them is easy.

Food vinegar has long been considered a favorite among other remedies for removing green from floor coverings. But its use requires preliminary preparation.

Useful tips for cleaning floors:

  1. Stains should be removed starting from the edges.
  2. It is necessary to perform manipulations without strong friction.
  3. It is forbidden to smear brilliant green on the floor.

How to wash the green from linoleum? Experienced housewives kindly share their recommendations.

how to wipe the green from linoleum

Method number 1

To cleanse linoleum, a pharmacy potassium permanganate and food vinegar essence will be required. It is necessary to combine the two means, wait for the reaction to finish, then moisten the washcloth in this liquid. After eliminating the contamination, linoleum should be washed thoroughly with water until no residue is found.

Then combine peroxide with vinegar to discolor the stains. After this, rinse the linoleum again with clean water. If the desired result has not been achieved, with great care repeat the previously performed manipulations.

Method number 2

How to wipe the green from linoleum so that there is no trace of the spot? It is necessary to take any product containing chlorine and gently moisten it with contamination. After a short period of time, it is necessary to carefully rinse this composition with warm water. Fresh spots should completely disappear.

Method number 3

Connect soda with vinegar in the container, wait for the end of the chemical process. Then gently pour the composition onto the stain, removing the foam. This method quickly enough removes such contaminants from the surface of linoleum.

Method number 4

Moisten cotton wool in a nail polish remover, then rub it very gently. Then rinse with clean water.

It is necessary to be extremely careful about detergents, which include aggressive components, the latter can easily damage linoleum.

Each of the methods is available to every housewife thanks to the simplest components that are in every house.

Fight against old spots

how to wipe linoleum from green

How to wash the green from linoleum, if the spots have already dried? The task is not easy, but, fortunately, it is feasible.

Older spots require more drastic measures. Linoleum is a strong and very reliable material, but even a high-quality coating can easily be damaged by exposing it to aggressive agents. Among the most effective methods of dealing with such spots is the use of ordinary hydrogen peroxide. Pollution should be rubbed with solvent and rinse with warm water. If the result remains disappointing, you must repeat this process again.

green on linoleum

When washing linoleum, it is necessary to do this several times, so that a bright spot does not stand out against the general background.

How to wipe linoleum from brilliant green, if the stain is set a very long time ago? This can help gasoline. For such cleaning it is necessary to moisten the cotton wool with fuel and leave it for some time on contamination. At the end, rinse off gasoline with a non-aggressive cleaning agent.

If all of the above methods have been ineffective, then it is worth moving on to radical measures. Sometimes a linoleum patch is required. To do this, carefully cut a piece of the coating with a stain. If linoleum is simple, then you can pick up a similar pattern and buy a small cut in the store to seal a hole. And you can cut off from the old linoleum. There are almost always areas of coverage that are hidden.


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