Phraseologisms with the word "eye". Phraseologisms with the word "eyes" and their meaning

Phraseologisms make each language special, unique, not like the others ... The key part of an idiomatic expression can even be a part of a person’s body. For example, consider phraseological units with the word "eye".

Phraseologisms with the word eye

The lexical meaning

First, let's figure out what the studied noun actually means:

  1. One of the senses of humans or animals, responsible for the ability to see them.
  2. A luminous circle of small size formed by a lighting device.
  3. Supervision, supervision, observation.
  4. A hole in the door, made in order to see the comer.
  5. Vision.

phraseological units with the word eyes and their meaning


This noun has several synonyms:

  • eyes (Do not look at my daughter with your shameless eyes!);
  • peepers (What peepers hatched? Turn away!);
  • glasses (Wipe glasses!);
  • countersinks (Tolik stared at us his countersinks, it was scary.);
  • balls (balls did not stare at her!);
  • headlights (Mishanya did not take his bright blue headlights from the girl);
  • squirrels (I’ll knock out the belma!)
  • Lupalka (Well, she and Lupalka!).

Phraseologism: meaning

Phraseologism is an indivisible, stable expression that has a special figurative or double meaning. For example, the idiom “letting dust in the eyes” literally means “throwing dust particles into the organs of vision”, but in reality it is used in the meaning of “boasting, exaggerating one’s wealth, achievements or merits”.

Phraseologisms with the word "eyes" and their meaning

There are a huge number of idiomatic expressions with this noun:

Phraseologisms with the word eye color

  • *** - diamond - about a man who has an accurate eye.
  • *** and in a wet place - about an overly whiny person.
  • On *** ah - in plain sight.
  • Do not fall for someone on *** but - avoid communication.
  • Third *** - intuition.
  • *** but stick together - you want to sleep.
  • Bribe blinds *** and - about bribery.
  • Shoot *** ami - flirt, attract attention, build eyes.
  • Though *** stick out - it’s very dark.
  • Read on *** am - to determine the mood or true intentions of a person by external (non-verbal) signs.
  • *** and in a heap - a condition after a long mental work.
  • *** and on the back of the head - intuition.
  • Throw in g *** a - stand out against the general background.
  • *** for running up - to be in a situation of difficult choice, due to great diversity.
  • *** and climbed on the forehead - a state of surprise.
  • Close *** a (on something) - intentionally not notice flaws, errors, gaps.
  • Go where *** and look - move in any direction, without thinking about anything, on the machine, without choosing the road.
  • Corns *** and - annoying.
  • *** nometan - about people with significant experience in anything.
  • *** Do not tear - that which is very much like, delights.
  • Like a thorn in *** y - about something extremely bored or interfering.
  • *** but they are afraid, but they’re doing their hands (proverb) - it’s worth starting a seemingly overwhelming business, as it ceases to seem like such.
  • *** and cry - a lot, a long and bitter cry.
  • *** And envious, hands raking - about an avid, greedy person.
  • Hide *** a - be ashamed, shy.
  • To unarmed *** ohm - literally: without auxiliary equipment; seen with the naked eye - obviously.
  • *** om without batting - swiftly, without hesitation, without hesitation, quickly.

Sentences with the word "eye"

To better understand the meaning of phraseological units with the word "eyes", we recommend that you study the examples of sentences presented below:

Phraseologisms with the word eye eye

  1. Remember ten phraseological units with the words “eye” and “eye”.
  2. The lieutenant colonel was embarrassed, ashamed of an uncontrolled outburst of anger, he hid his eyes from his wife and little sons.
  3. How tired I am: my eyes stick together, my legs don't go, my head doesn't think.
  4. The eyes of the elderly woman weakened, and the doctor advised her to wear glasses all the time.
  5. From this computer, my eyes have already gathered in a bunch.
  6. Mother has no eyes - only heart, big, hot, sensitive, loving.
  7. Do not slander, Nikolai Konstantinovich could not be mistaken: he has a diamond eye.
  8. His attitude towards Alyonushka was visible to everyone with the naked eye.
  9. The director of the local branch was out of sorts that day, shouting a lot, so his subordinates tried not to catch his eye.
  10. Write all the phraseological units you know with the word "eyes" (color does not matter).
  11. Viktor Viktorovich went wherever his eyes looked, not taking the road apart, not feeling the icy drops of rain flowing down the collar of his cloak, he was drunk.
  12. Oleg read her answer in her eyes, cold, ruthless, stern.
  13. This platoon was with all the soldiers as a thorn in the eye: he did not give a step to step calmly, without shouts, insults and complaints.
  14. How do you know everything, you did not look at them: you probably have eyes on the back of your head?
  15. From what Pavlik’s mother saw, his eyes went up.
  16. Alex caught all her desires, read every thought in her eyes.
  17. And without blinking an eye, Anatoly lied that he was working in the ministry.
  18. How could you choose this, you have no eyes?
  19. The darkness stood even though an eye was poked out, Marianne was afraid to go home alone and was left to spend the night with her friend.
  20. Julia Alexandrovna turned out to be such a beauty that her eyes could not be torn off: white porcelain skin, iridescent eyes, pink puffy lips, a thin waist, a slender, chiseled figure.
  21. Stop flirting, stop shooting with your eyes and laugh too loudly, even defiantly.
  22. The education of Marina Anatolyevna was striking to everyone.
  23. Private Babitsky saw with his own eyes what was happening that night in the household room, but was afraid to talk about it.
  24. Oleg gazed intently into the eyes of his beloved girl, and besides them he saw nothing around.
  25. About the eyes: blue, green, brown, gray black - a lot of prose, songs and poems are written.
  26. Eyes need care: you need to regularly take vitamins and do special gymnastics.
  27. At first, Yuri Valentinovich Krasnokraev seemed an honest and decent man, but then his eyes blinded his bribe.


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