Ash-blond hair color: photo, description, recommendations for coloring

Now everything natural is very fashionable, including natural shades of hair. Someone does not like the golden pigment appearing through the main tone. Therefore, ashy proofreaders and tinted shampoos that muffle bright colors are in demand. Many grow previously dyed hair and seek to smooth out a noticeable border. In all these cases, the ash-blond hair dye will be the salvation.

Natural hair of this shade is extremely rare. Usually there is always a yellowish or orange tint that is clearly visible in the sun. Moreover, dyed hair with each wash loses its brightness, while at the same time increasingly showing an undesirable reddish tint.

In children, blond hair darkens

Nevertheless, ash-blond color is loved by many women. It goes well with skin tone, looks noble. Almost always, blonde hair in childhood in the puberty period darkens under the influence of hormones and turn into this color. If you stay in the sun for a long time, such hair will burn out. It turns out a natural ombre. No wonder this color has so many fans.

Three shades of one color

On household paints there is usually a picture that shows three options for dyeing, depending on the original hair color. If you take shades that are close in gamut, you can see that a similar tone can be achieved not only with the chosen paint, but with two more - one tone lighter and one tone darker. In professional paints there is no such picture, but the principle remains. It should be considered.

Three ash blond shades

A photo of ash-blond hair color clearly demonstrates three main varieties of tone intensity. It is dark, medium and light. All of these options can be obtained from three models that dyed their hair with the same paint. The final result will be affected by the original hair color. If this is a blonde, like Marilyn Monroe (she, as you know, was painted in platinum), then you get a bright option. The brown-haired woman will get a dark blond ashy hair color.

Paints that are marked 6.1, 7.1 and 8.1 - these are the three options for fashionable color. They can be produced by different companies, but professional numbering determines this color very accurately. The discrepancy can only be in the nuances.

What does marking on professional paint mean?

On the cardboard packaging of professional paint never print photos of ash-blond hair or any else. The colorist hairdresser will be told everything about the characteristics of the paint by his international marking. Increasingly, they began to apply it to household paints, which women tint at home. It is worth disassembling it in more detail.

Ash-blond shades of Estelle

In hair coloring, there are two basic concepts - the level of depth of tone and the number of colors. The first to indicate the level of depth of tone. To make it clearer, you can imagine a black and white photo and remember how colors will be displayed on it. Black will remain black, white - white. The rest will take their places between them.

In the hair there is eumelanin, consisting of red, yellow and blue pigments. It is brown in color, and the depth of tone depends on how much it is in the hair:

  1. The black.
  2. Very dark brown, almost black.
  3. Dark brown.
  4. Dark chestnut.
  5. Chestnut.
  6. Dark blond.
  7. Medium blond.
  8. Light blond.
  9. Blond.
  10. Light blond.

If there is one of ten digits on the tube, and the second digit is 0 through the dot, then we have a natural row. It corresponds to the natural hair found in nature. The second digit indicates the main tone, the depth of which is shown by the first digit. The third digit is the subton, or complementary shade (not always):

  1. Blue violet.
  2. Green.
  3. Gold.
  4. Copper.
  5. Red violet.
  6. Purple.
  7. Red brown.

The video explains how to determine the color index of a paint.

How to make ash-blond from dark dyed hair: a photo

Since the paint does not brighten the paint, you will have to do discoloration (remove artificial and lighten natural pigments). Through this procedure, the depth of tone becomes brighter. For example, black hair has a depth of tone 1. It is necessary to increase it to 6 to get dark blond ashy hair.

Dark hair bleaching

In the process of discoloration, you may need to repeat the procedure if the result did not work right away. This is done in a few days to save hair. In this case, intermediate tones are obtained, which are composed of natural destroyed pigments (these are various options for red and yellow). They are called the lightening background.

Lightening background

To determine the color of the hair, which will be obtained with a single bleaching with a powder or gel, the following table is compiled:

Determination of natural pigment during lightening

Depth Level of Original HairBackground clarification resulting from decapitation
1Dark brown
2Dark reddish brown
3Dark red brown
4Red brown
6Red orange
9Light yellow

Red pigments are neutralized by the green corrector, and yellow - blue-violet. It is important not to shift the blue, because it can turn green.

How to get a beautiful pure color

Ash shade is obtained by adding blue pigment, in the case of correctors, this is number 0.11. As you can see from its color code, this is the main blue tone, reinforced by an additional blue subtone. When dyed, it neutralizes the yellow shade of brown hair. Therefore, if the natural hair color is light brown, the use of a corrector is enough to give them an ashy shade.

2018 fashion color

If both yellow and red pigment are present in the hair, then the corrector should be used anti-orange, its number is 0.22 (in the "Constant" brand).

Some use the corrector from Estelle 0 / G (graphite) for this purpose. It is added during staining, a color bath is made. His color is gray; the corrector guarantees strong shine of the hair. According to reviews, the ash-blond 7.1 paint, when 3 cm of this corrector is added to it, does a great job of neutralizing an undesirable golden hue. If the paint number is different - 6.1, then add 4 cm corrector.

If the hair was previously dyed, then when washing off, there may be areas with a more pronounced yellow tint, and at the ends with orange. In this case, different correctors are used: anti-yellow and anti-orange. If you apply only one of them, then the hair may turn green.

Why is it sometimes better to consult a professional

It often happens that the natural color of the hair was light brown, then they were dyed several times, resulting in a black color. The roots grow light brown, and you need to return to the natural color. If you do the washing, then at the ends you have to apply it several times.

So that the achieved level of discoloration does not distort subsequent staining with red-yellow pigment, the amount of corrector that neutralizes it is calculated. The wizard will successfully cope with this.

A master class of such staining is presented in the video.

How to find the right shade

A popular ash-blond tone is produced by many brands. However, it is worth deciding on the terminology, since this is a complex color, and each person can have their own idea of ​​it. The nuances are as follows: a little lighter or darker, warmer or colder, more gray or giving in brown, with a pearl or platinum tint.

In addition, all people have different natural hair colors. One and the same paint will color differently, so you should not rely on an advertising picture. To get exactly the same color as on the palette, you will have to completely discolor the hair (the synthetic strands in the palette are initially white), and only then do the dyeing.

Of course, no one will be subjected to such a test. A competent colorist will take into account the pigment in the hair and build the formula for the most suitable color. This is explained by the expert trainer in the video below.

How to avoid an undesirable shade after applying paint

Natural pigments are present in the hair, which give it an individual coloring. These are blue, yellow and red pigments. When stained under the influence of oxide, blue first breaks down, it is the most unstable. It is followed by red, and lastly, yellow. That is why when stained in ash-blond dark hair appears red, chestnut - red-orange, blondes - a yellow tint. To remove an undesirable tone, you should use proofreaders or paint that contains them.

Artificial pigments are present in hair dyes. Under the influence of oxide, they polymerize, increasing in volume, and occupy a place in the porous structure of the hair. The color becomes mixed: it consists of natural and synthetic pigments. How to find out which corrector is required in a particular case?

Color circle

In colorism (the science of color) there is the concept of neutralization. This is a process in which when mixing two tones, a beige color is obtained. For example, when mixing red and green, you get dark beige, lemon and violet - light beige, orange and blue - medium beige. These laws are presented in every professional palette around Oswald. In it, the color opposite the set is its neutralizer.

Concealers for paint

If there is a chance that it will turn out green after staining, then add a red corrector - at Estelle it is 0/55. Or take paint, which includes the number 5 after the fraction. For example, 7/5. But it should be remembered that this is only necessary to neutralize the shade. Therefore, they use one centimeter of the corrector or not more than half the volume of paint.

Ash light brown brands

You can find many brands in the palette of which there is this color. Here is some of them:

  1. Estel is a domestic brand that represents this color in four different lines:
  • DE LUXE - 8/1, 7/71, 7/41, 7/1, 6/41, 6/1.
  • SENSE DE LUXE - 8.1.
  • DE LUXE SILVER - 8.31
  • ESSEX - 8/1, 7/1, 6/71.
  1. "Oriflame" - 8.1.
  2. “Avon” - tone 8.1.
  3. Fara Classic - tone 528.
  4. L'Oréal Paris:
  • Préférence - 7.1. Iceland.
  • Excellence Crème - 8.1.
  • Casting crème

What tone 7.1 is combined with, will tell Evelina Khromtchenko. The video shows the original hair color of the model and the one obtained after applying the ash-blond paint.

How to maintain brightness after painting

Over time, even the brightest shades fade. This is due to leaching of the pigment. To maintain the tone intensity, pigment is saturated using a small percentage of oxygen - 1.5% or 3%. This procedure is called a color bath. It is done when an unwanted shade begins to appear. For ash-light brown paint, this can be yellowness.

The corrector 0.11 neutralizes yellow color, which is mixed with shampoo and oxygen in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. For example, 30 ml in equal parts. This cocktail is applied to wet hair and aged for several minutes, but not more than twenty. The exposure time is controlled visually. Since the mixture is liquid, it is well distributed along the length of the hands. But there is a flip side to the coin - such a composition flows. At the hairdresser, this procedure is done in a sink. It’s more convenient at home when taking a shower.

Shampoo does not make the mixture as alkaline as when observing technological coloring or tinting. As a result, the pigment does not settle, and the composition is suitable for quick work: no brushes! Technologists came up with the motto for the color bath: "We paint quickly, hold little, wear long."

Color maintenance

When the desired color is reached, further hair care should be considered. When washing, the pigment will be constantly washed out, so it is better to use shampoos that retain color for as long as possible. The use of dandruff shampoos of the type "Nizoral" will lead to a more intense leaching of color, since its composition dissolves the pigment.

Ash hair

Do not get carried away with gray tinted shampoos, they will give a dirty color to hair over time. It is better to perform lamination, in which the hair flakes stick together and hold the pigment longer. You can successfully complete this procedure at home, taking a neutral corrector for the color bath. Extraordinary shine will be added.

In the sun, most pigments fade, this applies to ash-blond. Reviews of girls walking in the summer without a hat or umbrella speak of a rapid loss of the ashen shade and the manifested yellowness. In addition, the sun dries hair very much. They become brittle and dull. There is a tool with UV filters in the form of a spray that will preserve the color you like.


In modern conditions, you can get any hair color. Synthetic pigments can deeply penetrate the structure of the hair. However, they can constantly replenish the amount of pigment that leaves when washing. When regrowing hair, you can think of a stretch of color, which is achieved by a zero corrector to smooth the transition.

The most important thing is constant care. There are a lot of means for this, the whole point is in choosing the brand you like. Try staining into this trendy ash-blond shade, and you will definitely like it.


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