How to stop drinking alcohol at all: working tips

Fortunately, not everyone faced the question of how to stop drinking alcohol in the process of life. What is going on in the head of a person asking himself this question? The fact that there has come a moment of insight, the realization that the habit of "taking 100 grams for appetite" or "to relieve stress" has turned into a frightening addiction, is already great, it means that not everything is lost, and the person really wants to stop drinking alcohol. Where to start, how to defeat cravings and what awaits afterwards, if not to stop - this is today's talk.

Destruction Addiction

The statistics on alcohol consumption in post-Soviet countries are terrifying: eighteen liters of pure alcohol per capita. This is not wine + vodka + beer, but pure alcohol as a component of all alcoholic beverages, that is, the size of the absorbed is many times larger. Eight out of ten people regularly drink, and this is not just a feature of the Russian mentality, but the degradation of the entire population. Extinction on the verge of natural selection.

how to stop drinking alcohol

There are several stereotypical phrases that alcoholics justify themselves:

  • Iā€™ll just take off the stress, relax, so I can sleep better.
  • In small doses, it is useful for pressure (blood vessels, appetite).
  • This is for courage (fun, mood).
  • Today there is a reason.
  • I know my limit (norm).
  • I'm infrequent.
  • I can quit at any moment.
  • How to stop drinking alcohol in general? Holidays should be celebrated.

These are all indicators of an already begun addiction, itā€™s time to sound the alarm. Everyone has a small dose (from a glass to a liter), the concept of ā€œinfrequentlyā€ is also very subjective, but what about drinking for courage or relaxation? This is generally pure water self-deception. Without a dose, you canā€™t have fun and feel the taste of life? These are the main indicators of the already formed dependence.

How to take the first step

The man still decided to stop drinking. Recognizing the problem is the first step towards solving it. How to start acting? Why?

The very first is a firm promise, best made in the presence of loved ones. You can even write a promise on a piece of paper, hang it in a prominent place and often read it out loud.

how to stop drinking alcohol in general

The second is to decisively throw away all the spirits that will be found in the house. To stop drinking a lot of alcohol, you need to gradually reduce the amount you drink. If at your place stocks of alcohol are stored, then where is the guarantee that you will restrain yourself and not have enough?

How to stop drinking alcohol every day? Objectively designate the number of alcoholic drinks drunk per day, and divide this figure in half. Three or four days later, in two, and so on.

Next, you need to stop drinking alcohol on weekends. How to stop thinking about him? How to restrain yourself? Try to analyze: why are you drinking? What pushes you to another binge? Just be extremely honest with yourself - you canā€™t solve the problem with tricks, because at the first stages alcohol dependence is almost invisible, and the personā€™s mind will come up with all kinds of tricks to justify itself.

And most important: Avoid companies that pull you down, even if they are bosom "friends." Find the strength to abandon nightly gatherings and "intimate conversations." Every day, tell yourself that alcohol is a serious drug, and if you break it, you will become an addict to no one. Is this what you want for yourself?

The power of motivation

How to stop drinking alcohol in general? Find powerful motivation, something that will support you in difficult moments. One of the strongest is health. Watch several films about the effect of alcohol on the body, select the most detailed videos and watch them periodically, take several photos of organs affected by alcohol and hang them in prominent places (including a refrigerator, this will make you additionally think about the quality of food, which often affects alcohol consumption). Also watch a few films or read stories about what happens when you stop drinking alcohol: real stories of people, facts that stimulate further action.

how to stop drinking alcohol every day

Also indicate the purpose for which you stopped drinking: a new job or promotion, a loved one or an illness. Write down step by step what is needed in order for the desired to be accomplished. It often turns out that everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance.

Female alcoholism

There is an opinion that female alcoholism is not treated. Why and where did this stereotype come from?

The fact is that women begin to drink for psychological reasons (unlike men, who are often just for company): trouble at work, insufficient attention from her husband, problems of a deeply personal nature. After drinking, they briefly distance themselves from irritants, their feelings become dulled and short-term relief comes, followed by an even greater disgust for themselves, which is removed with the next dose of alcohol. How to stop drinking a woman in this case?

First you need to understand that the problems will not go away, but will only grow like a snowball, eventually destroying your whole life, and dependence on alcohol will only aggravate the situation, while adding health problems. Most of all, women are affected by the brain, which leads to direct degradation both as a woman and as a person.

how to stop drinking alcohol on weekends

Given the psychosomatics of alcohol dependence in women, loved ones need to correctly approach the resolution of the problem and in no case should they scandalize, blame or threaten. It is important to understand why this happened and what further provokes a woman to drink alcohol. How can I help her?

Try to gently talk and find out the reason for dissatisfaction with life or yourself, because often this is the root of evil. If it was not possible, then it is possible to observe at what moments she again takes up the glass. Well, and, of course, to be objective, you can take into account several opinions of relatives or close people.

Gingerbread Method for Women

How can a woman stop drinking alcohol if it is known that female addiction is three times stronger than male addiction, and after seven years of drinking, an extremely difficult stage can be overcome? Here are some suggestions on how to prevent this:

  • Find an activity (volunteering or additional work) in which you need to promote with people or animals, this will allow you to refrain from an unnecessary glass.
  • Discover the world of creativity: enroll in courses on quilting, drawing, felting from wool or enroll in a choir.
  • Start reading books about famous people, about how they achieved their goal. On how to stop drinking alcohol every day, there are many books, videos and lectures. Find them and get inspired periodically.
  • Critically examine yourself in the mirror: it motivates you to go to fitness, dancing or Pilates (usually women are very self-critical in their appearance, and in a healthy body, as you know, a healthy mind). Many women, after they stopped drinking alcohol, lost weight only because they resolutely took up their transformation.
  • Go to yoga. This wise system of self-knowledge will open for you the true causes of craving for alcohol. At the same time, two more birds will be ā€œkilledā€: a healthy body and assistance with society. There will be new positive people who will become an additional incentive to improve your life. Yoga classes also imply following ethical standards of behavior: it is like a promise to yourself not to do certain things to achieve the highest goal of yoga - samadhi.

Celebrate every victory (three days without alcohol, a week, a month) - give yourself a new dress or shoes, a trip to a performance or a dolphinarium. The best motivator is positive emotions when achieving another result. Raise bids! For example, ā€œif I donā€™t drink for three months, Iā€™ll go to the mountains for three daysā€ or something like that. Do more and more unusual things, making the process of giving up alcohol more and more fun, like an interesting game.

But how can a woman stop drinking alcohol on her own, if she has no one, there is no way to attend yoga or a gym, and she cannot pay for courses (or she simply does not have them in her area)? What to do if life seems like a hopeless circle locked in a glass? Get yourself a pet: homeless cats and dogs are everywhere, take one home and surround with care. You will have a soulmate who will always be waiting for you at home and with all his appearance to show that you are the best and beloved.

how to stop drinking alcohol on weekends

There is an old folk wisdom: ā€œIf you want to make your life better, find someone who is even worse than you and help him.ā€

Wedge Wedge - Male Version

How to stop drinking alcohol for a man if there are only temptations around: a glass of beer with colleagues after work, a bottle with friends on Fridays, lingering New Year holidays and visiting guests? Over time, all social activity comes down to finding another partner in a glass, and at some point comes the realization that there is no joy from life at all. This is a signal that it is time to pull ourselves together and again take the right path. Accepting the truth is the first step in changing yourself.

- If you have a family - discuss this with them, any support and stimulating actions are important. Sign up for a gym, instead of sitting in a bar for a glass with an imaginary friend. Better to lift the bar than a glass - women will appreciate it.

- Avoid companies, parties and celebrations in which the main point is drinking alcohol, it is better to lose a couple of acquaintances than health or family.

- Jump with a parachute or from a bungee - feel the taste of life and its fragility. Maybe you should start collecting moments and impressions, not kidney stones?

- Argue with friends (colleagues, relatives) for a long period of total abstinence from any alcoholic beverages and put at stake something substantial

- Try to imagine yourself in five to seven years, subject to ongoing reckless days. Liked? This is what you want to see yourself: with a flabby face and a beer belly?

Speaking of beer belly (for added motivation). The composition of the beer formula includes xanthohumols, which actively stimulate the production of female hormones in the male body. Thanks to this, the manā€™s figure is blurred, subcutaneous fat and abdomen appear, the pectoral muscles increase and the voice changes. Libido (sex drive) is markedly reduced, there is a high probability of becoming impotent.

How to use alcohol to stop drinking alcohol in general?

There are several proven recipes that help relieve addiction and facilitate the removal of toxins.

  1. 4 tablespoons of St. John's wort pour half a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for about an hour. Divide the mixture into two doses: morning and evening. The entire course takes two weeks.
  2. Cover a pot with a capacity of three liters half with unpeeled oats, add to the top of cold water, bring to a boil and cook on the smallest fire for about half an hour. Then strain, add 100 grams of dried marigold flowers and leave for twelve hours. Next, carefully strain again. Drink this broth three times a day 15 minutes before meals, one glass each.
  3. Take one tablespoon of thyme, wormwood and centaury, pour one glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for at least two hours. Filter and drink one tablespoon 4 to 6 times a day for three months.

It is also recommended to drink as many various herbal teas as possible to further cleanse the body of toxins and poisons, as well as to spend more time in the fresh air. Walking in the park, running or cycling will be additional helpers in the fight against an evil habit, just avoid the usual drinking places and a bunch of pseudo-buddies.

The cardinal method of traditional medicine

How to make a person stop drinking alcohol if he himself does not want it (more precisely, does not realize the importance of the problem). There are several "heavy" ways.

how to stop drinking alcohol in general folk remedies

  1. Ideal remedy: tincture hellebore, which does not have a pronounced taste or smell. 1 teaspoon per bottle is added and discreetly placed in an accessible place. The drinker will begin severe vomiting and diarrhea, and if you do this procedure several times, then the drinker will develop a persistent aversion to alcohol from smell alone (not to mention taste). It is important not to exceed the dose, as the tool is very powerful.
  2. The following infusion is the same in effect: pour a few leaves of bay leaf and one teaspoon of ground lovage root with one glass of vodka and insist in a warm place. Then you need to get a gulp to drink. The effect is the same - vomiting and disgust.
  3. Six tablespoons of European hoof brew 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist for about an hour or two. Drink on an empty stomach before eating a hundred grams. It also causes vomiting with subsequent use of alcoholic beverages.

These are all time-tested folk remedies. How to stop drinking alcohol without the intervention of psychologists, coach-trainers and others? Yes, itā€™s very simple: a few tricks of a glass of wine with hellebore water - and how the grandmother whispered. With any smell of alcohol, a gag reflex will immediately appear. Such folk remedies will especially help a woman stop drinking alcohol, as well as men with a weak will.

What are you losing?

An additional incentive to stop drinking alcohol can be a list of the main areas of its impact on human life:

  • Most drinkers die before the age of 45 from health problems. The most common are heart attack, stroke, and cirrhosis. Renal failure, problems with blood vessels and the central nervous system, not to mention weak immunity, can also be attributed to them.
  • Impotence (infertility in women). According to statistics, currently every third woman suffers from the inability to become pregnant for various reasons related to health, and impotence in men "gets younger" every year.
  • Disintegration of a family or family relations: divorces on the basis of alcohol dependence in every second couple, the institution of family relations collapses before our eyes under the pressure of alcohol. The number of parents deprived of their rights is growing at an alarming rate, and children have to run away from bad parents and fight to save themselves from hunger and battery.
  • The decline in social status and, as a consequence, the material standard of living. Almost all drunken alcoholics (and they are all who do not struggle with this misfortune) die in poverty and dishonor, often selling everything, including an apartment, a business and so on.
  • A rejection of morality is being developed, aggression towards peace appears, which can lead to imprisonment: how many fates were destroyed due to a mind clouded by alcohol? Violence, stabbing and robbery - do you want such a future?
  • The appearance of suicidal tendencies.
    stopped drinking lost weight

Is short-term euphoria from alcoholic drinks more important and significant than these aspects of life? But these are only the most basic factors, and if we analyze each aspect in detail, it turns out that the effect of alcohol on a person is catastrophically huge, especially if you drink every day. How to stop and where to start, you already know, and if you set a goal, outline the methods, it remains to learn about the pitfalls.

How to prevent a breakdown?

It often happens that in the wake of the first impulse and enthusiasm a person achieves certain results, and then slides back into the abyss. Why is this happening?

One of the main points is the inability to take the blows of life. Under pressure from stress or problems, many people who decide to change their lives at the most important turning point give up and take up a glass again. The second important aspect is the period of detoxification of the body, which takes about three weeks after the last intake of alcohol. It will be really hard and bad, but if you decide, then does it make sense to retreat?

- If you feel that you are ready to give up, the first thing that radically brings to life is a cold or contrast shower. And so every time a desire for a drink comes up.

- Try to jam the thirst for alcohol: fruits, seeds, nuts and candies. Carry a thermos of herbal tea with you.

- Go to the gym: get rid of an obsessive state through sweat and fatigue. But avoid the places where former ā€œfriends by the glassā€ might meet. Choose a different route, even if it is longer.

- Say out loud why you decided to stop drinking. Several times until the confidence and power of words is passed on to you.

- Avoid foods that are associated with taking alcohol. If possible, try switching to vegetarian food - meaty fatty foods always encourage you to take a glass of appetite. Try it, what if your body likes it?

In conclusion, it is worth noting that people who have recognized addiction to alcohol and want to defeat it have already taken the first step towards victory. It remains only gradually, with small steps to continue to move forward, rejoicing at the next victories, but also not becoming limp if a breakdown occurs. Moscow was not built immediately, so everyone has ups and downs, this is normal. Remember: itā€™s not so scary to fall, itā€™s scary not to get up after a fall.


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