How to find relatives?

Due to the fact that in the post-war period, so many children, and indeed, the inhabitants of the country were taken outside the homeland, many of us lost significant branches of our family tree that we would like to return. Yes, and a banal move with the subsequent loss of contacts and addresses can separate relatives and leave them without communication. Sometimes it begins to seem that it is already impossible to find family people. And independent searches do not lead to anything. What to do?

Thanks to modern technology, finding a person has become much easier. If before people were searched for using all kinds of trips to various cities, now you can simply use the person search system by his name and surname directly on the Internet.

Let's take a closer look. How to find relatives if the only thing you know is a person’s name, surname and patronymic? You can, of course, go to the places of their possible residence, but this may turn out to be an impossible task, since the fare and false data can make your trip a waste of time and money.

With accurate data, you can search for a person by address, for example, by writing a letter, but, again, there is a risk of his absence at this address, since people tend to move.

Already today it is much easier to find a person by name and surname than you think. Any search engine on the Internet will give you a huge number of links to sites with a large database of registered citizens of the country, where you can find the person you need and contact him using contact information. This can be a valid address or phone number.

How to find relatives if the databases of such sites did not help you? Then there is another opportunity that you can also take advantage of - these are various television broadcasts that search for lost relatives with the help of volunteers. Such is the “Wait for me” show. You can find her official website in the Internet search engine. There, having passed the necessary registration, you can leave your request for help in finding a person, which will be considered in the coming days. The only negative of such searches is the lack of data on the progress of the search, since there is no guarantee that someone undertook to fulfill your request.

How to find relatives if they are supposedly living near you? You can use the telephone directory, find the name of the person and ring all found numbers. Or just pick a day and go to that area. Do not forget the proverb: “Language will bring to Kiev”, ask passers-by or contact the appropriate authorities, where there are lists of residents. The staff will help you find the right person.

If you don’t have time for such “walks,” then you can post announcements on the boards provided for such a case, indicate your contact details and wait for feedback. But this option is also somewhat dangerous because far from a relative, but a swindler whose goals in relation to you will be illegal will respond to your ad.

How to find relatives if all of the above does not help? Then, perhaps, it remains to hope for ads in magazines and newspapers, many of which now have their own sites. Some print ads for free, some ask for payment for their services. You decide. But it is worth remembering that correspondence is a very common way of transmitting information, therefore, even if not your relative sees and reads your ad, his friends and relatives can do it. Or even just neighbors. Therefore, do not miss this opportunity, neglecting it. Remember, one who seeks finds!


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