Polygraph when applying for a job: the essence of testing, questions and sample answers

The use of a polygraph in hiring still causes a lot of controversy and questions. Some are interested in the legality of such a verification. Others are worried about how to trick a lie detector and whether this is possible at all. It is not known which employer will offer the applicant a polygraph when applying for a job, so the information on the procedure and other nuances of the audit will obviously not be superfluous.

What is a polygraph?

This is special equipment with sensors that attach to the body. They allow you to track complex biophysical changes produced by the body as a reaction to a specific question.

The ability to correctly decode them allows us to conclude as to whether the person being tested is lying or is telling the truth.

Is it possible to cheat?

It is believed that when checking on a lie detector, you can easily pass out a lie as truth if you understand how the device works. However, the popularity of this method among employers is growing, which means it gives its results. Otherwise, what would be the point of using a polygraph when applying for a job, spending money on it, but not getting returns?

polygraph questions

Theoretically, every testee can fool a lie detector. But on the other side of the device is a specialist who has previously undergone special training. Before conducting a polygraph test, when hiring a candidate, he is first asked various questions about which detailed information is available. They ask, for example, name, age, etc. The answers of the person being tested allow you to individually configure the device to achieve the most accurate result.

You can react exactly the same way, answering all the questions on the polygraph when applying for a job. But this may alert the examiner. Test results can generally be invalidated.

how to get a polygraph when applying for a job

Wanting to deceive a polygraph when applying for a job, you need to give out the expected reaction. At the same time, everything should look so natural that the polygraph examiner is not wary. However, not every person can control their own emotions so skillfully.

What do employees think?

Not everyone enthusiastically accepts information about the need to go through a polygraph when hiring.

Some applicants already at this stage have a negative attitude towards the employer. After all, verification is perceived as a kind of credit of mistrust. From the first second, a potential employee is not in the most advantageous position. After all, he has to prove his honesty and decency.

Some applicants even believe that a polygraph test when hiring does not give reliable results, since the equipment can be fooled. Many ways have been invented for this. Among others, the presence of acting abilities, allowing you to imitate the necessary emotions.

However, not everyone manages to use this option. Indeed, in case of suspicion, the inspector may ask the same question several times, using different variations.


Someone is neutral to the lie detector and even gives advice on how to get through a polygraph when applying for a job. Typically, such employees recommend honestly answering questions and not be afraid of checking instead of looking for ways to cheat a polygraph.

What is the validation for?

It is believed that the use of a lie detector is sometimes really a necessity. For example, in cases where a candidate claims to be a manager in a position in the company and will bear serious responsibility, including material or financial.

A similar situation applies to employees who will be in contact with some values. If previously the candidate was prone to theft, a polygraph test will most likely allow this to be revealed.

Another common practice is to check employees who plan to work in law enforcement.

Validation Results

Obviously, for the employer, the ability to use a polygraph is an advantage. After all, this allows you to find out about the potential candidate, even those facts that he tried to hide. However, for the employees themselves this is an additional stress. That is why many of them are wondering how to go through a polygraph when applying for a job.

So, based on the verification, it is possible to identify those who are trying to hide the presence of problems with the law.

Successful completion of the polygraph allows the employer to make sure that the candidate can be trusted. This is especially true for posts that will manage large financial amounts.

Most of those who went through a polygraph prior to being hired confirm that the screening is really effective. Candidates have not lost the trust of their superiors.

polygraph test when applying for a job

Another important nuance is that polygraph testing should not affect issues related to personal life and sexual preferences, in particular. However, a list of questions is usually discussed in advance.

Should I be afraid of polygraph testing?

I must say that you can not force a person to such a test. Consent must be voluntary. However, you need to understand that a denial will look suspicious. Therefore, the employer will be able to find more than a dozen reasons not to accept the staff of the applicant who rejected the proposal to go through the polygraph.

If a candidate wants to hide information related to a previous job, this trick may not succeed. It is possible that the lie will become apparent. Therefore, a refusal to admit to the state will become a regularity. If you have something to hide, you can try to deceive the polygraph. But you can simply refuse to check and look for an employer who does not expose potential candidates to such tests.

If you have bad habits, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will also become known. Typically, potential employers pay attention to this. For many, addiction to alcohol and drugs is considered unacceptable.

According to the results of a polygraph test, employers add up their own impression of a potential candidate. They assess the likelihood of conflict and other difficult situations, and also decide whether to trust the applicant.

How is the verification carried out?

All testing is divided into two parts. First, the inspector performs calibration, adjusting the equipment taking into account the individual characteristics of the subject.

rules for using a polygraph when applying for a job

It is at this stage that questions are asked, the correct answers to which are known in advance. Having received the information, make the exact settings of the polygraph. At this stage, the individual reaction of the test to the truth and falsehood is revealed.

Then proceed directly to testing. Now the applicant is asked questions whose answers are of interest to the potential employer. Usually these are questions related to bad habits, including gambling addiction, as well as the likelihood of any harm to a potential employer.

For each question, the testee has only two possible answers: yes or no.

Evaluation of the results

I must say that in the verification, not everything is obvious. It is not so easy to get reliable results. That is why testing should be carried out only by a highly qualified specialist who will ensure the correct interpretation of the results.

There is a huge difference between trying to trick a polygraph and the situation where the testee is too nervous. After all, any test lays in the head the idea that you are suspected of something. And the need to justify oneself and prove one's honesty and decency is a stressful situation for any person who is not prepared in advance.

That is why, in some cases, a polygraph test when hiring can take about two hours. During this period, the test person is asked hundreds of questions, many of which are repeatedly repeated in various variations.

It is this approach that allows you to get the most reliable result.


It takes about two to three hours to verify, including deciphering the results. Therefore, the proposal to conduct testing over a period of several times less should alert. Probably, the reliability of such information does not have to rely. At the same time, a polygraph check, lasting for three to four hours, is considered the maximum. Longer testing puts an enormous load on both the inspected and the specialist polygraph examiner.

In terms of law

A considerable number of employees - existing as well as potential - are interested in the validity of the audit.

how to fool a polygraph

The law of Russia is entirely on the side of the employer. The use of a polygraph is considered a legal method, with only one caveat that the inspector pre-signs the corresponding consent. For a polygraph examiner, this is a necessity, which allows us to avoid possible complaints in the future.

It is curious that earlier the consent of the candidate was optional. Many filed lawsuits and won the case. Therefore, polygraph examiners are trying to protect themselves from unnecessary claims by forcing to sign a consent to check.

Is it possible to refuse?

Given the above information, you can guess what the answer is. It’s enough just not to sign the consent. Moreover, not a single employer - neither active for the current period of time, nor even potential one - has any legitimate reason to force an employee to pass an audit.

However, it must be understood that the fact of failure itself raises doubts. If the candidate for the position is still only potential, the employer will most likely refuse him, citing any other reason or not mentioning it at all. If an existing employee rejects a polygraph test offer, this is a completely different situation.

legality of polygraph testing

Every year, the service becomes more popular. And those who are tested on a polygraph, assure that there is nothing to worry about. They recommend not to worry and not to hide the truth.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C1124/

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