How to find a job for a pensioner. Employment tips

Few people think about retirement in advance. Young people live today and do not want to make plans for the future. But time is running inexorably. You won’t have time to look back when you reach the same age when you have to worry about your place during the next job cut. The authorities will not make indulgence due to the fact that a person has devoted most of his life to his beloved enterprise. It is so customary in our society that those who are older give way to the young.

What should older people do, because Russian legislation does not prohibit them from building a career. How to find a job for a pensioner? Everything is very simple. First you need to understand: retirement age is not a reason to believe that life is over. Then you need to use the helpful tips that will help you find an occupation and additional income for an elderly person.

Do not worry

If you have been reduced because of your retirement age, do not worry. Negative emotions have not benefited anyone. This will not solve the problems, but health can undermine. Look at the situation as an opportunity for a new life. No catastrophe happened. You are alive, healthy, and if you have the strength, you will surely find yourself something to do. Perhaps only in retirement will you be able to understand that you have been doing the wrong thing all your life. It is worth taking any changes as a chance to get a new experience. Be optimistic and everything will work out.

Set goals

Before answering the question for yourself how to find a job for a pensioner, decide what you want. What pushes an elderly person to look for work? This may be a lack of funds or a desire to be useful to society. The direction of your future professional activity will depend on what goal you pursue.


Lying on the couch, complaining about the injustice in life, you will not achieve your goals. To get started, buy a newspaper with ads. Let your friends know that you are looking for work. Register on the site and send your resume to suitable vacancies. Who knows, maybe some experience gained during labor activity is needed by some young developing company.

On the job site, set the necessary parameters in the search filter. For example, indicate a suitable schedule: part-time or shift work (day or three). A pensioner is usually looking for an activity near his home, so you can limit your search area. This saves you time and eliminates inappropriate options.

how to find a job for a pensioner

The summary should indicate your real age and mark the fact that you are already a senior citizen. After all, if they refuse at this interview for this reason, it will be a pity for the time spent, nerves and money for travel. Accordingly, the employer should have as much information as possible about you in advance.

View available options

To answer the question of how to find a job for a pensioner, it is first necessary to determine the most popular vacancies for such people. If health allows, any pensioner can find a suitable option. Working as a watchman, cleaning lady, janitor, concierge, cloakroom attendant, call center operator or taxi driver - choose a type of activity for which age is not an obstacle.

work for women seniors

The disadvantage of such posts is that this is not an easy job. You need to have good health in order to spend the whole day on your feet. For example, working as a courier for retirees is too hard. In addition, she is often underpaid. For older people, the undeniable plus when choosing such vacancies is the possibility of part-time employment. The listed options do not require qualifications and skills.

Popular jobs for men

The work of a watchman for pensioners is dustless, but responsible because of the unstable situation in the country. The duty officer (security guard) at the enterprise or institution must monitor the order. In case of violations - call the police. The downside may be working on a night shift. Therefore, work as a watchman for pensioners is more suitable for a strong half of humanity. Although there are women who are doing fine with her.

work in St. Petersburg for seniors

Doorman - a person who meets guests at a hotel, hotel or restaurant, is also a popular vacancy for people of advanced age. In addition to the main earnings, tips from customers are possible. The doorman should be neat, polite and courteous. To be able to answer guests' questions regarding the establishment, delicately refuse entry to undesirable persons. Cons: it’s hard to stand all day with the right posture and a smile on your face.

Work for women seniors

The cloakroom in the theater is a great option for older ladies. In the process, you can sit when people are at the play. The employee usually does not bear liability. True, sometimes it is difficult physically, especially during a period of mass influx of people.

Want to get a ticket, pay attention to where the workplace is located. If at the entrance or on the street, consider the presence of drafts and the possibility of catching a cold.

Older women often find work as a conductor. Responsibilities include checking and selling tickets to passengers in public transport. The work is nervous, conflicts may arise, because some passengers strive to drive for free. The salary is small.

work as a guard for pensioners

The position of a housemaid can help solve the housing problem, because often there are proposals with cohabitation. Responsibilities include cleaning the apartment, walking the dog, cooking and much more. The entire list of tasks must be discussed with the employer in advance. The downside is that it is hard physical labor, especially if you have to service a large house. This is mainly a job for women seniors.

Use your experience

If you have worked as a teacher all your life, then in retirement you can work as a private tutor. This is a very profitable position today. Employers prefer applicants with work experience.

Modern mothers strive to combine motherhood and career. In order not to lose a good position, they leave maternity leave in advance. But what if the husband also works, and there are no grandparents? In a similar situation, the nanny will save. Applicants with a pedagogical or medical education have an advantage over others. Work for women who have grandchildren is not difficult at all, because you know what you are going to do.

work for young pensioners

When taking a job as a nanny, consider the age of the child. It’s hard to drag a very small peanut in the arms all day. A kid under three years old can also be an unbearable burden. Therefore, this is a job for young pensioners.

Accountants can help their colleagues draw up documentation, doctors can give injections at home or be carers. In fact, such work is a logical continuation of your work, so all of its shortcomings should already be known to you for a long time.

Network marketing

Not a bad option. Why not try yourself in network marketing? Each pensioner has a lot of friends, it is worth using these connections. Look at them as potential customers. For example, there are well-known cosmetics companies whose names are well known. You will not need to promote a new brand, you will only have to offer quality products. If a person buys cosmetics anyway, then let him buy it from you. Such work can also be enjoyable, because it is accompanied by all kinds of lectures and seminars on personal development. And this is an interesting pastime.

The disadvantages of such earnings include the bias of many people to network marketing. This kind of activity is called the offensive word "steaming." But if everything is done correctly, customers will not have a negative impression. This is a job for young retirees, outgoing and motivated.


Turn your favorite activity into profitable. If your grandmother knits, sews or embroiders perfectly, and grandfather knows how to make furniture, try to sell your own goods for sale.

senior citizen job watchman

If you know how to take high-quality pictures, arrange yourself as a photographer for weddings and other special occasions. Noisy companies are not your option? Then make money on family photo shoots, create unique love stories. Work in St. Petersburg for pensioners in this area is very popular at the present time. You just do what you love and earn money.

Take care of the garden

Now you have a lot of free time. If before you planted a couple of beds of vegetables for yourself, now you can sow even more. In the market, home-made vegetables and fruits are always in demand. If this doesn’t seem enough to you, start a farm - a cow, hens or quail. There are many options. It all depends on your imagination, health and desire to fulfill your dreams. However, in order to engage in a garden or household, one desire may not be enough, you need a good physical shape.


Today, more and more retirees are finding work on the Internet. And not surprising, because the customer does not care what your age is, the main thing is that you correctly perform the necessary tasks. How to find a job for a pensioner on the Internet? Success requires a stable connection with the World Wide Web and a computer. First you need to register on any content exchange as an artist, create a portfolio, fill out profile information. Then start taking orders.

work day three pensioner

It is very simple to withdraw earned money to an electronic wallet (for example, webmoney) and transfer it to a regular bank card. Many customers prefer performers aged, because they can share their experience in a particular field.

In addition, if you think that age is your minus, post someone else’s photo in the profile, for example, your grandson. Do not write about your age in the "About Me" section. After all, the customer does not see you and will focus only on how well you perform your work. There is no need to spend money on transportation. Work in St. Petersburg for pensioners on the Internet is not tied to the place of residence. Without leaving your home, you can work throughout Russia and beyond.

The disadvantages of freelance

Elderly people should move more, often go out. Not everyone will be able to sit at the computer for several hours in a row. Therefore, it is worth planning your day so that the Internet cannot drag you into your networks for a long time. Working at a computer also negatively affects vision, which weakens with age. What to do? Plan your day in advance. For example, two hours of work, then 30 minutes of rest or walk. Every half hour, it is worth leaning back in the chair and doing exercises for the eyes. For such work, you must have at least an initial level of computer literacy. However, everyone remembers one simple truth - it's never too late to learn.

Make money on tenants

If you live alone and want to have an increase in your pension, take tenants to your apartment. Such offers are in great demand among students or people working on a rotational basis. You will live happier and increase your pension will be good. The negatives of such earnings include the fact that not everyone can get along with strangers. Therefore, carefully consider whether this option is suitable for you, before you advertise the completion of the room.

Write a book

When, if not during the retirement age, can you sit down and write memoirs or other interesting stories? If you have long dreamed of becoming a writer, but your hands didn’t get down to business, now is the time. Moreover, the finished book can be sent to the publisher. If you are lucky, they will appreciate it. In this case, in addition to the fee, you can receive an order for the next job.

Beware of scammers

Everyone knows that pensioners are the most trusting category of the population. Fraudsters take advantage of this. They offer to find work, but first ask for a down payment. Even if it is a little money, in no case should you agree. If you are asked to pay before you are offered a place, you should definitely be wary. It may be more convenient to look for work through agencies, as they have their own client bases, but payment for services should only occur after you apply for a new job.

So, there are a fairly large number of ways to earn a pensioner, it all depends on your desire and fitness. So, if living on a single pension is difficult for you, listen to the advice outlined in this article.


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