Do you know that the idol is ...

Everyone, probably, had to hear the steady expression “like a idol”. But have you ever wondered what the word means. After all, it is used in everyday speech quite rarely. What can you say about this word simply by reading it? The idol is a masculine noun and, accordingly, a second declension. Let's try to figure out what it means, and try to pick up a couple of synonymous words.

The idol is ...

Explanatory dictionaries will help to understand the meaning of the word in question:

Golden calf
  1. A statue made of wood or stone, which was worshiped by the Gentiles: the feet of the idol are stained with the blood of numerous sacrifices made to him by savages.
  2. Statue of poor quality: "This is not a work of art, but some kind of idol, take it out of my sight."
  3. An insensitive, tough person, is often used as a curse word: “A soldier, feeling nothing, a block, I can’t see you anymore!”

From the point of view of morphology, the idol is a common noun of the masculine gender, 2nd declension. Depending on the context, the noun “idol” can be both animate and inanimate.

Istukan: synonyms

To the not entirely clear noun "idol", you can pick up a few words with a similar meaning.

The idol is:

pagan idol
  • Tree: "This is not a man - this is a tree, it seems that he does not feel anything at all."
  • Dunce: “Dunce: you can’t entrust anything to you, even I couldn’t do such a simple task!”
  • Balda: "What are you standing like a bulda, you have to act."
  • Muddle: "This task is very simple, even a muddle will solve it."
  • Boob: "This king was a tool in the hands of his retinue, sat on the throne, like a boob, nodding his head and nothing more."
  • Idol: "Idols have been destroyed, now savages do not know."
  • Idol: "Idols were invented to make it easier to control the crowd."
  • Statue: "The statues of pagan idols frightened, terrified."
  • Chock: "Chock brainless, how could you do that?"


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