What should be the height of the first parachute jump without an instructor?

Before making the first independent parachute jump, it is necessary to undergo some medical examinations, get a detailed briefing, as well as appropriate training in the flying club. The first independent jump can take place without a training trial with an instructor. To carry out such a risky event, it is important to observe all safety measures, as well as find out what is the maximum height of the first parachute jump without an instructor, how many meters.

The height of the first parachute jump without an instructor

Firm decision to jump

Often a person is not fully aware of all the responsibility, the accompanying psychological and physiological difficulties during the first independent prolonged flight. It is much easier for people who, due to their occupation, often encounter extreme situations and have already managed to temper their character. People who want to test themselves or learn new sensations are much more difficult to tolerate stress before the first exit from the hatch of the aircraft.

Many are interested in what should be the optimal height of the first parachute jump without an instructor, and is it possible to skip the stage of jumping in tandem with an instructor? In fact, in this situation it all depends on the psychological mood, in addition, the height and technical equipment for the first independent jump are verified by tutors to the smallest detail.


It is imperative to remember that you cannot jump without a proper medical examination. Under no circumstances, even at your own peril and risk. Unfortunately, people with a predisposition to cardiovascular disease or prone to some kind of nervous breakdown will have to abandon the idea of ​​jumping. Visually impaired people are also at great risk. The fact is that glasses when jumping can become a hindrance, and lenses can simply be knocked out of the eyes by a strong stream of wind. After passing a series of examinations by medical specialists, you can begin training in the parachuting section, or in the nearest flying club. The optimal height of the first parachute jump without an instructor is only 800 meters. Therefore, basic training for a beginner is quite enough.

The height of the first parachute jump without an instructor how many meters

Equipment selection

A special “wing” parachute, used by extremals or to jump in tandem with an instructor, is unsuitable for the first time. This kind of equipment requires advanced skills, training and knowledge.

Extremely unfortunate choices are parachutes with round domes that are virtually uncontrollable in low altitude conditions. And as we already know, the height of the first parachute jump without an instructor in meters is small. Therefore, the usual equipment parachutes that are extremely easy to operate are seen as the best equipment option. The most frequently used brands of landing parachutes for the first jump are D1-5u and D6.

Follow the recommendations

Preparing to make the first independent jump, it is necessary to absorb the knowledge gained in the classroom with the instructor, like a sponge, remember everything that the mentor says, and follow all his recommendations. Only in this case, taking into account the psychological stability and firm determination of the person who ventured to jump, the event will be successful.

The height of the first parachute jump without an instructor is not always exactly 800 meters. Some instructors, making adjustments for each specific situation, jump conditions and technical skills of the ward, recommend jumping from a height of 1000 meters.

Each hopper needs to remember that weather conditions can often change rapidly and make their own adjustments to the process. Unforeseen situations associated with the psychological characteristics of a person, or other force majeure situations are also likely. The main thing is to psychologically adjust yourself and remember that in no case should you be subjected to panic. In any case, the parachute will open forcibly. It is very good if, on the eve of the jump, the student, together with his instructor, will sort through various, most frequently encountered unforeseen situations, as well as measures to get out of them.

The height of the first parachute jump without an instructor in meters

The height of the first parachute jump without an instructor, equipment

If a newly-made paratrooper wants to be prepared for various emergency situations, as well as feel more relaxed, then he should not neglect the basic rules of equipment. Regardless of whether it’s hot, cold or cold, thick, not blown, but comfortable clothes that completely cover your arms and legs are always worn. The ideal option for shoes are high army boots. If you cannot find such a model, then shoes or boots with lacing will fit, firmly fixing the leg and having a thick sole. Comfortable gloves are also a must-have item.

What are the contraindications?

So, the most important deterrent in the first jump is the presence in the human blood of any amount of alcohol. In no case, what is called for courage, you can not drink alcohol before the jump. Coordination of movements, mindfulness and a clear awareness of reality should be maintained at 100%.

You can’t jump if a person suffered fractures of limbs a year or less before the planned jump. Doctors strongly do not recommend jumping to people with diabetes, as well as to persons with impaired coordination of movements. With a weight of more than 95 kg, it is also better for a person to abandon this extreme venture. A newly made parachutist should not lay his parachute on his own, this is the prerogative of the instructor!

The height of the first parachute jump without an instructor photo

The height of the first parachute jump without an instructor, airplane photo

Many are interested in what technique is most often used when making the first independent jump? The aircraft models An-12 and Yak are most suitable in this case.

Sometimes instructors recommend using the Mi-8 helicopter as a jumping platform. However, the aircraft is a classic and more comfortable launch pad for a beginner. Of those present on the plane the first to send the most overall paratrooper. When leaving the hatch, be sure to cross your arms over your chest. According to the recommendations of the instructor, it is necessary to visually verify the correctness of the disclosure of equipment in flight, pull the slings to increase the area of ​​the dome. Landing is carried out on both legs at once, and the legs close, bend at the knees, but keep slightly relaxed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11248/

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