Russian Agricultural Bank: description, history, activities and reviews

Russian Agricultural Bank is one of the universal commercial banks of the Russian Federation. The purpose of its creation was initially to help develop the credit and financial system of the country's agricultural industry. The reliability of the bank is indicated by the fact that all its voting shares belong to the Federal Agency for State Property Management of the Russian Federation. We will analyze in detail aspects of the history and activities of the Russian Agricultural Bank.

Brief information about the Russian Agricultural Bank

"Rosselkhozbank" (the company name in international English is Joint stock company Russian Agricultural Bank, JSC Rosselkhozbank) was registered on April 24, 2000 under No. 3349. Address of the Russian Agricultural Bank (head office): Moscow, Gagarinsky Lane, building 3. The latest change in the Charter was made on May 12, 2017.

On August 12, 2015, the bank received the latest versions of the licenses necessary for its activities: general - for all kinds of banking operations and a document for attracting deposits for citizens and placement of precious metals. Like many other Russian credit organizations, Rosselkhozbank is participating in a deposit insurance program.

Russian agricultural bank

Tax information about the Russian Agricultural Bank - TIN 7725114488, OGRN 1027700342890.

As of May 22, 2017, the authorized capital of the bank amounted to 339,848,000,000.00 rubles. The bank has:

  • 73 branches in the Russian Federation - in Krasnodar, Altai, Transbaikal, Kamchatka, Stavropol Territory, the Republic of Dagestan, Mari El, Karelia, Adygea, Komi, Chechnya, Yakutia, Bashkortostan, as well as Orenburg, Samara, Novosibirsk, Belgorod, Leningrad, Kurgan, Volga , Moscow, Sakhalin, Saratov, Kaliningrad, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Ryazan, Kemerovo region, etc.
  • 6 representative offices abroad - in Armenia (Yerevan), China (Beijing), Azerbaijan (Baku), Kazakhstan (Almaty), Belarus (Minsk), Tajikistan (Dushanbe).
  • 194 operating offices.
  • 1032 additional offices.

The average number of bank employees in 2016 is 30.8 thousand people.

Bank activities

Russian Agricultural Bank is rightfully one of the most reliable and largest in the Russian Federation - in 2016 it became one of the thirty largest state-owned banking organizations. His loan portfolio at the beginning of 2017 amounted to 1.7 trillion rubles.

It is the β€œRussian Agricultural Bank” that is the agent of the Government for the implementation of targeted programs at the federal level in the agricultural sector. The correspondent network of this credit organization includes more than a hundred foreign partner banks, which allows us to consider it wide and fully formed. This allows Rosselkhozbank to offer its customers, among other things, international settlement services, as well as related loans and various interbank procedures and operations.

ao Russian agricultural bank

Bank Ratings

Open Joint-Stock Company Russian Agricultural Bank has the following ratings positions:

  • Long-term credit rating BB + from international rating agency Fitch and Ba2 from Moody's.
  • The highest reliability group in the rating of "100 banks", compiled by the popular Forbes magazine.
  • Position at the level of AA (RU) from the Russian rating agency ACRA.
  • Positions in the financial rating: in terms of net assets - 5th place in the Russian Federation (2 755 031 289 thousand rubles), in net profit - 51 place in the country (648 433 thousand rubles). The figures are given as of May 1, 2017.
  • According to the national rating "" - 43rd place (major league site).

Offers of the Russian Agricultural Bank

Joint Stock Company "Russian Agricultural Bank" today offers its customers the following services:

  • 15 savings deposits, among which there are offers with monthly capitalization, and with monthly interest, and with interest payments at the end of the term: "Pension", "Amur Tiger", "Savings", "Golden Premium", "Managed", "Classic "," Save for a dream ", etc.
  • 3 mortgage loan programs: military, target, housing credit.
  • 11 programs of consumer loans: "Refinancing", "Pension", "Consumer", "Gardener", "For state employees and reliable customers", "For the development of private household plots", "Engineering communications", etc.
  • Credit program for business "6.5".
  • Car loans for a new and used car.
  • 18 types of debit cards: "Pension", "Personal", "Amur Tiger", "Capital", "Virtual", "Trip", etc.
  • 11 types of credit cards: "Rosselkhozbank-Rosneft", "Host Card", "Credit", "Amur Tiger", "Track" and others.

jsc russian agricultural bank

Russian Agricultural Bank is the issuer of the following types of plastic cards:

  • Visa
  • Master Card.
  • Union Pay.
  • "World".
  • local card of the Russian Agricultural Bank.

The management of the Russian Agricultural Bank

As already mentioned, 100% of the shares of this bank belong to the state, and more specifically to the Federal Property Management Agency. The supreme governing body of the bank is the Meeting of shareholders. The last elected Supervisory Board of JSC "Russian Agricultural Bank". This authority monitors the activities of the Management Board and its Chairman - the executive bodies of the institution, which not only manage the organization, but are also obliged to solve all the tasks put forward by the shareholders of the bank.

Joint Stock Company Russian Agricultural Bank

Today, the position of Chairman of the Management Board is occupied by Dmitry Nikolayevich Patrushev, and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board is Alexander Tkachev, the Russian Minister of Agriculture.

Bank bonuses

The Joint-Stock Company Russian Agricultural Bank was awarded with the following awards:

  • 2010 - the organization became a winner of the Banking Award.
  • 2013 was the winner among world banks in traffic growth (among participants in SWIFT - the international interbank payment system).
  • 2013 - Award "Socially Responsible Banking Organization", "For contribution to the development of the real sector in the economy."
  • 2014 is the seventh place among all Russian banks in the ranking of the largest world banking brands compiled by The Banker magazine.
  • 2014 - diploma "For Contribution to the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses", awarded by the Association of Banks of Russia.

Open Joint-Stock Company Russian Agricultural Bank

History of the Russian Agricultural Bank

The history of the bank began on March 15, 2000 - it was created by decree of V.V. Putin to service the agro-industrial infrastructure of our country. On April 24 of the same year, the organization was registered with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Russian Agricultural Bank Address

In 2008-2011 due to bankruptcy or debts due to the bank, a lot of enterprises transferred: sugar factories of Euroservice OJSC, Buryatmyasprom OJSC, Zernostandart-Kostroma LLC, Rassvet agricultural complex, Alikor Group agricultural holding (in 2012, its owner managed to restore control over all its assets), 75 + 1% of the shares of the SV-Povolzhskoye pig complex, part of the elevators of the Nastyusha grain company. All assets were transferred by the bank to the Agrotorg Trading House LLC.

In the summer of 2014, Rosselkhozbank fell under US sanctions. In fact, this meant that access to international capital markets was ordered for him. In September 2015, the bank was not lucky to get on the Ukrainian sanctions list - according to it, the fraternal state withdrew all obligations to the credit institution.

Participation and sponsorship

Russian Agricultural Bank is a direct participant in the following organizations:

  • ARB (an association of Russian banks);
  • Rosagropromsoyuz;
  • non-profit Association of regional Russian banks;
  • Rosagropromobedineniya employers;
  • non-profit International Confederation of Agricultural Credit;
  • non-profit partner organization RKDS (Russian-Chinese Business Council);
  • CERBA (Canadian Business Association in Eurasia and Russia);
  • non-profit association USRBC (American-Russian Business Council).

Russian Agricultural Bank Inn

Russian Agricultural Bank is also a sponsor and general partner of the following events:

  • Agro-exhibition "Golden Autumn".
  • St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
  • Sochi International Investment Forum.
  • Congress of the ARB.
  • All-Russian agricultural exhibition "Agrorus-Regions".
  • The Central Russian Economic Forum, held in the Kursk region, etc.

Customer reviews

We present in the summary table the positive and negative customer reviews about the work of Rosselkhozbank.

Positive pointsNegative points
High interest on depositsLive queue, long wait
Friendly, helpful staffImposing banking products unnecessary on the client: insurance packages, credit cards
Good mortgage termsInability to remotely connect the Mobile Bank
High level of professionalismFrequent unreasonable refusals on loan applications
Comprehensive adviceBelated accrual of interest on deposits

JSC Russian Agricultural Bank, having passed through the sanctions zone, has not lost its position among Russian and world credit organizations. Although some customers clearly see the negative aspects of its work, for the majority it remains one of the most reliable banks in the country.


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