Adjective declension. Declination adjective and mixed

Declensions in Russian are studied in elementary school. Many still remember the names of cases and ending tables. Declension is the inflection of the nominal parts of speech by gender, number or case. Let us examine in more detail how nouns and adjectives are inclined in Russian. We learn what adjective declination is.


Cases of the Russian language

All words of the Russian language can be either singular (chair, tree) or plural (chairs, school desks). Each noun can stand in one of six cases. Also, the nominal part of speech may relate to one of the declensions. This includes, for example, the adjective declension of nouns (this is a change in the nominal forms of I. p. Singular, having the endings of adjectives in I. p. Consider them in the comparative table below.

Cases. Table


Case names





Nominative (I. p.)

Who? what?

This is considered the initial form of the nominal part of speech. The subject always stands in this case.

Cucumber, cloud, puppy, Vanessa, spruce



(R. p.)

whom? why?

To make it easier to ask a question, you can use an additional word. For example: "There is nothing?" or "No one?"

Cucumber, clouds, puppy, vanessa, ate



(D. p.)

to whom? to what?

In this case, you can also ask a question with the help of an additional word. For example: "Give to whom?" or "Give what?"

Cucumber, cloud, puppy, vanessa, ate



(V. p.)

whom? what?

In this case, the question is ā€œwho?ā€ coincides with R. p., but what not to confuse these two cases, it is necessary to use the auxiliary word: "I see whom?"

Cucumber, cloud, puppy, vanessa, spruce



(T. p.)

by whom? than?

In this case, you can ask the question this way: "Satisfied with whom?" or "Pleased with what?"

Cucumber, cloud, puppy, vanessa, spruce



(P. p.)

about whom? about what?

Usually nouns in P. n. Are used with a preposition. We ask the question: "Thinking of whom?" or ā€œThinking of what?ā€

About the cucumber, about the cloud, about the puppy, about Vanessa, about the spruce

Declension by numbers

Most nouns can be in the form of the plural and singular. For example: a cup - cups, a cat - cats, a house - at home. But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. Some nouns can only be units. hours:

  • designation of substances (sugar, dust, water, iron);
  • abstract nouns (good, anger, fun, laughter, gray hair);
  • proper names (Sevastopol, Caucasus, America, Volga);
  • collective names (student body, beast, foliage, dishes).

Other nouns can only be plural. hours, for example:

  • expressing substances (ink, sawdust, blush);
  • periods of time (day, vacation, weekdays);
  • names of any events, actions (elections, blind manners, intrigues, chores);
  • compound (paired) names (scissors, glasses, sledges, gates);
  • collective words (finance, money, wilds);
  • proper names (Alps, the novel "Demons", Carpathians).

The nouns in plural h. Declination and gender are not determined.

Declension of nouns. Adjective declension

Declension of nouns

The declension of nouns can be divided into the following groups:

  1. 1st declination. This includes words that have the endings a, s. For example: spring, sovereign, land, nanny, kitchen, berry.
  2. 2nd declination. This group includes nouns with a zero ending (masculine!) And words with endings -e, -o. For example: cake_, ball_, house_, apprentice, window, grief.
  3. 3rd declination. Zero-ending nouns (feminine!). For example: speech_, flow_, mother_, steppe_.

I, II, and III declinations are called substantive.

  1. Adjective type of declension of nouns. This includes words derived from participles or adjectives. Example: dining room, private, bathroom, teacher's.
  2. The pronoun type. These are nouns formed from pronouns, or inclined as pronouns. For example: draw, girlish.
  3. Diverse (12 in total, they should be remembered!). These words: time, burden, udder, name, crown, tribe, banner, flame, stirrup, seed, path, child.
  4. Mixed. This declension in words denoting surnames in -in (-yn), -ov (-ev). For example: Soloviev, Gorchavkin.
  5. Unstoppable (zero declination). This includes words that are not variable in cases and numbers, mainly of foreign origin. Example: movie, taxi, lady, coffee, coat.

How to determine the declination?

How to determine the declination?

Adjective mood, mixed, substantive, or otherwise is defined as follows:

  1. The word is put in the initial form (I. p., Singular) and it is determined which of the 7 types it is suitable for.
  2. If the noun does not have the form h., then it does not apply to any declination: trousers, sledges, reins.


Adjective ranks

Adjectives (full forms!) Change depending on the noun used with them. Consider how they lean.

How are adjectives inclined?

How is the adjective and noun related

1. Adjective declension of adjectives. Change of relative and qualitative nominal parts of speech.

What are these adjectives:

  • Qualitative - express the property of the subject itself. They can be of different intensities. For example: yellow - yellow, cold - colder, hard - harder.
  • Relative - describe a property through its relation to the subject. The adjective type of declension of such adjectives does not change the degree of intensity. For example: school, evening, summer, pine, iron.



Units hours male

Units hours female

Units hours average

Mn h

I. p.

warm (floor), birch (bridge)

warm (bath), birch (bark)

warm (blanket), birch (log)

warm (socks), birch (brooms)

R. p.

warm (floor), birch (bridge)

warm (bath), birch (bark)

warm (blankets), birch (log)

warm (socks), birch (brooms)

D. p.

warm (floor), birch (bridge)

warm (bath), birch (bark)

warm (blanket), birch (log)

warm (socks), birch (brooms)

B. p.

warm (floor), birch (bridge)

warm (bath), birch (bark)

warm (blanket), birch (log)

warm (socks), birch (brooms)

T. p.

warm (floor), birch (bridge)

warm (bath), birch (bark)

warm (blanket), birch (log)

warm (socks), birch (brooms)

P. p

heat (field), birch (bridge)

warm (bath), birch (bark)

warm (blanket), birch (log)

warm (socks), birch (brooms)

The adjective type of declension is typical for most adjectives.

2. Declension of possessive adjectives with suffix -i (mixed).



Units hours male

Units hours female

Units hours average

Mn h

I. p.

dog (feed), hunting (backpack)

dog (team), hunting (hut)

dog (instinct), hunting (weapon)

dog (running), hunting (tracks)

R. p.

dog (feed), hunting (backpack)

dog (sledding), hunting (huts)

dog (instinct), hunting (weapon)

dog (runs), hunting (tracks)

D. p.

dog (poop), hunting (backpack)

dog (harness), hunting (hut)

dog (instinct), hunting (weapon)

dog (runs), hunting (tracks)

B. p.

dog (feed), hunting (backpack)

dog (team), hunting (hut)

dog (instinct), hunting (weapon)

dog (running), hunting (tracks)

T. p.

dog (feed), hunting (backpack)

dog (harness), hunting (hut)

dog (instinct), hunting (weapon)

dog (runs), hunting (tracks)

P. p

dog (stern), hunting (backpack)

dog (harness), hunting (hut)

dog (instinct), hunting (weapons)

dog (runs), hunting (tracks)

3. The declension of possessive adjectives that have the suffix (s), -in (-yn) (also mixed).



Units hours male

Units hours female

Units hours average

Mn h

I. p.

daddy (table), brothers (phone)

daddy (book), brother (wife)

daddy (treasure), brotherly (good)

father's (boots), brother's (skates)

R. p.

father's (table), brother's (phone)

fatherā€™s (books), brotherā€™s (wife's)

fatherā€™s (treasures), brotherā€™s (kindness)

father's (shoes), brotherly (skates)

D. p.

father's (table), brother's (phone)

fatherā€™s (book), brotherā€™s (wife)

fatherā€™s (treasure), brotherā€™s (good)

father's (boots), brotherly (skates)

B. p.

daddy (table), brothers (phone)

fatherā€™s (book), brotherā€™s (wife)

daddy (treasure), brotherly (good)

father's (boots), brother's (skates)

T. p.

fatherā€™s (desk), brotherā€™s (telephone)

fatherā€™s (book), brotherā€™s (wife)

father's (treasure), brotherly (good)

father's (boots), brotherly (skates)

P. p.

fatherā€™s (desk), brotherā€™s (phone)

fatherā€™s (book), brotherā€™s (wife)

fatherā€™s (treasure), brotherly (good)

father's (boots), brotherly (skates)

The mixed and adjective type of declension of adjectives includes the basic principles of changing the nominal forms in Russian.

Unbending Adjectives

Declination example

The following adjectives are not inclined:

  • quality short form (cold, high, far);
  • high-quality comparative and superlatives, with one foundation (the best is the best, the closest is the closest);
  • some nationalities (manti, hansi);
  • various colors (khaki, beige);
  • individual styles of outfits (corrugation, pleated);
  • words net, gross, (hour) rush.

These adjectives are not included in the adjective and mixed declension. Their trait is immutability. In sentences, non-declining adjectives are placed after the noun, and not in front of them (as usual adjectives).

The job of declining phrases

It can be concluded that adjective declension is characteristic of most nouns and adjectives. Mixed - more complex, it combines various ways of forming word forms. Itā€™s not easy to understand all types of declension in the Russian language, but it is very necessary and important that your speech is correct and beautiful.


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