DIY pipe bending machines

Pipe bending is a fairly common procedure. But for its implementation you will need a special device. You can make a pipe bender with your own hands or purchase it in a store.

Serial devices can be classified according to several factors, for example, according to the principle of action. They have different types of drive, but to work on any of them requires some experience. The prevalence of such devices is limited by their high cost. An excellent solution will be the independent manufacture of the device, during which you can use the tools at hand.

Preparation of materials

homemade pipe bending machine

In order to make a pipe bending machine with your own hands, you need to choose a design. It can be frontal, which provides for the presence of:

  • three clips;
  • axis of rotation;
  • drive chain;
  • metal profile.

The rollers will play the role of shafts, and they will be made of metal. At the core is a mechanism that will put all the elements in motion. As for metal profiles, they will form the basis of the frame of the structure.

You can make a pipe bending machine that will have rollers made of polyurethane or wood. These materials do not have such high strength, so they will undergo bending. Such a device will last not so long, it simply can not withstand the loads.

In the pipe bender, the principle of rolling or rolling will be used, each of which minimizes the likelihood of damage or fracture of the pipe. In order to bend, it is necessary to insert the product between the rollers and turn the handle. Such a simple device will allow you to get bends that will correspond to certain parameters.

In addition to the above items, you should prepare:

  • jack;
  • spring drive chain;
  • metal shelves;

The springs should have high strength, and the shafts should be prepared in the amount of three pieces.

Manufacturing process

If you decide to make a manual pipe bending machine, you will need to make a reliable frame. Its elements are connected using bolts or welding. Next, the rotation axis and shafts are installed, two of which will be located above the third. The bending radius will depend on how far the shaft axes are located.

pipe bending machines

In order to actuate the mechanism, a chain drive is used. To complete it, it is equipped with three gears, while the chain itself can be borrowed from an old car or motorcycle. A homemade pipe bending machine provides for the presence of a handle on the structure. It will connect to one of the shafts. Due to it, a twisting force is created.

Product assembly

DIY pipe bending machine

On the clamping shaft it is necessary to fix the gears, rings and bearings, which are connected by keys. The turning of the rollers is best entrusted to a specialist. One of the shafts will be suspended on the spring, while the other two should be placed on the sides.

Holes are drilled in the rings, which are necessary for threading and making grooves. Homemade pipe bending machine will have a shelf, which is made of channel. Holes are drilled in it, and then a thread is cut, which is necessary for installing the clamping shaft.

The structure should be assembled using welding or bolts. The frame is mounted first, which will serve as the legs. The next step is to hang the shelf. Shafts are pre-fixed to it, for which springs should be used. Side support shafts are installed on a homemade pipe bender, on one of which a handle is fixed. The pipe bending machine will also have a jack. It is installed at the last stage.

Pressure shaft mounting and chain tension

The clamping shaft must be fixed with keys. Then it is screwed to the shelf. Installation of this part is carried out according to a certain algorithm. It provides for the installation of the shaft on a shelf to which the nuts for the springs are pre-welded.

After that, the shelf is turned over and suspended. The chain tension should be carried out using a magnetic corner, which will serve as a holder.

manual pipe bending machine

Assembly tips

The pipe bending machine will have sprockets, which are used to twist the keys. They are pre-made from Grover. The drive handle will have a rotatable tube to help install the jack. The same welding is used for this, but you can resort to a bolted connection.

Making a hydraulic pipe bender

A hydraulic pipe bending machine will include:

  • pipe stops;
  • hydraulic cylinder;
  • strips;
  • discharge device.

hydraulic tube bending machine

Additionally, you should prepare:

  • hydraulic jack;
  • channel;
  • shoe;
  • metal plates;
  • three clips.

Technology of work

The first is going to be a channel structure, which should be supplemented with rollers and a shoe. From a similar material, you need to assemble the frame. The platform will need to be strengthened with metal plates. On the shelf to install the jack.

The design is fixed with bolts. The rollers will be located at the same height in the rectangular channel. Below is the shoe. These elements will determine the bending radius of the pipe.

In order to use the hydraulic pipe bending machine for its intended purpose, you will need to insert the pipe into the shoe and secure it on both sides. Next comes the jack, its handle must be slowly rotated. The force generated by the drive will be transmitted to the roller, and the pipe will begin to bend at a certain angle.

Instead of a conclusion

In the manufacture of greenhouses, greenhouses, fences and arches, quite often there is a need for bending a metal pipe. It is used to form furniture frames and other structures.

You can solve this problem with the help of a special pipe bender, but not everyone can purchase its factory version. Home craftsmen and many professionals make such devices on their own. The hydraulic cylinder, which performs a power function, acts as their main part.


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