Who is a psychologist and what does he do: when to seek help

It seems to many people that itā€™s easy to become a psychologist: itā€™s enough to read several thematic books, to convince a friend that a relationship with a young man is destructive for her, and you can consider yourself almost a professional. Others do not know at all what a psychologist is and what he does.

Among popular opinions: only mentally unhealthy individuals go to psychologists. Even in the 21st century, the fear of these specialists remains an urgent problem. Someone is happy to make an appointment in the hope that the psychologist will do something in one session and that under the influence of a magic wand all difficulties will disappear. The article will help you understand how things really are.

About psychology

Psychology is the science of behavior and psychological processes. A psychologist is a specialist in the field of consciousness and the subconscious, who is engaged in their scientific study. His tasks:

  • help to research the situation on an emotional level;
  • realize ineffective patterns of their own behavior;
  • learn more about your current needs;
  • leave the vicious circle of repeated mistakes;
  • and start changing your life.


Who is a psychologist and what does he do? The first thing that comes to mind is private practice. But in our country, private practice is a rarity for such specialists. As a rule, only popular professionals who already have a stable number of clients and new people can make an appointment can afford it.

Unknown specialists (mostly graduates) have little chance of opening their own office without the risk of losing money. Therefore, most psychologists combine private practice with their main place of work. Most often this is the field of education: schools, institutes, educational centers, kindergartens.

Basically, their duties include psycho-diagnostics. Using special methods, they determine the personal characteristics and abilities of pupils and students and, based on a psychological portrait, create an individual approach to learning. As well as developmental and correctional work - this is what a psychologist should do. These specialists help children cope with certain difficulties and develop the necessary qualities and skills.

An integral part of his duties is working with documents. At least a third of their working hours are reports, psychological characteristics, processing of diagnostic data, and so on.

In addition, psychologists are in demand in the personnel services of organizations (HR units or personnel services). The position of a personnel manager requires the selection of employees on the basis of assessing the qualities of candidates, conducting training courses and programs, and helping new employees to adapt to their work place. These and other tasks contribute to improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

Psychologists can also find themselves in politics, law enforcement agencies, advertising and law. Some experts prefer scientific and applied research.

psychologist (therapy)

When is the time for a specialist

Many people are interested in a clinical psychologist - who is this, what does he do. Likewise, one of the most common topics is when does it make sense to arrange a meeting with a psychologist.

All kinds of stressful situations (difficulties in relationships with loved ones, problems at school or at work, family quarrels, etc.) are frequent companions of long and pronounced negative experiences. It is often difficult for people to cope independently with an alarming chronic condition and its consequences - low self-esteem, irritability, chronic fatigue, longing, insomnia, and so on.

In such cases, the help of a qualified psychologist is needed. As a rule, they are addressed with such problems:

  • communication difficulties, including with the opposite sex (often this is what the psychologist does at school);
  • depression;
  • relationship problems;
  • panic attacks;
  • increased irritability and outbursts of anger;
  • divorces and family crises;
  • loneliness;
  • apathy;
  • loss of meaning in life;
  • chronic dissatisfaction with oneself;
  • physical ailments of a psychogenic nature: digestive problems, headaches and dizziness, insomnia, vegetovascular dystonia and so on;
  • constant alarm;
  • low working capacity, severe fatigue, problems with attention and concentration;
  • self-doubt;
  • various fears.

Continuing acquaintance with what a psychologist is and what he does, it is worth paying attention to 10 more signs that itā€™s time for an appointment.

  1. The feeling that a person walks in a circle.
  2. A topic that cannot be discussed with anyone.
  3. Avoiding parents or spending too much time with them.
  4. Food problems.
  5. Lack of personal space.
  6. Risky behavior.
  7. Alcohol abuse.
  8. Difficulties finding your place in life.
  9. Workaholism.
  10. The feeling that everything is bad.
Who is a psychologist

Clinical Psychologist

Clinical Psychologist. Who is this, what is he doing? This is a specialist in medical and psychological problems who diagnoses and corrects various mental disorders.

Among the subjects of clinical psychology: methods of psychotherapy, destructive changes in the psyche, developmental disorders and so on. The following sectors exist: psychotherapy, psychocorrection, psychosomatics, neuropsychology and pathopsychology.

The psychologist may also be:

  1. For children.
  2. Social.
  3. The military.
  4. Medical.
  5. Teacher-psychologist.

What does a child psychologist do

He participates in supporting, directing or adjusting the stage of the childā€™s formation, for example, helping to creatively develop and get rid of complexes. Consultations of such specialists are useful both for mentally healthy children and those who have some problems. They help adults understand what is happening with their son or daughter, establish contact between them and overcome psychological difficulties.

The specialistā€™s task is to identify the causes of a particular problem and find solutions. A child psychologist understands the laws of the psyche of children, their developmental characteristics and age-related crises, as well as the importance of all kinds of activities at each stage of life.

child psychologist


The education system is what the teacher-psychologist does. This is a practical wagon. His main areas of activity: counseling, psychodiagnostics, developmental activities, psychocorrection and psychological education.

As a rule, such specialists work in schools and other educational institutions. Their task is to maintain the mental health and personal development of pupils and students. They identify conditions that impede the formation of personality and help not only students, but also parents and teachers in solving problems (personal, professional and others).

Turning children's lives into a more comfortable psyche is what the psychologist does in kindergarten. The pedagogue-psychologist helps the teacher and parents / guardians to find and explain the reasons for the actions and failures of children. Among the areas of work, firstly, consultations and diagnostics. A separate type of diagnosis is a comprehensive assessment of the child's readiness for school. Equally, such specialists conduct corrective work, as the children are different, and someone develops faster than others, and someone slower and conduct developmental classes.


Social psychologist

No less interesting is a social psychologist. What does this specialist do and differ from other colleagues? This profession involves the study of the laws of occurrence, functioning and manifestation of phenomena in groups and psychodiagnostics, sociometry, counseling.

The tasks of such specialists are as follows: psychological assistance to social groups and individuals, psychological support and support for socially vulnerable people, monitoring the comfort and safety of the environment, work on psychological education of the population. As a rule, social psychologists work in psychological services, socially oriented organizations, educational and research institutions, and psychological assistance centers.

What does a medical psychologist do?

It performs a variety of tasks. Someone is working in a clinical setting to help individuals or groups prevent disease or build healthy habits. Other employees are engaged in research in the field of health or are involved in the formation of public health policy.

Psychologists work in clinics, hospitals, universities and private organizations. Some choose a specific specialization: gynecology, oncology or smoking cessation programs. Others prefer a job in government.

Military psychologist

The study of situations of everyday life and service life of military personnel, the results of interviews, the behavior of soldiers and officers during stress, questionnaires and testing of personnel are what the military psychologist does. All collected information is analyzed, and the results are used to identify and find ways to solve problems.

The psychologist also deals with the psychological selection of personnel. He equips the center of psychological relief. Among the work responsibilities, lecture and mini-trainings are highlighted. Such specialists report on the work done to the authorities.

The geography of the psychologistā€™s actions is the entire territory of the regimentā€™s location. He reports to the deputy commander for educational work. No subordinates of their own. Each specialist controls approximately 700-1000 people (and this is a big burden for any specialist). Usually this is reflected in the performance: the quality of work with personnel and the amount of time for personal life and leisure are reduced.

military psychologist

Myths about psychologists

In addition to the fact that any person who has read several clever works and his clients are crazy personalities can be a psychologist, there are several more popular misconceptions about what a school psychologist (or any other) does:

  1. The psychologist is a psychiatrist. Not. A psychiatrist is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. His tools are medicines and psychotherapy. It is he who works with people with mental disorders (by the way, this is not so scary). The psychologist is not a doctor and cannot prescribe medication. He only advises healthy people and sends to the psychiatrist those who need it. There is also a psychotherapist - a doctor or psychologist who most often helps clients with non-pharmacological methods.
  2. The psychologist can give advice that will immediately solve the problem - the following error. Not a single person is capable of such working productivity.
  3. The psychologist can solve all the problems. In fact, this is beyond his competence. He is nothing more than an assistant in finding a way out.
  4. These specialists are owners of superpowers. You should protect yourself from charlatans who claim this.
  5. Psychologists are trouble-free good-natured people who are always ready to help any person. Consultants in the store are unlikely to go around and prompt customers after the end of the working day.
  6. The psychologist sees people through and through. This is an exaggeration. What these experts really can do is to predict the likely actions of a certain person in a certain situation.
  7. They have no problems of their own. Psychologists are people too, and sometimes they themselves cannot solve their problems.
school psychologist

And some interesting facts

The human psyche is one of the greatest secrets in the world. Despite the many studies that have discovered interesting facts about the psychological characteristics of a person, this is only a small part of them. Here is some of them:

  1. Only about 10 minutes a person is able to maintain close attention to something.
  2. The activity of the brain in a dream corresponds to activity in a state of wakefulness.
  3. A person is able to remember only 3-4 elements at a time.
  4. The most vivid memories are mistaken.
  5. Dreams take up almost a third of the time.
  6. A person cannot do several things at once.
  7. Habit formation takes 66 days.
  8. Man changes his own memories.
  9. The number of possible friends is limited (50-100).
  10. Most decisions are due to the subconscious.
Interesting about psychology


Someone is still afraid of psychologists like fire, someone believes that this is not a profession at all, while others are happy to sign up for a new effective reception. What topics did we discuss today?

Many are interested in what a psychologist is and what he does. The psychologist is a specialist in the field of psychology. He is engaged in the study of the psyche of man and animals, helps in the study of various situations and problems, in understanding himself and his needs and in solving conflict situations. There are several types of this profession (for example, clinical psychologist, child psychologist, educational psychologist, social and military psychologist).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11265/

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