Elite vodka Ciroc: composition, types and reviews

Ciroc vodka is an elite alcoholic beverage that is made from unusual raw materials - grapes grown in the French region of Guyac. This is an old wine-growing region, which is located high in the mountains. This is even indicated by the name of the drink. It came from a mixture of two words: cime "-" peak ", roche -" mountain ". As part of Ciroc vodka , grapes of the Mauzac Blanc and Ugni Blanc grades are used.

Ciroc Vodka Cocktails

The drink is made by cold fermentation. According to technology, alcohol is distilled five times. Vodka can be seen in elite night clubs, it is adored by celebrities. In 2010, the elite drink received the Double Gold Medal in San Francisco.

The strength of the drink is 40%. Vodka has crystal transparency, which looks very nice in glasses. This type of alcohol is an excellent component for making all kinds of cocktails. There are even several recipes created specifically for this drink. Vodka Ciroc has a light fruity flavor and aftertaste with notes of menthol and lemon.


This type of strong alcohol does not have a traditional burning effect. The drink has a spicy plume, and when consumed, the fruit component is well felt.

The manufacturer offers two types of French elite vodka:

  • Ciroc Classic;
  • Ciroc pineapple
  • Ciroc Peach;
  • Ciroc Amaretto;
  • Ciroc Coconut;
  • Ciroc Red Berry.

Ciroc Classic is a classic version of premium vodka with a citrus flavor.

Ciroc Peach is a peach-flavored alcoholic beverage.

Ciroc Pineapple - pineapple flavored alcohol.

Ciroc Amaretto - vodka with a cherry-almond flavor and vanilla finish.

Ciroc Coconut is a drink that has a very soft and sweet pleasant taste. There are notes of coconut, tropical fruits, almonds.

Ciroc Red Berry - vodka with the taste of berries: raspberries, cherries, strawberries. Her taste in the drink is also sweet and soft.

berry vodka

Special Vodka Cocktails

The most popular cocktail with elite fruit vodka is called Beauty. The composition includes:

  • raspberry liquor;
  • lemon juice;
  • Vodka Ciroc.

The recipe is very simple, but the taste of the cocktail will please even the most demanding lover of elite alcohol.

The second most popular cocktail is called Peach Cobbler. It includes:

  • vodka;
  • fat cream;
  • Brown sugar;
  • hazelnut liquor;
  • crumbs of sweet cracker.

Serve the drink well chilled.

Vodka Ciroc Amaretto

Interesting Facts

In the French region of Cognac, where grapes are grown for vodka Ciroc, the technologies used by the monks of the Order of St. Benedict in the X century. Winemakers here clearly adhere to centuries-old traditions. They have certain traditions and technology for harvesting, sorting and manufacturing alcoholic beverages. In particular, the fivefold distillation mentioned above is carried out in distillation copper cubes. Due to this, vodka gets its crystal purity. Moreover, there is no traditional burning and bitterness in vodka.


Reviews about Ciroc vodka are very different. There are both purely negative and enthusiastically positive. First of all, it is very popular with ladies who rarely drink strong alcohol. The taste of the girls is that the drink can simply be poured into a glass of ice and slowly drunk all evening. Alcohol reminds them more of a cocktail than vodka, which in the CIS countries is used to snack on sausage and cucumber. This drink has absolutely no characteristic bitterness, so there is no need to spoil its aftertaste with any products. Ladies also love cocktails that include Ciroc vodka.

Many guys did not like the elite alcoholic beverage. They believe that vodka cannot be so sweet. Men say that it can be attributed to grappa or chach, but not to vodka in the classical sense. Given that the price of the drink is very high, many were disappointed in the drink and will never buy it again. According to them, vodka should have a more traditional taste, and this drink is purely feminine.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11266/

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