How to set up a home server on Windows XP

Many modern users try to configure their own home server in order to be able to view various media files, but often enough, when faced with this issue, they simply do not know how to properly configure such a server, and how to use it later. Immediately it is worth noting the fact that in this article we will focus on DLNA servers.

What is DLNA?

home server

DLNA stands for "Consortium of Integrated Digital Networks" and is a specific group of companies that have joined together to create a universal, open standard for connecting various devices. Thus, any equipment that provides DLNA support is able to fully automatically, being in a single network, configure the ability to receive and view different content from each other, but at the same time, each owner of such a device must first take care to open and configure own home server.

Which devices have this support?

Today there is a huge number of different devices that provide DLNA support. In particular, this applies to telephones, computers, laptops, televisions, players, set-top boxes, and, of course, equipment such as a home server. First of all, you should make sure that the purchased device provides such support, and it is quite simple to do this, since all equipment that has DLNA certification necessarily has a corresponding sticker or logo indicating that this product has passed the full testing cycle for compliance with the specified standards, as a result of which it can be connected to other certified devices. Also, the devices should contain an enumeration of supported digital content and indicate the type of destination, since this also needs to be taken into account when connecting your own home server.

Today DLNA includes the largest number of largest companies in the current market, including such giants as HTC, Microsoft, LG, Intel, Samsung, Panasonic and many others. These manufacturers are manufacturing their own products, but at the same time they can all interact with each other, and in this case, only Apple, who decided to develop their own standard called AirPlay, is left aside. In this regard, if you want to use a home server on Windows XP, then you will not be able to include any iPhone or another gadget from this manufacturer in its network.

How does this network work?

home server on windows xp

As mentioned above, all gadgets that comply with the DLNA standard, initially provide for the possibility of mutual connection, and each individual device has its own class, depending on the purpose. Thus, any storage device has a “digital media server” class, and, in particular, this includes mobile phones in the memory of which music, video or photos are stored.

Any device that can receive and use digital content from some other DLNA device is a digital media player, and this includes, for example, your TV, if it has the function of playing music or video files from other devices.

In order to create your own home server on Windows XP, you need at least one repository that will contain various content. As a basis, you can use your own computer or mobile phone, as well as some device that will play various files.

What equipment do you need?

Devices in the DLNA standard can easily connect and switch to each other due to the configured home network, and this scheme is approximately similar to the device of a standard home Internet network. In reality, in this case, the router is the central point of communication on the network and is used to ensure that devices communicate with each other.

Thus, to make a home server on XP, you need several devices:

  • one media server, which can be a phone, laptop or specialized data storage ;
  • router
  • Ethernet cable, wireless adapter or Powerline adapter (in this case, only one option out of three is used).


setup home media server upnp

Initially, we will need to include a TV with the ability to support DLNA standard to the router on the network. There are several ways to do this. In this case, you decide which one is optimal depending on how far from the TV the router is installed, as well as other connected devices.

Ethernet cable

In the event that the router is located a short distance from the TV, the DLNA home server can be connected using an Ethernet cable, as this is the easiest and most affordable way among all available today. Simply connect one end of the cable directly to the TV, while the other will connect to the router port.

Wireless bridge

xp home server

If you use a wireless router, and at the same time the TV is at a fairly large distance, then in this case it is already worth thinking about using a specialized wireless bridge to connect them. It connects to the TV via the same Ethernet port, but at the same time, the device is already connected to the router using wireless communication. If your device provides for working with Wi-Fi due to a built-in or external adapter, then in this case you can completely combine it with the router directly, and then it will remain to figure out how to configure it. The UPnP home media server in this case can be configured especially quickly.

Some wireless routers are DLNA certified, and are specifically designed for use in the home network of this standard.


The option using the mains is an excellent opportunity to set up a complete network throughout the house, and it is worth noting that for many people this installation option is as simple and safe as possible. Since in this case the already laid wiring is used, it is not necessary to use additional cables in order to connect devices within the DLNA network itself. Specialized adapters for connecting to power outlets today are produced by almost every manufacturer of network equipment, and they are called Powerline adapters.

Here you just need to connect the plug of the router, TV and other devices to a dedicated power outlet, but at the same time, the selected devices will form a full-fledged home network. That is why this option is considered one of the easiest ways to create a home server.

Connection to the router

how to create a home server

Now it will be possible to deal with connecting to the router other servers, including a laptop, player or phone. The TV will already see them through the existing network, and you can use all the relevant content. It is worth noting that some DLNA devices are initially equipped with a built-in Wi-Fi function or provide the ability to connect them through a router using one of the above methods.

Next, we will consider how to properly connect and configure various equipment in a given network.


Initially, you need to connect a computer to this network using one of the methods mentioned above. Before broadcasting various content directly to the TV, you must install the appropriate software. Optimal would be to use VAIO Media Server or Home Media Server, however, it is worth noting that even Windows Media Player 11 and version 12 provides an option for such a connection.

After installing these utilities, you can begin to select the files that will be transferred to the TV. The transfer method in this case directly depends on what kind of software you use, but in the overwhelming majority of cases only a playlist, a library, a specific file are indicated, or they are added to the appropriate folders.

If you use a standard laptop, you will also need to confirm access to your device by activating the function of exchanging various media files using the program. To do this, you can go into the regular Windows Media Player, go to the "Options" section, and then enable the ability to exchange data in the file sharing tab of Windows Media.

Mobile phones

home media server podcasts

Today, not so many mobile phones provide DLNA support, but each device that complies with this standard is equipped with built-in Wi-Fi, so it can be easily connected to a wireless bridge or router. This is done as follows:

  1. Connect the phone to the network.
  2. Include this connection in the “Favorite networks” list, and then activate the automatic connection function.
  3. Activate the ability to exchange data on this network. In this case, the activation process may vary depending on the specific phone model.
  4. Ultimately, completely turn off the device in an economical power mode.


Players that have built-in DLNA support, in the vast majority of cases, have an extremely simple connection procedure. Simply combine the device with the installed router, for which you can use the Powerline adapter or the option of wireless connection. After that, all your music files will be available for playback using the TV.


dlna home media server setup

After you connect the device, the DLNA home media server setup begins. To do this, turn on the TV and go to the Smart TV menu. In this case, the setup principle on Samsung TVs will be described, but in the vast majority of similar systems this process is similar.

After going to the appropriate menu, you will need to go to the Allshare application, through which you will need to fill your home server with your own hands. Having entered this application, you will see a huge amount of available music, videos and photos located on devices of this standard that are connected to the network. All files are located under the corresponding icons, so you can always easily find exactly what interests you, even if you use a home IPTV server.

In each separate category, all files are sorted by name, manufacturer, and cover art. To start them, just select the file you are interested in and press the play button, after which the program will open it in the corresponding application.

After all these procedures, you can start using your own home media server. Podcasts, music, videos - all this can be played from various devices and viewed on TV at any convenient time. It is for this reason that such systems have become so widespread today among modern users.


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