How to cook juicy meat quickly and tasty?

Meat is a tasty and easily accessible product, without which not a single feast can do. It goes well with various spices, vegetables, mushrooms and cereals, which means it serves as a good basis for creating all kinds of culinary masterpieces. Today’s material contains the most interesting juicy meat recipes.

Garlic pork

This tender and very aromatic dish will surely appeal to those who love baked meat. It is prepared in foil, which makes it incredibly juicy and soft. To verify this on your own experience, you will definitely need:

  • 1 kg of pork.
  • 8 large cloves of garlic.
  • Coarse salt, paprika, pepper and Italian herbs.
juicy meat

In thoroughly washed and dried meat, cuts are made and filled with garlic plates. After this, a piece of pork is generously rubbed with a mixture of spices and small table salt, wrapped in several layers of foil and baked at 190 o C. After an hour, it is checked for readiness and, if everything is in order, then served on the table.

Pork with garlic and sour cream

This tender and juicy meat can be cooked even by one who has never done anything like it before. To do this, you will definitely need:

  • 1 kg of fresh pork collar.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • 3 tbsp. l thick sour cream.
  • 2 lavrushki.
  • Salt, rosemary, pepper and any vegetable oil.
so that the meat is soft and juicy

To make the meat juicy and soft, it is washed under a tap, dried and cut in several places. The piece thus treated is rubbed with a mixture of fine salt, spices, ground parsley, sour cream and crushed garlic. After a few hours, the marinated pork is wrapped in foil and baked at 220 ° C. After thirty minutes, the temperature is reduced to 180 ° C and the meat is brought to full readiness. Shortly before the completion of the process, it is carefully deployed so that it has time to brown.

Veal with Wine and Citrus

This option will be an excellent help for those who are interested in how to cook juicy meat so that it can be served without hesitation on the festive table. To feed your family and friends with soft and very fragrant veal, you will need:

  • 30 g butter.
  • 800 g of veal tenderloin.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 6 leaves of sage.
  • ½ cup dry white wine.
  • 3 tbsp. l ordinary flour.
  • 1 orange, lemon, yellow and red grapefruit.
  • Salt, ground hot pepper and vegetable oil.

Washed and dried veal is cut in several places and stuffed with a part of the zest, shot both of orange and lemon. After that, it is tied with culinary thread, sprinkled with flour and lightly fried in melted butter. When it is browned, it is poured with wine and wait for the partial evaporation of alcohol. After this, the veal is supplemented with spices, salt and the remnants of citrus zest. All this is sent for further heat treatment. Soft juicy meat is prepared in an oven heated to 180 ° C. After an hour, it is removed from the oven, freed from the string and served with toasted grapefruit slices.

Pork with Cowberry Sauce

This juicy piquant meat will be a real decoration of any family holiday. It differs not only in a very aesthetic appearance, but also in a pleasant sweetish-sour taste. To bake it yourself at home, you will need:

  • 2 kg of fresh pork tenderloin.
  • 500 g of lingonberry.
  • 250 ml of dry red wine.
  • 30 g of ginger root.
  • 2 tbsp. l liquid honey.
  • 1 tbsp. l mixture of peppers.
  • ½ cup sugar.
  • Salt and ground cinnamon.
how to cook juicy meat

To make the meat soft and juicy, it must be properly prepared. The selected piece is washed, dried and rubbed generously with a mixture of peppers, salt, cinnamon, ground ginger, honey and wine. After that, it is laid out on the wire rack and sent to the oven, heated to 220 ° C. After ten minutes it is covered with foil and baked for an hour and a half, not forgetting to reduce the temperature to 160 ° C. Shortly before the end of the process, the pork is carefully opened so that it managed to brown. Serve it with a sauce made from sweetened mashed lingonberries and juice, which stood out here is the cooking time.

Cheese Beef

This delicious juicy meat is sure to appeal to both adults and small eaters. Thanks to the special cooking technology, it turns out so tender that it literally melts in your mouth. To test this yourself, you will need:

  • 1 kg of fresh beef.
  • 50 g of flour.
  • 500 g of sour cream.
  • 100 g of cheese.
  • 1 large onion.
  • 2 egg yolks.
  • ½ pack of butter.
  • Salt, water and seasonings.

Washed beef is immersed in salted boiling water and boiled over minimal heat within 2-2.5 hours. After the specified time, it is removed from the pan, slightly cooled, cut into slices and laid out in a deep heat-resistant form. Meat prepared in this way is poured with sauce made from sauteed onions, flour, a small amount of beef broth, sour cream, salt, spices and beaten yolks. All this is rubbed with cheese and baked at 220 ° C for 40-50 minutes.

Carrot Beef

This option will be a great help for young housewives who want to feed their relatives with juicy meat. It allows you to cook tender beef, which goes well with various side dishes and sauces, relatively quickly and without unnecessary trouble. To bake it in your own kitchen, you will definitely need:

  • 6 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 juicy carrot.
  • 1 kg of beef tenderloin.
  • 2 tbsp. l soy sauce.
  • Salt and seasoning.

Before cooking juicy tasty meat, the selected piece is washed and thoroughly dried with paper towels. Immediately after this, it is rubbed with salt and spices, cut in several places and stuffed with carrot sticks. Meat processed in this way is marinated in a mixture of soy sauce and crushed garlic. After a couple of hours, it is wrapped in several layers of foil and sent to the oven. Beef is baked at 200 ° C. After an hour and a half, it is carefully unwrapped and cooked for another fifteen minutes.

Beef with Sour Cream Sauce

This juicy meat will not only replace a full dinner for a big hungry family, but will also be an adornment of any festive feast. To feed them your family, you will definitely need:

  • 1 kg of beef tenderloin.
  • 4 onions.
  • 1 cup fresh thick sour cream.
  • 1 tsp not very spicy mustard.
  • 1 tsp plain white flour.
  • Salt and vegetable oil.

To prepare the meat juicy and soft, it is washed, cut into strips, mixed with onion half rings and put in a smeared cast-iron bowl. All this is covered with a lid and sent for a couple of hours to the oven, heated to 180 ° C. After the specified time, the contents of the container are supplemented with a sauce consisting of flour, sour cream, mustard and salt, and then baked for another thirty minutes.

Pork with pear

This delicious and beautiful dish will be a real find for those who have not had time to decide how to cook juicy meat in the oven so that it can be included in the festive menu. To bake pork with pear, you will need:

  • 100 ml of sweet red wine.
  • 1.5 kg pork neck.
  • 2 pears.
  • 2 tbsp. l chili sauce.
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar.
  • 1 tsp curry.
  • 1 tsp dried oregano.
  • Salt and ground pepper.

On washed and dried pork, pepper cuts are made so that a kind of accordion is obtained. The prepared piece is rubbed with a mixture of salt, oregano and pepper, and then placed in a pan, poured with wine and left under the lid. Not earlier than an hour later, the meat is removed from the marinade, stuffed with pear slices, wrapped in foil and sent to a hot oven. Prepare it at 200 ° C for at least sixty minutes. After this time, pork is greased with a mixture of chili sauce, curry and balsamic vinegar and baked for about half an hour.

Bell pepper pork

This tasty and very juicy meat is a roll with vegetable filling. It does not need an additional side dish and, if necessary, will replace a full meal. To cook it for yourself and your family, you will need:

  • 100 g of good mayonnaise (you can homemade).
  • 2 kg of pork neck.
  • 6 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 bay leaves.
  • 1 bell pepper.
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds.
  • 2 tbsp. l pomegranate sauce.
  • 2 tsp mustard.
  • Salt and pepper.

Washed and dried meat is cut so that a flat layer is obtained. After that, it is greased from all sides with pomegranate sauce, sprinkled with salt and pepper, wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator. Not earlier than an hour later, the pickled piece is treated with a mixture of mustard, mayonnaise and crumbled parsley, and then covered with chopped sweet pepper and chopped garlic. All this is rolled up, smeared with the rest of the sauce and baked in foil at 180 ° C. After an hour and a half, the meat is checked for readiness, opened and returned to the oven for ten minutes to cover with a delicious crust.

Pork with honey and barbecue sauce

This recipe will probably come in handy for those who are considering how to cook juicy meat that can become an alternative to shop sausage. Pork made on it is so versatile that it can be a crown festive dish, and the basis for the most ordinary sandwiches. To test this yourself, you will need:

  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • 1.5 kg of pork neck.
  • 2 tsp liquid linden honey.
  • 3 tsp barbecue sauce.
  • 1 tsp paprika.
  • 1 tbsp. l Dijon mustard.
  • Salt, water and ground pepper.
how to cook meat juicy and soft

Washed meat is cut in several places and spread in a volumetric bowl. There, the marinade is poured, prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l table salt in 1 liter of water. All this is cleaned for several hours in the refrigerator, and then blotted with paper towels and greased with a mixture of spices, crushed garlic, honey and barbecue sauce. The piece processed in this way is laid out in a heat-resistant form, covered with mustard and baked, covered with foil, at 180 ° C. After an hour, the meat is carefully opened and placed in the oven for another twenty minutes.

Pork with Pistachios

This option will surely be in the culinary collection of every housewife who dreams of learning how to make juicy meat in Italian. To cook delicious and aromatic pork yourself, you will need:

  • 200 g of pistachios.
  • 1.2 kg of fresh pork tenderloin.
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs.
  • 1 cup dry white wine.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 4 tbsp. l plain white flour.
  • 1 tsp thyme.
  • 1 tsp marjoram.
  • Salt, olive oil and a mixture of peppers.
soft juicy meat in the oven

Before pickling the meat so that it is juicy, it is stripped of everything unnecessary and rinsed under a tap. After that, it is rubbed with salt and pepper, poured with wine and left for at least three hours. After the specified time, the pickled meat is dipped in eggs whipped with flour, sprinkled with a mixture of crackers, spices, crushed garlic, olive oil and ground pistachios, laid in a heat-resistant form and baked until tender at a moderate temperature.

Lamb in honey mustard marinade

This meat delicacy will become the crown dish of any holiday. The main secret of its juiciness and softness is a long pickling and strict observance of the recommended proportions. To bake it without problems in your kitchen, you will need:

  • 2.5 kg of lamb leg.
  • 4 tbsp. l liquid honey.
  • 2 tbsp. l mustard.
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt.
  • 1 tsp black pepper.
  • 1 tsp lemon zest.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Rosemary.

Washed and dried lamb leg is rubbed with a mixture of salt, honey, citrus zest and crushed garlic, spread in a bowl and left under the lid for at least six hours. At the end of the indicated time, the marinated meat is baked at 220 ° C. After twenty minutes, the temperature is lowered to 200 ° C and wait another hour. So that the meat does not turn into coals, it is covered with foil.

Stewed Pork with Vegetables

This tasty and not at all costly dish is equally suitable for both adult and baby food. It turns out to be very juicy, tender and completely non-greasy. To cook it at home, you will need:

  • 1.2 kg of pork shoulder.
  • 2 ripe red tomatoes.
  • 3 fleshy bell peppers.
  • 1 juicy carrot.
  • 1 onion.
  • 2 tsp dry basil.
  • Salt, pepper and vegetable oil.

To prepare juicy meat in a pan, first fry the pork cut into pieces. When it is covered with a golden brown crust, all vegetables, salt and spices are added to it. All this is stewed over low heat and served with any suitable side dish.

Pork chops in batter

This juicy and tender meat, covered with a golden brown crust, is liked by both adults and small eaters. It is in harmony with mashed potatoes and fresh vegetables. To cook delicious chops for yourself and your loved ones, you will need:

  • 400 g of pork.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 1.5 tbsp. l plain white flour.
  • Salt, oil and seasonings.
how to cook juicy meat in the oven

Carefully washed and dried meat is cut into centimeter layers. Each of them is beaten off with a special hammer, dipped in a batter made of flour, eggs, salt and spices, and spread in a hot greased pan. Fry meat for several minutes on each side until a golden crust appears.

Pork steaks

The recipe described below will surely take its rightful place in the personal collection of housewives, whose families cannot live a day without something meaty. To repeat it at home, you will need:

  • 300 g of fresh pork.
  • 1 tsp pepper.
  • 1 tsp kitchen salt.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
juicy meat recipe

The washed meat is dried with disposable napkins, rubbed with salt and pepper, wrapped with cling film and placed in the refrigerator. After about a quarter of an hour, the marinated steaks are browned in a hot greased pan and served with any suitable garnish.

Pork fried with onions

This delicious, melt in your mouth meat is a great option for a simple and hearty dinner. To feed them your pets, you will need:

  • 500 g of fresh lean pork.
  • 3 large onions.
  • Salt, any vegetable oil and aromatic seasonings.

The washed and dried meat is cut into cubes and spread in a heated greased pan. After seven minutes it is supplemented with onion half rings and continues to cook. Shortly before turning off the fire, the contents of the pan are salted and seasoned with spices.

Pork with mushrooms and prunes

This dish certainly will not go unnoticed by lovers of unusual food combinations. To surprise them with your family and friends, you will need:

  • 400 g chilled boneless pork.
  • 200 g of champignons.
  • 1 juicy carrot.
  • 2 large onions.
  • 6 prunes.
  • Salt, turmeric, pepper and vegetable oil.

The meat thoroughly washed and cut into small pieces is fried until golden brown, salted and supplemented with slices of champignons. Almost immediately, onions, carrots, salt, seasonings and prunes scalded with boiling water are added to pork and mushrooms. All this is brought to readiness and served on the table. At will, the dish is decorated with sprigs of fresh parsley.

Juniper Pork

This delicate and tasty dish is a very successful combination of berries, mushrooms, meat and seasonings. To cook it specifically for a family dinner, you will need:

  • 400 g of fresh pork pulp.
  • 40 g dry shiitake mushrooms.
  • 10 juniper berries.
  • 8 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar.
  • Salt, rosemary, water and butter.

The washed meat is cut into portions, sprinkled with balsamic vinegar and fried on each side. As soon as it is browned, it is supplemented with scalded mushrooms, crushed juniper, rosemary, salt and a small amount of water. Cover it all and simmer until cooked over low heat. Shortly before turning off the burner, the contents of the pan are flavored with crushed garlic.


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