Hospital nurse: responsibilities, functions and features

In medical facilities, the position of a nurse is incredibly appreciated. Despite the slightly prestigious category of junior medical staff and insignificant salary, the official duties of the nurse in the hospital are quite voluminous. The word "nurse" comes from the Latin sanitas , which means "health." As a rule, orderlies work in sanitary-epidemiological and medical institutions. They do not have special medical training, so they are also called carers or nannies.

The nuances of the profession

A large staff in a medical institution speaks of its status and modernity. A nurse in a hospital, whose duties must be prescribed in the charter, performs important functions. She monitors the general order, takes care of patients in the ward. The profession overlaps with the duties of a cleaning lady and a nurse. She has typical signs. Everyone who wants to get a job should know that the duties of a nurse include cleaning, sanitation, which is carried out from two to four times a day. Nurses provide assistance to senior medical personnel, report malfunctions in various systems and equipment.

hospital nurse

The nuances of the profession include the psychological complexity and discomfort that these workers often experience. They do dirty, unattractive work, sometimes they face disrespect for patients and doctors. Often the nurse is loaded with additional work. Before looking for a job as a nurse, think about the disadvantages of this profession. To work in psychiatric hospitals you will need high resistance to stress, psychological attitude, physical strength.


Many are interested in what is the responsibility of a nurse in a hospital? It should be noted that the senior nurse, duty or ward nurses are in charge of the work of the junior staff. The circle of the basic work tasks of a nurse is directly dependent on what role she performs in the institution. Nurses are divided into barmaid, cleaners, and washers. Male physicians work in physically difficult jobs (morgues, psychiatric hospitals). The main list of duties of nurses includes:

  • Airing of rooms.
  • Cleaning of chambers, doctors' offices, toilets, corridors.
  • Cleaning the urinals, cleaning, feeding.
  • Preparation of items for patient care.
  • Change of linen.
  • Care for seriously ill patients (transportation, shifting, bathing).
  • Fulfillment of the orders of the senior nurse, which are related to the patient care of the hospital.
    hospital nurse duties


What role does the nurse play in the hospital? The responsibilities of nurses are related to physical labor. It may seem to some that the job description of a nurse is similar to the work of a cleaning lady. There are similarities between the two professions, but in the first case, responsibilities are much more complex and more responsible. In the clinic or private medical facility, the nurse must undergo individual training. The chief doctor appoints her to the post. In the clinic, orderlies are subordinate to the hostess sister of the corresponding department. They must carry out their work according to the instructions:

  • A nurse is required to carry out wet cleaning of those rooms that are assigned to her.
  • To help the senior nurse (receive medicines, tools, equipment, deliver them to the department).
  • Receive, store and provide clean underwear for patients, household equipment, detergents.
  • Report to sister about the well-being of patients, complaints, as well as problems in the department.
  • To care for bedridden patients, serves food and cleans dishes.
  • Disinfect the premises if the patient has an infectious disease.
  • Monitor patient health and personal hygiene.
    what is the responsibility of the nurse in the hospital

The duties of a nurse in a hospital with bedridden patients also include the functions of a courier. She reports to the senior medical staff about the physical condition of seriously ill patients, takes care of them (washing, washing, cutting her nails, combing, turning, sitting). In addition, the nurse must regularly improve their qualifications, attend classes that are held in the department for junior staff.

Mental hospital

The duties of a nurse in a psychiatric hospital are the same as in other medical institutions, but they are specific. This position is taken by trained personnel, women and men over 20 years old. The main feature of work in a psychiatric hospital: nurses and orderlies should have good health, strong physical data, and stress resistance. Often men take on such work. Applicants should understand that orderlies in mental hospitals can face various traumatic situations. Impressive people in such an institution have nothing to do.

nursing duties in a hospital with bedridden patients


Like any other worker, a nurse is vested with rights. She has social guarantees, the right to receive special clothes, shoes and other personal protective equipment. In addition, it may require the management to create comfortable conditions for the fulfillment of professional duties, as well as providing her with working equipment, tools that comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements and standards. An employee has the right to make proposals to improve working conditions and methods, improve her skills, and demand that direct supervisors observe rights and obligations. Rights consist of the conditions of the institution in which the nurse works. In a hospital, responsibilities depend on the charter and other criteria, as well as in a private clinic, psychiatric hospital, or maternity hospital. In addition to rights and obligations, the nurse has a certain responsibility.

Responsibilities of a nurse in a psychiatric hospital


A nurse in the hospital must perform duties in accordance with the job description. Many may be interested in: how much does this employee receive? On average, the country's salary of a nurse in a medical institution is 8-20 thousand rubles. It all depends on the region. For example, in Moscow, workers in this position receive 25 thousand rubles. Affect wages working conditions and job description.


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