Cedar oil: how to take, composition, medicinal properties and contraindications

There is nothing surprising in the popularity of cedar oil. How to take this remedy, many people are interested, because this natural product is a real storehouse of valuable trace elements. It has everything that is necessary for our health. It is used for many diseases in men and women, the elderly and children. What is the secret and power of pine nut oil? Read about the benefits and harms to the body of this product in our article.

What is in the composition?

Probably, it would be easier to list what cedar oil does not contain. How to take this remedy? The method of application depends on medical indications, of which cedar oil is huge. It is rich in various useful substances that are necessary to maintain the full functioning of the human body:

  • Vitamin A - is responsible for visual acuity, the condition of the skin;
  • thiamine and riboflavin (vitamin B1 and B2) - participate in the hematopoiesis, metabolism, help to remove toxins from the body;
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) - necessary for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, promotes vasodilation;
  • Vitamin D - a trace element necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, maintaining the health of muscle, bone, and connective tissue;
  • Vitamin E is an indispensable substance for the human reproductive system.

In addition, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, and zinc are found in cedar oil. In small quantities, iron, manganese, copper and iodine are present here. If you eat 100 g of pine nuts per day (you can’t say anything about the benefits and harms of the body, since it is important to take into account individual characteristics), a person will provide himself with a daily volume of iron, zinc, manganese. The same goes for oil containing omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Cedar product is a universal remedy for the prevention of osteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis.

the benefits of pine nuts for women

Manufacturing technology

The presence of useful substances depends on how cedar oil was obtained (by manual extraction or by automatic, cold or hot method). They are fully preserved only during cold pressing - with the help of this technology the highest quality and healing oil from pine nuts is obtained. Moreover, the richest composition of fat released during the first stages of the extraction. In the next booster, it is almost impossible to get the necessary trace elements from nuts.

Unlike cold pressed cedar oil, the ether obtained by the "hot" method does not contain even half of the declared vitamins. They die when heating the raw materials used. But at the same time, the hot pressed product has a more pronounced aroma and strong taste. Such oil is often used in cooking. In the pharmacy, cedar oil is often sold in capsules of cold pressed. Sometimes it is mixed with linseed, grape seed oil.

They also produce essential oils from pine nuts, which have a strong persistent smell. Esters are made by distillation and distillation from fruits and needles, so they have a slightly resinous bitter aroma.

Indications for use

You can use this product for various purposes - medical, cosmetic, culinary. Due to its high content of vitamin E, oil helps prevent early skin aging and helps maintain healthy hair and nails. Antioxidants in cedar products are effective antitumor substances that interfere with malignancy processes in the body.

How to take cedar oil - inside or out? If you apply a product from skin diseases (for example, for burns, eczema, dermatitis), then the affected areas of the skin are lubricated with it, and for the treatment of systemic diseases, cedar oil is drunk in small quantities. For this purpose, pharmaceutical products in capsules are ideal. Attached is an instruction for use of cedar oil.

cedar oil capsules

Omega-3-unsaturated fatty acids are involved in fat metabolism, reduce blood cholesterol, so cleaning vessels and preventing atherosclerosis is one of the healing properties of cedar oil. This remedy has practically no contraindications, but we will return to this issue a bit later.

Cold-pressed oil is a means to increase brain activity and stress resistance. This natural product strengthens the immune system and helps the body resist the effects of external negative factors. Cedar oil is especially useful for people with cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, varicose veins), and pathologies of the digestive and genitourinary systems.

Folk recipes

It is impossible to list all the methods of treatment used by the people. Consider only the most popular of them:

  • If you take one teaspoon on an empty stomach and at bedtime for three weeks, you can remove the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, treat the ulcer.
  • Using 30 drops of cedar oil once a day before meals for a month, it will be possible to improve the condition of blood vessels, lower blood cholesterol.
  • For respiratory illnesses and colds, pine nut oil is dripped one drop into both nostrils or inhaled.
  • To strengthen immunity, children over three years old are given half a teaspoon half an hour before meals, and adults - a whole teaspoon.
  • With varicose veins, the healing properties of cedar oil are also useful. A contraindication to its use is only an allergic reaction. With varicose veins, the limbs are lubricated with oil and a light massage is done.
  • To speed up the healing process of the skin after a burn or in case of chronic diseases, the affected areas are oiled several times during the day and taken 5 ml orally on an empty stomach.

When can cedar oil be dangerous?

The presence of many healing properties of cedar oil does not mean at all that there are no any risks in its application. In some cases, it can be harmful instead of good, because this product, like any other, has contraindications. Before taking cedar oil, it is important to make sure that the body normally tolerates it. This product itself is not hypoallergenic, so allergy sufferers should be taken with caution.

pine nut oil

At the same time, you can meet many recommendations when Siberian cedar oil is recommended to be taken for allergies (for example, during the flowering season of plants). Judging by the reviews, in most cases, side effects and negative reactions of the body arose against the background of excessive use of the product. If you comply with the measure, the oil will not harm and will benefit.

From extra pounds

Many use this tool in the struggle for harmony. Cedar oil can hardly be called an absolute recipe for weight loss. It does not burn fat, does not dull the feeling of hunger and does not eliminate cellulite. But if you take it regularly for 1 tsp. per day, over time, normal metabolic processes will be restored, fat metabolism will improve and weight will begin to decrease. In addition, this product contributes to the general cleansing of the body of cholesterol and toxins, the restoration of the liver. In this case, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to get the opposite effect when losing weight: cedar oil is high-calorie (898 kcal contains in 100 ml).

Cedar oil for beauty and youth

Beauticians often opt for this product, considering it an excellent alternative to expensive serums, creams and masks. Cedar oil alone at home can be used as follows:

  • For face. The basis of the mask is white clay (1 tbsp. L.) It is mixed with so much water to get a creamy liquid mass, in which you need to add a few drops of cedar oil. The mask is applied to cleansed skin, suitable for owners of any type of epidermis. Keep on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water without soap.
  • To soften the cuticle. Before making a manicure, a couple drops of oil are applied to the base of the nail. In just a couple of minutes, the cuticle will become soft, so removing it is much easier.
  • For hair. The medical mask, restoring the structure of damaged curls, is prepared as follows: in 1 tbsp. l add a few drops of rosemary in cedar oil, mix and rub into the scalp. For exposure, leave for half an hour, then wash hair thoroughly with shampoo.
  • From stretch marks. You can restore the tone and elasticity of the skin using a simple cheap tool. In 100 ml of cedar oil, 20 tablets of mummy are added. The tool is insisted for several days, then rubbed into the skin to improve the condition of the skin and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. From existing stretch marks, cedar oil is ineffective.
pine nuts benefits and harm to the body

For pregnant women

It is quite difficult to find a natural and safe product that is able to make up for the deficiency of missing substances in the body of the expectant mother and to facilitate the course of pregnancy. The benefits of pine nuts for women in this difficult period are as follows:

  • digestion processes are being established;
  • body cleansing occurs at the cellular level;
  • prevention of the occurrence of stagnant processes and edema, constipation and the development of hemorrhoids;
  • muscle and joint pains are reduced;
  • improves the functioning of the immune system.

Due to its rich content of vitamin E, oil helps reduce the risk of abnormal development of internal organs in the fetus. Using this product, you can prevent various problems in the formation of the central nervous system in the future baby. Cedar oil contributes to the activation of uteroplacental circulation, maintains the state of this protective barrier and does not allow the fetus to starve to oxygen.

Just like nuts, cedar oil strengthens the mother's immunity, increases the body's resistance to various infections. According to reviews, pregnant women improve overall well-being, drowsiness disappears, and the psycho-emotional background is restored. Due to the restoration of blood circulation, pain in the lower back, joints and lower abdomen weakens. Also, pregnant women use cedar oil externally to moisturize the skin and prevent the formation of stretch marks.

The daily rate of cedar oil for a pregnant woman should not exceed 15 ml, which equals three teaspoons. Doctors advise using it for dressing salads, since in combination with fresh vegetables it will be better absorbed. Nursing mothers can also take cedar oil, but the reception must be urgently stopped if the child has an allergic reaction. It is also recommended to use cedar oil externally after childbirth for the speedy healing of cracks in the nipples and postoperative sutures.

cold pressed cedar oil

The benefits of pine nuts for women are obvious, but they are recommended to be taken not only during pregnancy. For example, during menopause, cedar oil makes it easier to tolerate hormonal changes.

Prevention of cancer and other diseases

Experts advise to include pine nuts or oil from them in the diet for those people who live in regions with adverse environmental conditions or work in difficult conditions, come into contact with heavy metals, mercury, and lead. There is an opinion that cedar oil helps prevent the development of cancer.

For preventive purposes, this product can be taken to improve overall health, strengthen immunity, normalize the nervous system, and recover from prolonged illnesses. The oil has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract, relieves diseases of the respiratory system, treats anemia.

The optimal preventive use of oil for adults is three times a day, 2.5-5 ml of oil before meals. For treatment, the dosage is increased, and the frequency and method of application depends on the disease.

Siberian cedar oil

Can I give children and the elderly?

Indigenous Siberians have no doubt that cedar oil is a universal and healthy product necessary for the full growth and development of a child. In the first months of life, it is not worth giving cedar oil, as it can cause an allergy in the child. At an older age, it can be used to strengthen immunity and restore the nervous system. First, babies are given 2-3 drops every six months, then the daily dosage is gradually increased, but the maximum amount of cedar oil per day for children under three years old should not exceed 5 ml. Despite the fact that cases of allergies to this drug have been rare, before giving the child cedar oil, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.

This natural remedy is not contraindicated for the elderly. Most often, it is taken to prevent vascular atherosclerosis, hypertensive crisis, coronary heart disease and stroke. According to reviews, after a month of daily use of cedar oil in the amount of 2-3 tsp. It helps to eliminate problems with stools, relieves pain in chronic gastritis, improves memory and restores vigor.

How not to make a mistake when buying cedar oil

As already mentioned, the most useful is a product made using cold-pressed technology. This is an expensive tool that looks like a thick translucent liquid. This oil has a light yellow color and a subtle nutty aroma, without bitterness. A quality product is available in darkened glass containers.

cedar oil medicinal properties and contraindications

Often, under the guise of cedar oil, a mixture of vegetable fats is sold. In such a liquid, even if cedar oil is contained, then in very small quantities. If a bottle with such a mixture is placed in the freezer, it will quickly freeze and brighten. Pure cedar oil in its pure form does not freeze, but is put thicker. The shelf life of a natural product is only a few months.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11292/

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