Maneuvering is ... Interpretation and synonyms

What does the word maneuver mean? This language unit is used in modern speech, but not everyone knows its interpretation. This article talks about the lexical meaning of the verb "maneuver". Synonyms with which it can be replaced are also presented. This word is ambiguous. It has several meanings according to Ushakov's dictionary.

To maneuver

Maneuvering is resorting to some kind of maneuver. For example, to move troops during hostilities. Examples of suggestions include:

  • The commander-in-chief maneuvered the troops to accurately hit the enemy.
  • Three enemy ships maneuver dangerously near our waters.
    Ships maneuver
  • It is necessary to maneuver the army skillfully, otherwise an annoying loss is inevitable.

Be smart and prudent

To maneuver also is to perform actions in one's own favor. For example, getting around trouble. Examples of offers:

  • I am amazed at how cleverly you can maneuver even in the most difficult situations, when an ordinary person gives up.
  • He knows how to maneuver, get away from trouble.
  • You are so cleverly maneuvering, it is not surprising that you are considered a dodgy person.

Skillfully use anything

The verb indicates that a person knows how to competently manage what he has. Maneuvering is to get the most out of anything. This can be done by prudent people who know a lot about life.

  • The head skillfully maneuvered the means, so the company made a profit.
    Chief maneuvers resources
  • You must maneuver with the resources that are available.
  • We maneuvered the remaining reserves well, so we were able to survive the winter normally.

Synonyms for the word

Sometimes there are situations when it is required to select a synonym for a verb in order to replace it. For example, if a word occurs several times in the same text. A synonym for โ€œmaneuveringโ€ should clearly fit the context of the proposal.

  • Maneuver. Ships maneuvered into the sea.
  • Use. We have used every opportunity to improve our well-being.
  • Dispose of. A skilled boss manages manpower properly.
  • Act. The entrepreneur acted correctly and received excellent dividends.

Maneuvering is a multi-valued verb that has several meanings. It must be used depending on the specific situation. It can be replaced by synonyms depending on the context. However, it is worth considering that they should organically fit into the proposal and not distort its meaning.


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