What is crossroads? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Life is a choice. Most of us make choices almost automatically. Is it hard to understand what exactly we want - tea or coffee in the morning? No, but sometimes it’s not so simple. Therefore, the definition of “crossroads” arises in consciousness. This is what we will talk about today.


Desert Crossroads

It’s good if the most difficult dilemma that a person faces is when he cannot choose an ice cream variety for dessert, but worse problems usually happen. When a person is young enough, parents solve his problems. For example, such questions:

  • Which kindergarten to choose?
  • Which school should I go to?
  • What language to learn in elementary grades?

It may seem that these are simple questions that should not be given too much attention, but in reality this is a crossroads, that is, concrete expressions of the latter. But in order to understand what this is all about, let's turn to the explanatory dictionary. The significance of the object of study is as follows: "The place where roads cross and diverge."

The object of study also has a figurative meaning, which is similar to the phrase “at a crossroads”. To make the picture complete, let's look at the meaning of the word “crossroads” and the meaning of the word “crossroads”: “Crossroads of two or more roads”. As you can see, the meanings are similar.



Many are now at a crossroads or a crossroads, but few know the meaning of the last two nouns. Therefore, so that the assimilation process is easy and, most importantly, understandable, we will select more modern and clear replacements. So the list is as follows:

  • intersection;
  • meditation;
  • doubt
  • flour of choice;
  • polyvariance.

Yes, the reader can accuse us of tricks and say that we exploit the figurative meaning when we select a synonym for the word “crossroads”. The reader, of course, as always, is perspicacious. But it seems to us that it would be better to have a choice and torment associated with it, than in the column “synonyms” we would have a lonely “crossroads”. And our list, which ends with foreign “multivariance”, gives free rein to fantasy and makes you think. Although, perhaps, the reader has a different opinion.

The Dilemma Against the Crossroads

Roads diverge

What else is important to say in the context of the topic? That the crossroads is a sign of the vastness of choice. If a person chooses between two possibilities, then this is more of a dilemma than a crossroads. Actually, the first syllable “di” hints quite transparently about this. It is more difficult with a crossroads, because it, as a rule, makes a person suffer harder and calculate several scenarios in the head that are associated with different phenomena and developments.

Not without reason, after all, a hero standing at a crossroads overlooks at least three roads. If we talk about figurative meaning, we can say: the dilemma is a logical development of the crossroads, that is, in the course of long and painful reflection, any spectrum of possibilities is reduced to two main ones. But such a development of events is by no means universal. A strong-minded person can immediately choose what is needed from the wealth of options provided to him.

The main thing here is to remember the following: the crossroads are more than two. By the way, the image of the intersection is perfect in order to understand what is at stake. It is important that there is a choice at all, sometimes there is no such luxury.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11299/

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