Professional meat cutting knives: features, selection rules

It is difficult to imagine an item of household utensil that would be used on the farm more often than a knife. Without this tool, it is impossible to prepare a full breakfast or lunch, but there can be no talk of a festive dinner. Everyone who loves and knows how to cook knows that it is impossible to overestimate the value of a good knife. Therefore, today a high-quality tool can be found in many kitchens.

Professional knives for cutting meat attract not only chefs of expensive restaurants. Despite the high price, they are popular among amateurs. The high cost is fully justified by the quality, and in terms of durability, good knives far exceed budget counterparts.

professional meat cutting knives

Our article will talk about their features and help you choose the best option for your kitchen.


Meat knives are available in several versions and are designed for different purposes. Along with highly specialized, there are universals with which you can perform a variety of manipulations. Which option to prefer? If the budget allows, and also has the skill of use and desire, it is better to prefer a set of several items. But even one high-quality knife in capable hands can work wonders. In any case, the choice is yours.

And to make it easier for you to decide, check out the list of the most common options.

  • Butcher knife for cutting meat has a small length and a bend of the blade at the handle. Using such a tool, it is convenient to separate the meat from the bones, remove the tendons.
  • The fillet knife is thin and flexible. This allows you to cope with pieces of irregular shape, cut the fillet into thin pieces. You can use the tool for cutting fish: with its help you can easily separate the strips of fillet from the spine.
  • The billhook knife is a convenient small hatchet, very convenient to use. With its help it is possible, for example, to cut a carcass of a bird into portioned pieces, cutting joints and bones.

meat boning knives

  • The knife for slices is intended for cutting ham, boiled pork, balyk. Small holes are located on the blade, thanks to which the cut pieces do not stick to the knife and are thin.

Electric knife

There is another variety, but it is so different from the previous ones that it makes sense to talk about an electric knife for cutting meat separately.

This device is so powerful that even frozen meat can be cut with it. He will cope with bones, but not too large, for example, turkey.

Most models operate on a rechargeable battery or ordinary AA batteries, and some of them are also equipped with the option of direct power supply from the mains.

electric meat cutting knife

An electric knife for meat can also be used for cutting fish, vegetables, fruits, cheese. Instruments are developed in such a way that the handle fits comfortably in the hand. The weight of the electric knife is small - 200-300 g.

What are meat knives made of?

For a long time, the best professional meat cutting knives were made of stainless steel. This metal is durable, resistant to mechanical damage. Steel knives hold sharpening perfectly and have a long shelf life.

Modern manufacturers offer another unusual option - ceramic knives. They are unusually sharp, so when working you must not forget about safety. But over time, such a tool will become dulled, but you cannot sharpen it. Cutting meat with such a knife on a wooden or ceramic board is undesirable; a silicone backing is needed. Another disadvantage is fragility: if you drop the knife, it will deteriorate.

shape of a knife for cutting meat

These are not all options. If you have a great desire and sufficient funds, you can order a knife from the master. Handmade forged tools are made of steel. The shape of the knife for cutting meat can be as you wish.

How to choose the best?

If you plan to purchase a professional meat cutting knife, trust the trusted manufacturers. The best among ceramic are Japanese knives.

Carbon steel knives are short-lived. The stainless steel is much more practical. Some manufacturers cover the blade with teflon - this extends the service life.

Before buying, consider the blade: it should not have nicks and bumps.

The handle should have a non-slip coating, it is convenient to lie down in the hand. If the knife is too light, you will have to put a lot more effort when cutting.

Storage and care

An excellent option is a special stand in which you can place kitchen cutting utensils as conveniently as possible. In addition, the look of this composition will be aesthetic and will fit perfectly into the interior of a modern kitchen.

Ceramic tools can not be stored together with steel - this will lead to chips and decay.

After working with meat, absolutely any knife should be washed immediately. Long-term storage of dirty tools, especially in water, is unacceptable.

Do not forget that professional meat cutting knives need to be washed only by hand, and then immediately wiped with a dry towel. Using a dishwasher can harm tools. With proper care, a good knife can serve faithfully for more than one year.


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