Monuments to the wives of the Decembrists: in Irkutsk, Tobolsk and Moscow

Even a century and a half later, the fate of women associated with the Decembrists leaves no one indifferent. They left the capital’s palaces, a quiet, comfortable life and went to Siberian penal servitude after their loved ones. These women have become for us a symbol of perseverance, dedication and loyalty. Monuments to the wives of the Decembrists can be found in Irkutsk and Tobolsk.

monument to the wives of the Decembrists


Decembrists are usually called those who on December 14, 1825 entered the St. Petersburg Senate Square in an attempt to overthrow the monarchist system and replace it with a parliamentary republic. Among the officers were representatives of the highest aristocracy and the richest ancient families of Russia, young generals, participants in recent victories over Napoleonic troops.

The rebels were severely punished: five were executed, more than 30 people were equated with state criminals, deprived of all civil rights and sent to Siberia to do hard labor, the rest were sent as ordinary soldiers to the Caucasian war or imprisoned. People who were the elite of society have become nothing.

Their wives

At the direction of Nicholas I, who entered the throne, the church gave the Decembrists' wives a quick divorce. Most women chose not to divorce. In this case, women were also expected to be punished. The imperial decree stated that those who follow the Decembrists of their own free will to Siberia are deprived of:

  • noble privileges;
  • all rights, property, inheritance and civil;
  • support of relatives;
  • mother did not have the right to take children to Siberia.

In Siberia, women were given a tiny allowance. They lived in peasant families, their husbands were seen no more than 2 times a week in the presence of the overseer, did not have the right to free movement and correspondence.

It should be noted that out of 121 Decembrists subjected to severe punishment, only 23 were married. 10 wives and 2 brides went to hard labor. They did not leave their mother and sister - there were seven of them.

The names of women are well known: E. Trubetskaya, M. Volkonskaya, A. Rosen, N. Fonvizina, P. Annenkov, K. Ivashev, A. Entaltsev, A. Muravyov, A. Davydov, E. Naryshkin, M. Yushnevskaya. They experienced cold, poverty, humiliation, not being guilty of anything other than their love and fidelity.

After 30 years, after the amnesty, five returned home with their husbands, three returned as widows. Three more women friends were buried in Siberia.

The selfless love and endless fidelity of these women deeply touch the hearts, so the idea to erect a monument to the wives of the Decembrists has appeared repeatedly.

Monument in Irkutsk

In 2011, a touching sculpture appeared in the center of Irkutsk. A fragile female figure stands on a small elevation and gazes intently into the distance. Next to her is a candlestick with burning candles. Either she is waiting for guests, or her husband who has long left ...

monument to the wives of the Decembrists in Irkutsk

The bronze figure was created by the architect Yu. Volchok and the sculptor M. Pereyaslavts, the prototype for the artists was one of the most beautiful women of her time, Maria Volkonskaya, who lived with her husband in Irkutsk since 1836.

The monument to the wives of the Decembrists, a little taller than human height, is surrounded by a bright square, nearby there is a manor where the Volkonsky family lived for several years.

The value of the monument for the city

The funds for creating the composition were allocated by a local businessman, and this is no less than 17 million rubles. A figure was casting in the city of Zhukovsky in the Moscow region, and the installation of a monument to the wives of the Decembrists in Irkutsk was timed to coincide with the 350th anniversary of the city.

The monument marked the beginning of a global reconstruction of the historical quarter in the city center, where the restoration of manor buildings of the 18th-19th centuries is planned, as well as the installation of the monument to the Decembrists themselves.

Tobolsk monument

Tobolsk became one of the Siberian towns where 15 Decembrists were allowed to settle after hard labor. This city has a sad memory - it was here, in the Zavalny cemetery, that the last refuge was found by three women who followed their husbands.

monument to the wives of the Decembrists tobolsk

The monument to the wives of the Decembrists in Tobolsk was placed near the historical cemetery in the Zhuravsky grove.

The low bronze figure of a woman in a ball gown is surrounded by snow-white columns, and it seems as if she is spinning in a waltz without feeling the approach of trouble.

Permian artists created the sculptural composition; it was installed in 2008.

Creation of Zurab Tsereteli

Another monument to the wives of the Decembrists was created by the famous Russian sculptor Zurab Tsereteli. The composition was presented in his Gallery of Art and was dedicated to the Year of the Family.

The author gave the sculptural group the philosophical name "Gate of Fate."

According to Tsereteli, he was impressed by the civic feat of these women and the power of love.

Description of the monument

The monument to the wives of the Decembrists Tsereteli is impressive. A huge, almost 5 m high prison wall. Deaf and hopeless. On the one hand, on the wall are the names of all executed and deportees, on the other, the famous lines of Alexander Pushkin addressed to a friend Ivan Pushchin.

monument to the wives of the Decembrists Tsereteli

In front of the wall are 11 women in ball gowns. Three-meter female figures have a portrait resemblance; it is easy to recognize those who followed their husbands to Siberia. They look at the audience with prayer, sadness, hope. Some have icons in their hands, others have children, whom they will soon leave.


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