Russian businessman Dorokhin Vladimir Vasilievich: biography, condition

Russian entrepreneurship is in a very difficult situation. In order to develop small and medium-sized businesses, they need professionals who can raise their business to a new level, attract investment flows and introduce innovative technologies. Today in Russia there are not many people who could make such a significant contribution to the economy. One of the high-quality business reformers is entrepreneur V.V. Dorokhin, whose activities we will meet today.

Russian entrepreneur

Who is Vladimir Dorokhin?

Vladimir Dorokhin is a well-known entrepreneur. He is also a former Deputy General Director for Commerce and Economics at Sheremetyevo Airport. Today, this person fully controls the activities of the ROEL group.

Dorokhin Vladimir Vasilievich

Personal life

Dorokhin Vladimir Vasilievich, whose biography is covered in mystery, was born on June 14, 1964. From his personal life, this is the only information that could be found out, but, of course, they were not hidden. To date, almost nothing is known about the private life of a talented entrepreneur, since he is skillfully fenced off from journalists. Well, you can understand him, but it would be interesting to learn more about his childhood and youth. In the yellow press one can often find provocative statements regarding Vladimir Vasilievich, but every successful person is forced to patiently endure such attacks from journalists chasing another sensation.

Activities at Sheremetyevo International Airport OJSC

The Russian entrepreneur begins his activities in 2002. It was then that he left the post of first deputy general director of Sheremetyevo Airport. He himself explained the reason for leaving as a difficult situation in managerial circles, which was caused by unverified information that the CEO was early terminating his powers. But this is the version of Vladimir Vasilyevich himself, and the board of directors of the Sheremetyevo airport says that Dorokhin was fired due to a serious disruption in the preparations for the airport for the winter season. In fact, it is believed that the reason for leaving was the struggle of top management for financial flows.

Dorokhin Vladimir Vasilievich Forbes

Further career

Since 1992, Vladimir Vasilievich Dorohin has held senior positions in various companies in the field of consulting, electrical and investment business. Already in 1994, he became vice-president of Ruselprom, and 10 years later he became the director of the holding of Ruselprom LLC.

The Russian businessman is also known for some scandals. Journalist A. Karaulov accused Dorokhin of raiding and withdrawing capital investments abroad. The evidence of A. Karaulov was very subjective, but an arbitration court was held. It was not possible to prove the guilt of V. Dorokhin, since no supporting information was found. After that, he was engaged in the reform of enterprises of various levels in the Voronezh, Vladimir, Sverdlovsk and other regions of Russia.

By 2002, Dorokhin Vladimir Vasilievich, whose condition was already decent then, was fully committed to direct investment projects, which brought him huge profits.

To date, the condition of Dorokhin V.V. is estimated by specialists at 740 million dollars.

Dorokhin Vladimir Vasilievich biography

ROEL Group

The group was created in April 1995 by Vladimir Vasilievich and his partners from the Institute for Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Physicotechnical Institute. Specialists create an investment and consulting group, which becomes the basis of ROEL.

ROEL is a whole group of companies, or rather, a Russian diversified corporation. The scope of activities of the combined companies is business development, issues of financial restructuring, business consulting, direct and venture investments, enterprise asset management, etc. In general, it can be understood that the range of interests of the ROEL group is very wide, significant and important. What does ROEL Group do? The corporation is committed to creating businesses with potentially high profitability, while investing significant amounts in their development in the early stages. Such activities are based on the introduction and use of innovation.

roel groups

ROEL Group is a team of professionals who can reform an existing enterprise, draw it out of debt and make it incredibly profitable. Also, the corporation can create a new business from scratch on request.

Composition of the group

This significant corporation includes 3 companies. It is impossible to single out the importance of any of them and put it higher than the others, since the contribution of all three components allows ROEL to provide truly high-quality services. Composition:

  1. ROEL Project Management deals with business project management. This company manages investments, deals with the company's debts, and restructures problem areas.
  2. ROEL Capital is engaged in financial management and attracts capital. Also, this company is engaged in the withdrawal of the enterprise into the financial market, the formation of venture and portfolio investment funds, etc.
  3. ROEL Consulting is engaged in strategic planning and advising public and private institutions. The company is recognized as one of the leaders in the consulting market in Russia.

The ROEL group also includes a complex of electrical enterprises, such as Ruselprom, Vladimir Textiles, Agrika Foods, Lesprom.


It is possible to list all the positions for a very long time, so let’s go through the main ones: the chairman of the board of directors at Roselprom, the National Technological Group, the charity fund Good Deed, a member of the Council of the Non-State Pension Fund, an assistant to the Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, a member of the Council on the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia, as well as the sole director of ROEL Group.

Scientific activity

It should be said that such a long career path can only be a person who really has knowledge, logic and talent behind him. Dorokhin Vladimir Vasilievich is a man of outstanding mind who knows how to control, analyze and draw conclusions. It is very difficult to find an economist of this level. Vladimir Vasilievich is a candidate of technical sciences and a member of the International Academy of Organizational Sciences. He received his candidate degree at the Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The entrepreneur's track record includes 5 scientific papers, 3 of which were written in 2002. Most likely, this is due precisely to the fact that this year Vladimir Vasilyevich’s very active activity in the field of innovative business falls, because in order to deploy your organization, you must have information from all sources. Combining all the most important, V. Dorokhin wrote three scientific papers of the highest quality in just one year.

Dorokhin Vladimir Vasilievich condition

What other merits does Vladimir Dorokhin hide? Forbes interviewed him in which the director of the ROEL group shared his experience in communicating with the Soviet economist A. Aganbegyan. It is known that the concern’s profit fell by 30%, which is why the director of ROEL turned to M. Gorbachev's adviser for help.

Summing up some of the results of the article, I want to note that in any conditions and under any circumstances, human resources are valued above all. We are not talking about brute physical strength, which is very much around - we are talking about educated people who are able to carry a huge burden on their shoulders and move the country's economy forward.


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