St. John's wort for hair (oil, broth, infusion): application, reviews

Every woman wants to be beautiful and well-groomed. Smooth skin, neat make-up, flawless hairstyle - all this adds up to a single picture and gives an idea of ​​a person. Moreover, if the makeup is easy enough to change, then if the hair has lost its appearance, then in one instant things can not be fixed. However, there is always a way out. If your hair has become dull and began to fall out, do not rush to despair and run to the store for expensive shampoos, masks and other care products. Try using St. John's wort. For hair, herbs are sometimes more useful than products of famous brands. Herbalists say that the mentioned plant is exactly that miraculous remedy that will help in the struggle for a beautiful hairstyle.

St. John's wort for hair

Traditional medicine or ready-made masks and rinses?

In stores today there is such an abundance of hair care products that the hand involuntarily reaches for them. Given the lack of time, cooking home masks and rinses seems blasphemy. However, the experience of many women shows that hand-made cosmetic products are sometimes more effective than professional care products. And the most useful is just St. John's wort for hair. Why?

How to explain this fact

This is logical, given that professional cosmetics are based on extracts of various plants and contain preservatives, and here your skin receives perfect nutrition from nature itself. St. John's wort for hair is the best herbal remedy. Since natural decoctions and lotions from herbs are perfectly absorbed, one should not be surprised that an ordinary, at first glance, plant, by its properties and healing effect, is a cut above the most expensive cosmetics. Therefore, do not be lazy to prepare hair care products at home, they are distinguished by their maximum benefits and a large number of vitamins.

hypericum oil properties and application

St. John's wort for hair - a universal assistant

It's no secret that each of us has a different hair type. Fatty and dry, thin and dull, brittle and split, they require an individual approach. We must not forget about the scalp. Sensitive, prone to dandruff, it causes a lot of problems, and the lack of proper care instantly affects the appearance of the hairstyle. Hypericum broth for hair is a universal remedy suitable for hair and scalp of any type. However, here there are subtleties that must be taken into account.

Hair Benefits

You can find this grass in a meadow or even in your garden. This weed grows rapidly and blooms beautifully, so that it can be grown even for decorative purposes. Our grandmothers also knew how powerful the grass is. They actively collected and used St. John's wort for hair. Reviews of modern beauties confirm that it is very difficult to find a safe and effective care product in the store. Meanwhile, it often grows under your feet, you just need to cook it correctly.

St. John's wort broth for hair

What are the properties of St. John's wort

  • The composition of the plant has a large number of antibacterial substances that are actively struggling with problems of the scalp. They eliminate oily and greasy cover, help eliminate itching.
  • A decoction of this herb is also very useful for nourishing the scalp. It is due to this that peeling and dandruff are eliminated.
  • Despite the fact that St. John's wort is primarily recommended for oily skin, its decoction helps to preserve moisture in the hair structure, which means it promotes effective hydration.
  • The problem of hair loss is familiar to most women. St. John's wort strengthens the hair bulb and restores its protective barrier. With a simple decoction, you can stop even a strong loss and make the curls thicker and healthier.
  • If you use a decoction of grass as a rinse, you will notice that the hair gains shine, radiance, firmness and elasticity. And when adding various components (oil, yolk, honey), the mask will help maintain the volume and shape of the hairstyle.

hypericum for hair reviews

We harvest raw materials

St. John's wort dry grass can be bought at a pharmacy or collect raw materials on their own in the summer. Dry it in the shade, waiting for complete dehydration. After that, you can shift the grass into a linen bag and brew as necessary. To prepare St. John's wort infusion for hair, you need to take a tablespoon of St. John's wort herb and pour a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, the resulting infusion should be filtered. Now you can use it by adding to the water when rinsing. Judging by the reviews, this is an ideal tool in order to close the scales and smooth the surface of the hair, to give curls smoothness and grooming.

Hypericum broth

Cooking it is even easier. To do this, take a tablespoon of dry grass and pour a liter of boiling water. Put the resulting mixture on fire and bring to a boil. Cool the broth and strain, now it can be used for its intended purpose. The tool is used to soften water, reduce the harmful effects of detergents on the hair structure and saturate them with vitamins along the entire length. Regular use of the decoction reduces the loss of strands and effectively fights against dandruff.

St. John's wort infusion for hair

How to maintain the properties of a fresh plant for the whole year

Of course, to collect and dry the grass, you need to have some knowledge, as well as free time. Hypericum oil for hair is a more interesting option. It is in this form that the healing composition preserves all vitamins and minerals. Oil can be bought at the pharmacy at any time of the year, which allows you to do without searching for raw materials. However, you can cook it yourself. Below we will tell you in detail how to do this.

Using such a product is much easier than fresh broth. He stands in the refrigerator for about a year, preserving all the original properties of the plant. You can add a little oil to your shampoo or nourishing hair mask at any time.

Cooking process

To do this, you will definitely need fresh raw materials. Do not try to make the oil of their dry grass - nothing will work. You need blooming flowers and leaves. It is necessary to collect the raw materials, put them in a jar and add any vegetable oil so that it covers the grass completely.

hypericum oil for hair

The jar must be closed with a lid and put in the sun. The longer the workpiece stays in the hot sun, the better the final product will turn out. Be sure to stir the composition every day. After about a month, you need to squeeze the grass and pour the oil into a dark glass bottle. It must be stored in the refrigerator. The base can be sunflower or linseed, olive or any other oil. Basic cedar, apricot, peach or jojoba are also well suited for these purposes, but its cost is much higher.

The properties

The resulting oil is an excellent sedative that promotes skin regeneration. Moreover, it is one of the most powerful antioxidants to date. St. John's wort in the oil helps prevent skin aging. It is absorbed very quickly and does not leave greasy marks.

If you have excessively sensitive scalp, then St. John's wort oil is an ideal option for caring for it. The properties and application of this precious composition are described in all manuals for oily hair care. It is an excellent moisturizer that prevents moisture loss and skin infections. That is why it is recommended to use a mask with hypericum oil for oily seborrhea.

St. John's wort infusion for hair

The use of precious oil

Depending on the type of hair, the method of applying the composition may vary somewhat. Owners of oily hair are ideally suited for a duet of almond oil and St. John's wort, with the addition of a few drops of patchouli oil. If you are concerned about seborrhea and dandruff, then mix one part sesame oil and three parts St. John's wort. Add a couple drops of tea tree oil. These masks can be applied to dirty hair, rubbing into the scalp. After 30 minutes, the healing composition must be washed off with water and the usual shampoo. For dry hair, you can use oil along with yolk and milk cream.

However, these are not the only correct recipes; you can also use St. John's wort oil in a different way. We described the properties and uses of this product very briefly. Healing oil is additionally used to restore color, accelerate hair growth. Curls with this treatment quickly acquire a healthy shine and strength.


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