How to sober up in an hour at home?

A planned celebration or a sudden meeting with friends is almost always accompanied by drinking alcohol. And even drinking a small amount of alcohol can cause a morning hangover. It’s good if the weekend is ahead and you have time to sleep off and recover. If after the feast you need to go to work or solve other pressing issues, you just need to know how to sober up in an hour .

How to sober up with a slight intoxication

There are several fairly simple ways by which, without being very drunk, you can solve the problem of how to sober up in an hour at home.

  • In very cold water, moisten a terry towel and intensively rub the earlobes. This will increase blood circulation and speed up the process of sobering.
  • You can come to a quick sobering up with light intoxication by eating a few slices of citrus fruits (anyway, which are lemon, orange, and grapefruit). If there are no fruits at home, you can replace them with several tablets of vitamin C.
  • The general condition of the body will also help restore contrast shower and strong sugar-free coffee.
  • In the morning you can make a light run.

If simple home remedies are not very effective, you can turn to medications.

how to sober up in 1 hour

Pharmacy Tools

In search of ways and means, how to sober up in an hour , go to the pharmacy. Drugs that help sober up quickly are constantly updated and are becoming more effective. The pharmacist will probably recommend one of the following drugs:

  • Alka-Seltzer is a popular product based on acetylsalicylic acid, soda and citric acid. To the effect came quickly, you need to drink several tablets at a time.
  • Activated carbon is a very powerful tool for detoxifying the body. To achieve the desired result, drink at least eight tablets.
  • To reduce the effect of intoxication and quickly bring a person to a normal state, the drug “Antipohmelin” can. It is based on succinic and fumaric acids, as well as glutamic and ascorbic acids. It has a strong anti-alcohol effect.
  • Diuretics are also recommended. They block the absorption of alcohol mucosa. And the most effective way to combat intoxication is to prevent the absorption of alcohol into the blood.

If you know in advance that you may come home drunk, make sure that in your first-aid kit there are funds with which you do not have to think long about how to sober up at home .

how to sober up in an hour

Home recipes

To solve the problem of how to sober up from alcohol and regain clarity of thinking, you can use some proven home recipes.

  • Make tea from ordinary peppermint, and if there is no dried grass, you can dilute 20 drops of tincture in a glass of water. If you drink the drink immediately, the headache and feeling of heaviness will quickly disappear.
  • You can brew strong tea by adding ginger and honey to it. This drink is also able to quickly restore your clarity of consciousness.
  • You can still cook the combined mixture by mixing kefir with lemon juice and tablets of activated carbon in the amount of 8-10 pieces. Drink the prepared composition immediately.
  • A great way to quickly deal with alcohol intoxication is to dilute four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. So that the drink does not seem too acidic to you, you can sweeten it with sugar or honey.

how to sober up at home

Chicken Egg Cocktails

Sometimes the degree of intoxication is so strong that it is better to shift the decision on what to do to sober up to home. Each house will surely have chicken eggs, and on their basis you can prepare truly miraculous sobering cocktails. Let's consider several options.

  • You need to take one egg yolk and mix it with three drops of lemon juice and one drop of vegetable oil. Then add two more teaspoons of tomato paste and add a little black and red ground pepper. Drink the resulting cocktail in one gulp. Taste sensations will not be the most pleasant, but you will feel relief almost immediately.
  • Take the same ingredients as in the first cocktail, only add a teaspoon of cognac instead of lemon, mix everything well. Again, drink in one gulp.
  • Mix one raw egg with a glass of tomato juice, add a little grated ginger and black pepper.

You can just drink one raw egg, but it will be effective with a slight degree of intoxication. In the case of a clear "bust" of alcoholic beverages, it is better to use one of the egg cocktail recipes.

How to sober up in an hour. The most effective methods

Let's look at a few more ways that will speed up the sobering process.

  • The most effective, of course, is the complete removal of alcohol from the stomach. But this method will only help if you have taken alcohol recently. To do this, try to induce vomiting. If this is difficult for you, you can provoke it with hot salty coffee. True, vomiting leads to dehydration. Therefore, you need to fill the body with fluid. Good for this is Borjomi mineral water.
  • If the person is already very drunk, it would be nice to clean the stomach with soda. To do this, one tablespoon of soda must be diluted in one liter of boiled water at room temperature. Well, drink as much as you can. After this procedure, be sure to take activated carbon at the rate of one tablet per 10 kilograms of weight, and then another aspirin tablet.

how to sober up from alcohol

How to sober up for a short time

It is important to know that any attempt to sober up at home does not completely eliminate intoxication, but only temporarily leads the nervous system to increased tone. Therefore, it makes sense to take such attempts in the case when you need a short time to maintain clarity of mind (for example, in an hour you plan to complete several work that has begun). So, how to sober up in 1 hour , what is most effective for this?

  • Use various stimulating drinks - strong tea or strong coffee.
  • Take a cold shower or wash yourself well with cold water.
  • Use food-grade acid to deactivate blood alcohol - citric or ascorbic.
  • You can chew bay leaf - it also stimulates well.
  • You can breathe ammonia vapor.

Some of the considered methods will be considered in more detail.

how to sober up in an hour at home

How to sober up in an hour with tea or coffee

If you decide to use tea or coffee for sobering, this is a very strong drink.

  • To make strong coffee, take at least four full teaspoons of the powder in a large cup of water (at least two hundred grams).
  • Tea is prepared in a very dark color, almost opaque so that the bottom is not visible.

However, it must be remembered that drinks with such a strength can lead to high blood pressure. And if you have problems with pressure, it’s better to use other methods.

what to do to sober up

Soaking with food acids or ammonia

Let's consider in more detail two more ways to sober up in an hour .

  • To begin with, we must know that any acid, reacting with alcohol, leads to its decomposition into simple compounds. For example, ascorbic acid for the sobering process will need approximately 2.5 grams per 70 kilograms of body weight. To obtain a solution of the desired concentration in a glass of water you need to add a teaspoon without a hill of this product.
  • To sober up with liquid ammonia, it is recommended to take a few breaths over an open bubble with this agent. Ingestion of ammonia is strictly prohibited.

Products to help sober up quickly

It is important to know that there are products that have a good sobering effect.

  • For example, 200 grams of honey eaten at a time will well remove intoxication.
  • Sour-milk products, such as fresh kefir or bifidok, also give a good sobering effect when intoxicated. Although now, instead of a sufficiently thick kefir, Ayran and Tan liquid fermented milk drinks are becoming increasingly popular.

how to sober up from alcohol


Before you intend to have a good drink at any event, learn a few rules to avoid excessive intoxication:

  • try to smoke less, as nicotine enhances the effects of alcohol;
  • do not mix alcohol with sugary drinks - they also contribute to increased intoxication;
  • before drinking the first glass, eat something satisfying, because on an empty stomach the effect of strong drinks is enhanced several times.

It is necessary, while still sober, to analyze your capabilities, so that later you do not have to think about how to quickly sober up from alcohol. Indeed, instead of looking for ways to solve the problem, it is better not to create it.


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