What is human degradation: concept, causes and symptoms

Degradation is the antithesis of the word progress. OhDanny term is used in various fields, and psychology is no exception. What is the degradation of man, personality? For what reasons is it happening?

Degradation is ...

What is human degradation

The term “degradation” is far from recognized by all psychologists and psychiatrists. It is usually used to indicate noticeable deterioration in the quality of an object. Using this concept with respect to man, one can distinguish intellectual, social, professional, spiritual degradation, as well as some other varieties of regression.

Degradation is synonymous with the word "deterioration." If a person began to do worse with his work - he is degrading. Degradation can also be called a loss of interest in life in general. In a normal mental state, each of us should be cheerful and active. With degradation, a person feels completely different. This condition can be a symptom or complication of a number of mental illnesses. How does degradation manifest itself?

Signs of degradation

It’s not difficult to understand that a person is degrading, just by talking to him. If the situation is not entirely critical, you can notice the symptoms of this process at home. One of the most alarming signals is a decrease in mental abilities. This is the same state when thinking hard and even solving simple problems requires serious stress. Often there is also a slowdown in thought processes and a loss of critical thinking ability.

What is human degradation , and how to understand that your friend is degrading? Memory impairment, difficulty concentrating and perceiving new material are also signs of negative change. Disability, reduced interest in social and personal life - such symptoms can be a manifestation of degradation. An alarming sign is also a depletion of the emotional sphere, a disregard for relatives and friends. With degradation, positive personality traits are less and less manifested, replaced by the development of negative ones. Even the manner of speaking is changing. A degrading person uses slang, parasitic words, profanity, vocabulary is much poorer.

The most striking signs of degradation are a marked deterioration in appearance, the individual ceases to monitor himself. Untidiness, neglect of the basic rules of personal hygiene, unwillingness to care for themselves is a sign of a depressed moral state. Against the backdrop of degradation, many people have bad habits, a craving for gambling and other psychological addictions. If you find at least 1-2 of the listed signs in the object under study, it's time to think about helping him.

Causes of personality degradation

Degradation of society

One of the most common causes of degradation in the modern world is loneliness. Curiously, even a person surrounded by caring relatives and friends can be lonely. With a shortage of productive communication and positive emotions, without having like-minded people, each of us feels like we do not need anyone. Such a condition is ideal soil for degradation.

Loss of interest in life is also a cause of degradation. Strong emotional upheavals, protracted depression or significant negative changes in life can be the starting point for the onset of personality regression. No less common causes of degradation: alcoholism, drug addiction, craving for gambling and other types of addictions. Sometimes quite successful people begin to degrade, often it begins at the moment of achieving "absolute" success. It is difficult to continue development without goals and the right motivation. Symptoms of degradation are observed during age-related crises, as well as when changing the rhythm of life, for example, for young mothers on maternity leave or for older people upon retirement.

How to understand that a person is degrading?

Degradation synonym

Many of the symptoms listed above are noticeable even with superficial communication. If you want to make sure that a person is degrading, just talk to him. Remember that in this condition, people negatively relate to outside interventions. A manifestation of participation and a desire to help can be perceived extremely negatively. Having noticed the symptoms of degradation, you should try to rationally assess the degree of the problem. It is helpful to make your own list of symptoms. This list will help you identify the most problematic aspects and draw up a quality rehabilitation plan.

Self-medication or professional help?

“Am I degrading?” - if you think about it, the situation is not completely hopeless. Carefully re-read the list of symptoms suggested above and identify the most obvious for yourself. The best and only effective remedies for degradation are self-development and self-education. If you want to become better and prevent self-recourse, you should work on yourself constantly. The degradation process usually proceeds with a decrease in interest in life, loss of activity and a complete breakdown. It is for this reason that defeating degradation alone is not always easy.

Try to communicate more often with successful and active people, you can sign up for some kind of self-development training. If you think that a person’s spiritual degradation is occurring, you might consider turning to the church for help. Unbelieving people can be helped by philosophical practices. When it seems that it is impossible to return to a full life on your own, you should think about turning to a psychologist.

How to act if one of your loved ones is degrading? A person in a similar condition can react negatively to open offers of help. Provided that the situation does not seem critical to you, you can try to help in unobtrusive ways. Try to interest a sick person in life: offer to read new books, invite to various events and walks.

Your mind needs training!

Why do people degrade

The degradation of society is observed today in many countries. You can change the situation by starting with your own life. Try to think and move more - because this is the best prevention of degradation. Try to get rid of meaningless entertainment. Limit time on watching TV shows, reading the yellow press and other dubious literature. Remember that your mind, like muscles, needs constant training. Try to solve logical problems, regularly solve crosswords and puzzles.

Why do people degrade, because education is accessible today, as never before? With around-the-clock access to encyclopedic knowledge, many of us are really not interested in learning. But it is the receipt of new information and the process of remembering it is an excellent charge for the mind. Try to read more, and consciously remember what you read. When reading fiction it is useful to ponder the plot, evaluate the identities of the characters and try to predict events or come up with alternative endings. Such simple intellectual training brings incredible benefits!

Movement is life!

The spiritual degradation of man

If you do not want to find out by personal example what human degradation is, try to be active always. Regular walks, playing sports - all this will make your life shine with new colors. Remember, maybe you have long wanted to try some unusual kind of fitness or do some dancing? Do not deny yourself this pleasure! People who are easy on the rise are especially positive and cheerful. Accustom yourself to agree to all interesting spontaneous invitations. Try more often to be in the nature, in city parks, and also to visit cultural and entertaining places.

Degradation is a synonym for regression and deterioration. In order to prevent it, it is necessary to constantly develop. Go to the theater or cinema, to exhibitions and other events. Discover new genres and trends in art.

Caring for yourself and others

Degradation process

It is difficult to be happy and content with your own life if you are not used to loving yourself. Take care of yourself regularly and delight yourself with pleasant little things. The degradation of society in the modern world is clearly manifested in the untidiness of people, they do not care about their attitude to themselves and others. If you do not like spending time on complex cosmetic procedures - do not force yourself. But compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene should be your habit. Keep track of your mood and condition. Try to optimally distribute mental and physical stress, avoiding overvoltage. Positive emotions and a sense of self-worth are given by caring for others. You can do charity work, take care of an old neighbor or friend who is in a difficult life situation.

The secret to a happy life is the right motivation

Causes of degradation

Why are we living? This question has worried humanity since time immemorial. Do not seek to answer it for everyone, but try to find meaning in your own life. Set goals for yourself and make plans. It is advisable that your aspirations be diverse and diverse. It is unreasonable to wish only material success, expressed in the acquisition of some valuable things. Strive to gain new knowledge and skills, achieve professional heights.

It is also useful to make plans for every day. This will help organize yourself. You will never know what human degradation is if you look forward to a new and interesting day.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C1135/

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